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Institute of

OF Baltic Sea Fisheries

Dr. Daniel Oesterwind

Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries

Alter Hafen Süd 2
18069 Rostock
+49 381 66099 124
+49 381 66099 199

Fields of Activity

Research interests

  • Impact of fishing activities on ecosystems
  • Impact of Offshore Windfarms
  • Coastal fish ecosystem
  • Nutrient ecology
  • Cephalopod biology in fisheries context
  • Biodiversity
  • Impact of invasive species
  • Red List
  • EU-Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)

Scientific Background

since 2012: Senior scientist at the Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries, Rostock
2010 - 2012: PostDoc at the Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries, Rostock
2007 - 2010: PhD at the University of Kiel and at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel, sponsored by a scholarship of the German Federal Environmental Foundation "Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt"
Member of the "Integrated School of Ocean Science" at GEOMAR, Kiel
2004 – 2008: Scientific diver for various underwater projects
2003 – 2005: Business Studies at Kiel University
2001 - 2007: Studies of Biology at Kiel University

Publications (peer reviewed, Thünen)

  1. 0

    Schäfer F, Oesterwind D, Sell AF, Kammann U (2024) Fatty acid analyses reveal differences in feeding ecology of North Sea squids that overlap in time and space. Food Webs 40:e00355, DOI:10.1016/j.fooweb.2024.e00355

  2. 1

    Lipsky A, Silva A, Gilmour F, Arjona Y, Hogan F, Lloret J, Bolser D, Haase S, Oesterwind D, Brink T ten, Roach M, Ford K (2024) Fisheries independent surveys in a new era of offshore wind energy development. ICES J Mar Sci: Online First, May 2024, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsae060

  3. 2

    Hammerl C, Möllmann C, Oesterwind D (2024) Identifying fit-for purpose methods for monitoring fish communities. Front Mar Sci 10:1322367, DOI:10.3389/fmars.2023.1322367

  4. 3

    Bobowski BTC, Power AM, Burns F, Carbonara P, Cuccu D, Donnaloia M, Follesa MC, Moreno A, Sokolova IM, Valls M, Oesterwind D (2024) Stock discrimination of two European squids (Illex coindetii, Loligo forbesii) by statolith shape analysis. Fish Manag Ecol 31(3):e12689, DOI:10.1111/fme.12689

  5. 4

    Henseler C, Oesterwind D (2023) A comparison of fishing methods to sample coastal fish communities in temperate seagrass meadows. Mar Ecol Progr Ser 715:91-111, DOI:10.3354/meps14347

  6. 5

    Bobowski BTC, Power A-M, Pierce GJ, Moreno A, Iriondo A, Valeiras J, Sokolova IM, Oesterwind D (2023) Cephalopods, a gap in the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive and their future integration. Mar Biol 170(3):26, DOI:10.1007/s00227-022-04148-2

  7. 6

    Sheerin E, Power AM, Oesterwind D, Haak D, Abad E, Barnwall L, Petroni M, Sobrino I, Valeiras J, Allcock AL (2023) Evidence of phenotypic plasticity in Alloteuthis media (Linnaeus, 1758) from morphological analyses on North Sea specimens and DNA barcoding of the genus Alloteuthis Wülker, 1920 across its latitudinal range. Mar Biol 170(3):35, DOI:10.1007/s00227-023-04178-4

  8. 7

    Oesterwind D, Piatkowski U (2023) Stomach content analysis of North Sea cephalopods: often-overlooked predators with direct impact on commercially used fish species? Mar Biol 170(8):101, DOI:10.1007/s00227-023-04236-x

  9. 8

    Lewin W-C, Dorow M, Henseler C, Oesterwind D, Weltersbach MS, Strehlow HV (2023) Temporal development of fish communities in brackish lagoons of the Baltic Sea considering the invasion of the non-indigenous round goby (Neogobius melanostomus). Reg Studies Mar Sci 62:102953, DOI:10.1016/j.rsma.2023.102953

