Karsten Dunger

Institute of Forest Ecosystems
Alfred-Möller-Straße 1, Haus 41/4216225 Eberswalde
- Telephone
- +49 3334 3820 328
- Fax
- +49 3334 3820 354
- karsten.dunger@thuenen.de
Head of Forest resources and climate protection, working group Data/ models
Forest Monitoring
Coordinator of Forest resources and climate protection:
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting
- Biomass estimates
- Soil Carbon
- forest development and timber resource modelling
- Emissions due to forest fires
- Inventory Study 2008
- Capacity Development for forest-related Greenhouse Gas Inventories (CD REDD II)
- Policy advice
- IT-consulting and development
- Planning, desing and administration of IT-infrastructure
- Databases and software
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