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Institute of

AK Climate-Smart Agriculture


Christopher Poeplau, Roland Prietz, Axel Don: Plot-scale variability of organic carbon in temperate agricultural soils - Implications for soil monitoring

Christian Brümmer et al.: Reactive nitrogen fluxes over peatland and forest ecosystems using micrometeorological measurement techniques

Map of campaign locations and setup pictures

Pascal Wintjen et al.: Forest–atmosphere exchange of reactive nitrogen in a remote region – Part I: Measuring temporal dynamics

Juan Carlos Quezada, Thomas Guillaume, Christopher Poeplau et al.: Deforestation-free land-use change and organic matter-centered management improve the C footprint of oil palm expansion

The EC flux measurements course is part of the AK Micrometeorology working group’s project activities in South Africa. The aim is to facilitate better use of existing EC data in Southern Africa and support the initiation of new projects.

Dr. Roland Fuß explains the new method for calculation of nitrous oxide emissions from agriculture. This method will be used for upcoming national emission inventories. The emissions are lower than assumed previously.

Caroline Buchen-Tschikale and Johannes Kühne represented their project in Berlin.

Leonor Rodrigues et al.: Achievable agricultural soil carbon sequestration across Europe from country-specific estimates

Amanda Grobe et al.: Recommendations for successful establishment of Sphagnum farming on shallow highly decomposed peat

New publication

Yi Cheng et al.: Application of enhanced-efficiency nitrogen fertilizers reduces mineral nitrogen usage and emissions of both N2O and NH3 while sustaining yields in a wheat-rice rotation system

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