  10. 9

    Haase S, Dorrien C von, Kaljuste O, Plantener N, Sepp E, Stelzenmüller V, Velasco A, Oesterwind D (2023) The rapid expansion of offshore wind farms challenges the reliability of ICES-coordinated fish surveys - insights from the Baltic Sea. ICES J Mar Sci: in Press, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsad124

  11. 10

    Oesterwind D, Köhler L, Paar M, Henseler C, Kriegl M, Gogina M, Schubert H, Arbizu PM (2023) Trophic ecology and seasonal occurrence of two Red List fish species in the Western Baltic Sea - two of a kind? Mar Biodiv 53(5):60, DOI:10.1007/s12526-023-01368-7

  12. 11

    Vega C de la, Paar M, Köhler L, Dorrien C von, Kriegl M, Oesterwind D, Schubert H (2023) Trophic redundancy in benthic fish food webs increases with scarcity of prey items, in the Southern Baltic Sea. Front Mar Sci 10:1143792, DOI:10.3389/fmars.2023.1143792

  13. 12

    Oesterwind D, Barrett CJ, Sell AF, Núñez-Riboni I, Kloppmann MHF, Piatkowski U, Wieland K, Laptikhovsky V (2022) Climate change-related changes in cephalopod biodiversity on the North East Atlantic Shelf. Biodiv Conserv 31(5-6):1491-1518, DOI:10.1007/s10531-022-02403-y

  14. 13

    Sheerin E, Barnwall L, Abad E, Larivain A, Oesterwind D, Petroni M, Perales-Raya C, Robin J-P, Sobrino I, Valeiras J, O’Meara D, Pierce GJ, Allcock AL, Power AM (2022) Multi-method approach shows stock structure in Loligo forbesii squid. ICES J Mar Sci 79(4):1159-1174, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsac039

  15. 14

    Göpel A, Oesterwind D, Barrett C, Cannas R, Caparro LS, Carbonara P, Donnaloia M, Follesa MC, Larivain A, Laptikhovsky V, Lefkaditou E, Robin J-P, Begona Santos M, Sobrino I, Valeiras J, Valls M, Vieira HC, Wieland K, Bastrop R (2022) Phylogeography of the veined squid, Loligo forbesii, in European waters. Sci Rep 12:7817, DOI:10.1038/s41598-022-11530-z

  16. 15

    Santos J, Stepputtis D, Oesterwind D, Herrmann B, Lichtenstein U, Hammerl C, Krumme U (2022) Reducing cod bycatch in flatfish fisheries. Ocean Coastal Manag 220:106058, DOI:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2022.106058

  17. 16

    Behrens JW, Ryberg MP, Einberg H, Eschbaum R, Florin A-B, Grygie W, Herrmann JP, Huwer B, Hüssy K, Knospina E, Noomaa K, Oesterwind D, Polte P, Smolinski S, Udzups D, van Deurs M, Ojaveer H (2022) Seasonal depth distribution and thermal experience of the non-indigenous round goby Neogobius melanostomus in the Baltic Sea: implications to key trophic relations. Biol Invasions 24:527–541, DOI:10.1007/s10530-021-02662-w

  18. 17

    Laptikhovsky V, Allcock AL, Barnwall L, Barrett C, Cooke G, Drerup C, Firmin C, Lozach S, MacLeod E, Oesterwind D, Petroni M, Robin J-P, Sheerin E, Power A-M, Pierce GJ (2022) Spatial and temporal variability of spawning and nursery grounds of Loligo forbesii and Loligo vulgaris squids in ecoregions of Celtic Seas and Greater North Sea. ICES J Mar Sci 79(6):1918-1930, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsac128

