Overview of different methods to catch wild boar used in Germany. Background and Objective Die Schwarzwildbestände in Deutschland liegen auf Rekordhöhe und wachsen – trotz hoher Jahresjagdstrecken – s
Project Effects of historical land-use on grassland communities Lead Institute BD Institute of Biodiversity © Thünen-Institut/BD Does the structure and composition of landscapes in the 19th and 20th c
Project Modelling of landscape resistances for different species groups Lead Institute BD Institute of Biodiversity © Thünen-Institut/BD Landscapes can impede dispersal of species to various degrees.
Acquisition and development of methods, activity data and emission factors for the climate reporting under LULUCF/AFOLU Drained peatlands account for 2-5% of the total German greenhouse gas emissions.
Within the scope of the FACCE JPI MACSUR we examine the effects of land use and climate change on the humus contents of agricultural soils in Europe and integrate advanced approaches into crop models.
Project Pathways of N2O production and associated isotope effects in arable and grassland soils with special emphasis on the distinction between fungal and bacterial denitrification Lead Institute AK
All Publications of Florian Freund 0 Springmann M, Freund F (2022) Options for reforming agricultural subsidies from health, climate, and economic perspectives. Nature Comm 13:82, DOI:10.1038/s41467-0
Dr. Florian Freund Institut für Marktanalyse Bundesallee 63 38116 Braunschweig Telephone +49 531 596 5338 Fax +49 531 596 5399 Email Fields of Activity Model-based Policy Imp
Publications of Dr. Rattiya S. Lippe 0 Brooks M, Lippe RS, Waibel H (2020) Comprehensive data quality studies as a component of poverty assessments [online]. Hannover: Thailand Vietnam Socio Economic
Ana P. Leite Montalvão Sieker Landstraße 2 22927 Großhansdorf PhD student in the 'poplar dioecy' project Since 2018: PhD student in the ' poplar dioecy ' project 2016-2018: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master