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© Johanna Fick
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Institute of

LV Rural Studies


The Thünen Institute of Rural Studies is strongly represented at this year's 41st Congress of the German Sociological Association.

Logo of the 41st Congress of the German Sociological Association

With the "Thünen Research Award 2021 for an excellent target group oriented work" the Society of Friends of the Thünen Institute (GdF) awarded the authors of a thematic issue on Rural Areas on September 19, 2022.

The award-winning authors with bouquets of flowers

were among the topics of this year's spring workshop of the Working Group on Structural Policy of the German Evaluation Society (DeGEval), which took place on 30 June and 1 July at the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research in Vienna.

Event room, above it the logo of DeGEval and the event date.

Prof. Dr. Peter Weingarten has been appointed by Federal Minister Cem Özdemir for a renewed, third term of office on the Advisory Council on Rural Development (SRLE) at the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.


Peter Weingarten

What are member states planning for the new CAP funding period? Regina Grajewski, Pia Rehburg and Stefan Becker, researchers at the Thünen Institute of Rural Studies, provide a comparative view of the draft CAP strategic plans.

The map of EU member states shows the financial scope of the interventions and their breakdown on EAFRD interventions per member state in pie charts.

On May 16, 2022, the Committee on Food and Agriculture of the German Bundestag dealt with the request of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group "Helping Ukraine now and in the future, securing worldwide food supplies and making European and German agriculture crisis-proof" in a public hearing.

Statement of the individual expert Dr. Norbert Röder

Prof. Dr. Peter Weingarten, Director of the Thünen Institute of Rural Studies, has been appointed by Federal Minister Cem Özdemir to the Scientific Advisory Board on Agricultural Policy, Nutrition and Consumer Health Protection (WBAE) for a renewed term of office.

Peter Weingarten

On 28 January, PD Dr. Tuuli-Marja Kleiner, senior scientist at the Thünen Institute of Rural Studies, was elected as a member of the steering group of the BBE's Civil Society Research Working Group for a term of 3 years.

Dr. habil. Tuuli-Marja Kleiner

On Jan. 21, 2022, Melanie Rühmling successfully defended her dissertation thesis titled "Staying in rural areas: Staying lifestyles using the example of women in rural areas in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania" at the University of Rostock.

Melanie Rühmling

Dr. Patrick Küpper, scientist at the Thünen Institute of Rural Studies, was elected as an academy member for ten years by the general meeting of the Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL) on November 25, 2021.

Patrick Küpper

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