  19. 18

    Lishchenko F, Perales-Raya C, Barrett C, Oesterwind D, Power AM, Larivain A, Laptikhovsky V, Karatza A, Badouvas N, Lishchenko A, Pierce GJ (2021) A review of recent studies on the life history and ecology of European cephalopods with emphasis on species with the greatest commercial fishery and culture potential. Fish Res 236:105847, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105847

  20. 19

    Laptikhovsky V, Cooke G, Barrett C, Lozach S, MacLeod E, Oesterwind D, Sheerin E, Petroni M, Barnwall L, Robin J-P, Allcock AL, Power AM (2021) Identification of benthic egg masses and spawning grounds in commercial squid in the English Channel and Celtic Sea: Loligo vulgaris vs L. forbesii. Fish Res 241:106004, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2021.106004

  21. 20

    Henseler C, Oesterwind D, Kotterba P, Nordström MC, Snickars M, Törnroos A, Bonsdorff E (2021) Impact of round goby on native invertebrate communities - An experimental field study. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 541:151571, DOI:10.1016/j.jembe.2021.151571

  22. 21

    Kriegl M, Elias Ilosvay XE, Dorrien C von, Oesterwind D (2021) Marine protected areas: At the crossroads of nature conservation and fisheries management. Front Mar Sci 8:676264, DOI:10.3389/fmars.2021.676264

  23. 22

    Barrett CJ, MacLeod E, Oesterwind D, Laptikhovsky V (2021) Ommastrephid squid spawning in the North Sea: oceanography, climate change and species range expansion. Scientia Marina 85(1):49-56, DOI:10.3989/scimar.05065.005

  24. 23

    Köster F-W, Huwer B, Kraus G, Diekmann R, Eero M, Makarchouk A, Örey S, Dierking J, Margonski P, Herrmann JP, Tomkiewicz J, Oesterwind D, Kotterba P, Haslob H, Voss R, Reusch TBH (2020) Egg production methods applied to Eastern Baltic cod provide indices of spawning stock dynamics. Fish Res 227:105553, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105553

  25. 24

    Helmond ATM van, Mortensen LO, Plet-Hansen KS, Ulrich C, Needle CL, Oesterwind D, Kindt-Larsen L, Catchpole T, Mangi S, Zimmermann C, Olesen HJ, Bailey N, Bergsson H, Dalskov J, Elson J, Hosken M, Peterson L, McElderry H, Ruiz J, Pierre JP, et al (2020) Electronic monitoring in fisheries: Lessons from global experiences and future opportunities. Fish Fisheries 21(1):162-189, DOI:10.1111/faf.12425

  26. 25

    Oesterwind D, Bobowski BTC, Brunsch A, Laptikhovsky V, Hal R van, Sell AF, Pierce GJ (2020) First evidence of a new spawning stock of Illex coindetii in the North Sea (NE-Atlantic). Fish Res 221:105384, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2019.105384

  27. 26

    Henseler C, Kotterba P, Bonsdorff E, Nordström MC, Oesterwind D (2020) Habitat utilization and feeding ecology of small round goby in a shallow brackish lagoon. Mar Biodiv 50:Art. 88, DOI:10.1007/s12526-020-01098-0

  28. 27

    Oesterwind D, Schaber M (2019) First evidence of Illex coindetii (Vérany, 1839) in the Baltic Sea and the Kattegat. Thalassas 36:143-147, DOI:10.1007/s41208-019-00178-8

  29. 28

    Florin A-B, Hüssy K, Blass M, Oesterwind D, Puntila R, Udzups D, Albrecht C, Heimbrand Y, Knospina E, Koszarowski K, Odelström A (2018) How old are you - Evaluation of age reading methods for the invasive round goby (Neogobius melanosomus, Pallas 1814). J Appl Ichthyol 34(3):653-658, DOI:10.1111/jai.13596

  30. 29

    Wiegleb J, Kotterba P, Hammer C, Oesterwind D (2018) Predation of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus Pallas, 1814) on Atlantic herring eggs in the Western Baltic Sea. Mar Biol Res 14(9-10):989–1003, DOI:10.1080/17451000.2019.1577977

  31. 30

    Reusch TBH, Dierking J, Andersson H, Bonsdorff E, Carstensen J, Casini M, Czajkowski M, Hasler B, Hinsby K, Hyytiäinen K, Johannesson K, Jomaa S, Jormalainen V, Kuosa H, Kurland S, Laikre L, Oesterwind D, Schwarz G, et al (2018) The Baltic Sea as a time machine for the future coastal ocean. Sci Adv 4(5):eaar8195, DOI:10.1126/sciadv.aar8195

  32. 31

    Kotterba P, Moll D, Hammer C, Peck M, Oesterwind D, Polte P (2017) Predation on Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) eggs by the resident predator community in coastal transitional waters. Limnol Oceanogr 62(6):2616-2628, DOI:10.1002/lno.10594

  33. 32

    Kotterba P, Moll D, Nordheim L von, Peck M, Oesterwind D, Polte P (2017) Predation on larval Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) in inshore waters of the Baltic Sea. Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 198:1-11, DOI:10.1016/j.ecss.2017.08.017

  34. 33

    Oesterwind D, Bock C, Förster A, Gabel M, Henseler C, Kotterba P, Menge M, Myts D, Winkler HM (2017) Predator and prey: the role of the round goby Neogobius melanostomus in the western Baltic. Mar Biol Res 13(2):188-197, DOI:10.1080/17451000.2016.1241412

  35. 34

    Probst WN, Rau A, Oesterwind D (2016) A proposal for restructuring descriptor 3 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Mar Policy 74:128-135, DOI:10.1016/j.marpol.2016.09.026

  36. 35

    Oesterwind D, Rau A, Zaiko A (2016) Drivers and pressures - untangling the terms commonly used in marine science and policy. J Environ Manag 181:8-15, DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.05.058

  37. 36

    Köster F-W, Huwer B, Hinrichsen HH, Neumann V, Makarchouk A, Eero M, Dewitz B von, Hüssy K, Tomkiewicz J, Margonski P, Temming A, Hermann J-P, Oesterwind D, Dierking J, Kotterba P, Plikshs M (2016) Eastern Baltic cod recruitment revisited - dynamics and impacting factors. ICES J Mar Sci 74(1):3-19, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsw172

  38. 37

    Oesterwind D, Piatkowski U, Brendelberger H (2015) On distribution, size and maturity of shortfin squids (Cephalopoda, Ommastrephidae) in the North Sea. Mar Biol Res 11(2):188-196, DOI:10.1080/17451000.2014.894246

  39. 38

    Probst WN, Oesterwind D (2014) How good are alternative indicators for spawning-stockbiomass (SSB) and fishing mortality (F)? ICES J Mar Sci 71(5):1137-1141, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst207

    Publications (previous)

    1. 0

      Oesterwind D, ter Hofstede R, Harley B, Brendelberger H, Piatkowski U (2010) Biology and meso-scale distribution patterns of North Sea cephalopods. Fish Res 106(2):141-150, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2010.06.003

    2. 1

      Guerra C, Piatkowski U, Robin J-P, Koueta N, Bloor I, Oesterwind D, Regueira M (2010) In response to ToR b : review and report on innovative cephalopod research results in the ICES area, with particular emphasis on (I) studies on paralaval (ELS,ELS) ecology and physiology and (II) experimental studies on possible effects of climate change. ICES WGCEPH Rep 2010:14-20

    More publications (Thünen)

    1. 0

      Henseler C, Oesterwind D (2024) FishNet Ostsee 2020-2023 : Monitoring der Küstenfischfauna in der schleswig-holsteinischen Ostsee ; Projektbericht. Rostock: Thünen-Institut für Ostseefischerei, 60 p

    2. 1

      Laptikhovsky V, Oesterwind D, Perales-Raya C (eds) (2024) Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History (WGCEPH - outputs from 2023 meeting). Copenhagen: ICES, iv, 69 p, ICES Sci Rep 6(62), DOI:10.17895/

    3. 2

      Henseler C, Oesterwind D (2023) FishNet Ostsee - Entwicklung eines Küstenfischmonitorings für die Ostseeküste Schleswig-Holsteins (2020-2021) : Projektbericht. Rostock: Thünen-Institut für Ostseefischerei, 42 p

    4. 3

      Thor P, Naddafi R, Nadolna-Altyn K, Oesterwind D, Henseler C, Behrens JW, Erlandsson M, Florin A-B, Jakubowska-Lehrmann M, Jaspers C, Lehtiniemi M, Putnis I, Quirijns F, Rakowski M, Rozenfelde L, Udzups D, Wandzel T, Witalis B, Wozniczka A (2023) Invasive species in the Baltic Sea and their impact on commercial fish stocks. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, xvii, 63 p, DOI:10.2926/175875

    5. 4

      Gill A, De Backer A, Oesterwind D, Gudbergsson G, Steenbergen J, Bolognini L, Smith S, van Hoof L (2023) Monitoring offshore wind farms: a research gap and policy brief. IJmuiden: EFARO, 10 p

    6. 5

      Dickey-Collas M, Schmidt J, Albaina A, Alger B, Anstead K, Bailey J, Ballesteros M, Batsleer J, Baudron A, Beazley L, Bekaert K, Bellas J, Bentley J, Blackadder L, Bloor I, Borges L, Oesterwind D, Pohlmann J-D, Stransky C, Taylor MH, et al (2023) Report from the Annual Meeting of Expert Group Chairs (WGCHAIRS). Copenhagen: ICES, ii, 28 p, ICES Bus Rep 3(14), DOI:10.17895/

    7. 6

      Moreno A, Oesterwind D, Pierce G, Abad E, Ainsworth GB, Akselrud C, Allcock L, Badouvas N, Baker K, Barrett C, Bobowski BTC, Carreira X, Certain G, Dinis D, Escanez A, Fotiadis N, Ganias K, Golikov A, Gonzalez AF, Gonzalez Gomez R, et al (2023) Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History (WGCEPH; Outputs from 2022 meeting). Copenhagen: ICES, 163 p, ICES Sci Rep 5(1), DOI:10.17895/

    8. 7

      Hare JA, Gill A, Lipsky A, Haynie A, Copping AE, Kannen A, Kenny A, Muench A, Gimpel A, Aguera Garcia A, Karp B, Vogel C, Frank C, Schrum C, Oesterwind D, Wood D, Willsteed E, Machado I, Haase S, Stelzenmüller V, et al (2023) Workshop on a research roadmap for offshore and marine renewable energy (WKOMRE). Copenhagen: ICES, iii, 32 p, ICES Sci Rep 5(56), DOI:10.17895/

    9. 8

      Oesterwind D, Matos FL, Abad E, Certain G, Fotiadis N, Gonzales Á, Laptikhovsky V, Lishchenko F, Moreno A, Monteiro S, Montero C, Moustahfid H, Pierce GJ, Power AM, Robin J-P, Seixas S, Valeiras J (2022) CM 112: Spatial distribution of cephalopods of the European Shelf and their associated oceanographic parameters based on occurrence in standardized demersal fishing trawls. In: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ed) ICES 2022 Theme session I - Invertebrate life in three-dimensional habitat. ICES Annual Science Conference 2022, Dublin, Ireland. Copenhagen: ICES, p 8, DOI:10.17895/

    10. 9

      Sheerin E, Barnwall L, Abad E, Oesterwind D, Petroni M, Sobrino I, Valeiras J, Power AM, Allcock L (2022) CM 197: Genetic and morphological assessment of Alloteuthis species in the North East Atlantic. In: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ed) ICES 2022 Theme session I - Invertebrate life in three-dimensional habitat. ICES Annual Science Conference 2022, Dublin, Ireland. Copenhagen: ICES, p 14, DOI:10.17895/

    11. 10

      Hammerl C, Oesterwind D (2022) CM 287: Methods used in monitoring fish communities and what we can learn from it for Baltic Sea no-take zones. In: ICES 2022 Theme session O - Methodologies to assess the impact of offshore wind development on fishery data collections. ICES Annual Science Conference 2022, Dublin, Ireland [book of abstracts]. Copenhagen: ICES, p 14, DOI:10.17895/

    12. 11

      Henseler C, Oesterwind D (2022) CM 296: Coastal fish communities - a comparison of fishing methods. In: ICES 2022 Theme session R - Scientific advances under ICES Science Plan. ICES Annual Science Conference 2022, Dublin, Ireland [book of abstracts]. Copenhagen: ICES, p 38

    13. 12

      Behrens JW, Oesterwind D, Bergström U, Borcherding J, Carruel G, Florin A-B, Green L, Henseler C, Jusufovski D, Lilja J, Moran NP, Mosegaard H, Naddafi R, Noomaa K, Ojaveer H, Olsson J, Pedersen EM, Puntila-Dood R, Putnis I, Rozenfelde L, et al (2022) Workshop on stickleback and round goby in the Baltic Sea (WKSTARGATE). Copenhagen: ICES, 56 p, ICES Sci Rep 4(77), DOI:10.17895/

    14. 13

      Robin J-P, Abad E, Larivain A, Pierce GJ, Power A-M, Valeiras J, Dinis D, Gonzales Á, Iriondo A, Laptikovsky L, Larivain A, Macho G, Montero C, Moreno A, Oesterwind D, Perales-Raya C, Petroni M, Pierce G, Rocha A, Sobrino I (2021) EU Interreg Cephs & Chefs Project: Fisheries summaries report; Deliverable WP 4.2 [online]. Brussels: European Commission, 28 p, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 06.02.2023]

    15. 14

      Pierce GJ, Robin J-P, Moreno A, Oesterwind D, Abad E, Badouvas N, Fotiadis N, Gonzalez AF, Iriondo A, Juarez A, Karatza A, Laptikhovsky V, Larivain A, Lefkaditou E, Lishchenko F, Matos FL, Monteiro S, Perales-Raya C, Petroni M, Piatkowski U, et al (2020) Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History (WGCEPH; outputs from 2019 meeting). Copenhagen: ICES, 121 p, ICES Sci Rep 2(46), DOI:10.17895/

    16. 15

      Oesterwind D, Barrett CB, Bobowski BTC, Brunsch A, Laptikhovsky V, Visconti V (2019) Trial study about age reading of North Sea squids. In: Interim Report of the Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History (WGCEPH), 5–8 June 2018, Pasaia, San Sebastian, Spain : ICES CM 2018/EPDSG: 12. Copenhagen: ICES, pp 188-194

    17. 16

      Allegaert W, Bach P, Barkai A, Bryan J, Cowan B, Fraga A, Garcia E, Goienetxe OE, Gonzalez O, Hager M, Hetherington S, Holah H, Kavanaugh J, Keaton J, Kilburn R, Linden D, McAfee B, McElderry H, McGuire C, Oesterwind D, et al (2019) Working Group on Technology Integration for Fishery-Dependent Data (WGTIFD). Copenhagen: ICES, 28 p, ICES Sci Rep 1(46), DOI:10.17895/

    18. 17

      Puntila R, Strake S, Florin A-B, Naddafi R, Lehtiniemi M, Behrens JW, Kotta J, Oesterwind D, Putnis I, Smolinski S, Wozniczka A, Ojaveer H, Lozys L, Uspenskiy A, Yurtseva A (2018) Abundance and distribution of Round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) [online]. HELCOM Baltic Sea Environ Fact Sheets 2018:1-10, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 23.08.2018]

    19. 18

      Margonski P, Andersson H, Dewitz B von, Eero M, Hinrichsen HH, Jonsson P, Kotta J, Köster F, Lehtiniemi M, MacKenzie BR, Middelboe AL, Oesterwind D, Ojaveer H, Orav-Kotta H, Reusch TBH, Skov H, Winder M, Zaiko A, Zydelis R, et al (2018) Report on evaluation framework for holistic management - summary of the concept, requirements and management implications. BIO-C3 Deliverable, D5.3. EU Bonusproject BIO-C3. 43 p, DOI:10.3289/BIO-C3_D5.3

    20. 19

      Köster F, Huwer B, Kraus G, Diekmann R, Eero M, Orey S, Dierking J, Margonski P, Oesterwind D, Herrmann JP, Tomkiewicz J, Makarchouk A (2018) WD. 12 Application of the egg production method to estimate stock trends and spawning stock biomass. ICES WKIDEBCA report 2018:1-3

    21. 20

      Lehtiniemi M, Bonsdorff E, Funk SC, Herlevi H, Huwer B, Jaspers C, Kotta J, Kotterba P, Lesutiene J, Margonski P, Mattern S, Niemax J, Nurske K, Oesterwind D, Ojaveer H, Puntila R, Skabeikis A, Smolinski S, Temming A, Törnroos A, Warzocha J (2017) Report assessing the effects of key NIS on ecosystem functioning. 196 p, DOI:10.3289/BIO-C3_D2.3

    22. 21

      Andersson H, Almroth Rosell E, Hordoir R, Kotta J, Kotterba P, MacKenzie BR, Nordheim L von, Oesterwind D, Siaulys A, Skov H, Wahlströhm I, Zaiko A (2017) Report on dynamics of benthic and pelagic habitats in space and time under different driver forcing, including identification of vulnerable habitats. 30 p, DOI:10.3289/BIO-C3_D3.4

    23. 22

      Zaiko A, Calkiewicz J, Eero M, Dorrien C von, Kuosa H, Klais R, Lehtiniemi M, Margonski P, Oesterwind D, Ojaveer H, Rau A, Reusch TBH, Törnroos A, Warzocha J, Winder M (2017) Response of biodiversity indicators to management measures (test of indicators). EU Bonusproject BIO-C3, 72 p, DOI:10.3289/BIO-C3_D5.1

    24. 23

      Winder M, Asterhag E, Bernreuther M, Bleckner T, Bonaglia S, Bonsdorff E, Brüchert V, Burian A, Dierking J, Downing A, Dutz J, Griniene E, Fey DP, Griffiths JR, Gårdmark A, Hajdu S, Hammer C, Herrmann Joachim, Kotterba P, Oesterwind D, et al (2016) Food webs under changing biodiversity - Top-down control. BIO-C3 Deliverable, D2.2. 40 p, DOI:10.3289/BIO-C3_D2.2

    25. 24

      Winder M, Berghoff L, Burian A, Clemmesen C, Dutz J, Fey DP, Golz A, Huwer B, Margonski P, Middelboe AL, Neuenfeldt S, Nielsen J, Oesterwind D, et al (2016) Report on effects of changing drivers on pelagic and benthic species composition and production : BIO-C3 Deliverable, D2.1. ; EU Bonusproject BIO-C3. 129 p, DOI:10.3289/BIO-C3_D2.1

    26. 25

      Goetz S, Oesterwind D, Zimmermann C (2016) Report on the German Catch Quota Management trial 2012 - 2014. Rostock: Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries, 28 p

    27. 26

      Jonsson P, Hinrichsen HH, Kotta J, Kotterba P, Middelboe AL, Oesterwind D, Bonsdorff E (2016) Report on the importance of connectivity as a driver of biodiversity (populations, species, communities, habitats). EU Bonusproject BIO-C3, 187 p, DOI:10.3289/BIO-C3_D3.3

    28. 27

      Oesterwind D, Dewitz B von, Döring R, Eero M, Goti L, Kotta J, Nurske K, Ojaveer H, Rau A, Skov H, Stepputtis D, Zaiko A (2016) Review on patterns and dynamics of drivers of biodiversity (species, communities, habitats) across Baltic Sea ecosystems in space and time including socio-economy : BIO-C3 Deliverable, D3.1. 102 p, DOI:10.3289/BIO-C3_D3.1

    29. 28

      Reusch TBH, Dierking J, Köster F-W, Temming A, Winder M, Ojaveer H, Kuso H, Zaiko A, Middelboe AL, Jonsson P, Oesterwind D, Andersson H, Bonsdorff E, et al (2016) Second BONUS Bio-C³ periodic report, 01.01.2015 – 31.12.2015 [online]. 118 p, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 21.11.2016]

    30. 29

      Gröger JP, Zimmermann C, Hanel R, Kraus G, Cisewski B, Damerau M, Goetz S, Hammann S, Hielscher NN, Illig B, Krau F, Oesterwind D, Reiser S (2015) Anpassung und Weiterentwicklung von innovativen, nicht-invasiven Monitoringsystemen und Auswerteverfahren für die Fischereiforschung (AutoMAT) : Endbericht. 33 p

    31. 30

      Henseler C, Bock C, Kotterba P, Winkler H, Oesterwind D (2015) Biology, abundance and feeding ecology of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in the eastern German Baltic. Book of Extended Abstracts: ICES Annual Science Conference 2015, 21.09. – 25.09. Copenhagen, Denmark. Copenhagen: ICES, 2 p

    32. 31

      Hastie LC, Pierce GJ, Moreno A, Jereb P, Lefkaditou E, Oesterwind D, Tasende MG, Piatkowski U, Allcock AL (2015) Cephalopod biology and fisheries in European waters: species accounts : chapter 13, Alloteuthis subulata, European common squid. ICES Coop Res Rep 325:155-166

    33. 32

      Piatkowski U, Zumholz K, Lefkaditou E, Oesterwind D, Jereb P, Pierce GJ, Allcock AL (2015) Cephalopod biology and fisheries in European waters: species accounts. Chapter 16: Todarodes sagittatus, European flying squid. ICES Coop Res Rep 325:193-205

    34. 33

      Piatkowski U, Zumholz K, Jereb P, Seixas S, Oesterwind D, Lefkaditou E, Allcock AL, Pierce GJ, Katugin O (2015) Cephalopod biology and fisheries in European waters: species accounts. Chapter 19: Gonatus fabricii, Boreoatlantic armhook squid. ICES Coop Res Rep 325:229-238

    35. 34

      Reusch TBH, Dierking J, Köster F-W, Temming A, Winder M, Ojaveer H, Kuso H, Zaiko A, Middelboe AL, Jonsson P, Oesterwind D, Andersson H, Bonsdorff E, et al (2015) First BONUS Bio-C³ periodic report, 01.01.2014 – 31.12.2014 [online]. 50 p, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 21.11.2016]

    36. 35

      Temming A, Niemax J, Zaiko A, Aiaulis A, Törnroos A, Clemmesen C, Jaspers C, Oesterwind D, Bonsdorff E, Mittermayer F, Kuosa H, Ojaveer H, Behrens JW, Peters J, Renz J, Kotta J, Dutz J, Lehtiniemi M, Winder M, Kotterba P, et al (2015) Review of environmental factors influencing distributions of selected Baltic species. BIO-C3 Deliverable, D1.1. EU Bonusproject BIO-C3. 75 p, DOI:10.3289/BIO-C3_D1.1

    37. 36

      Oesterwind D, Kotterba P (2015) Zwischenbericht BONUS Ecosystem Verbundprojekt Bio-C3. 14 p

    38. 37

      Oesterwind D, Goetz S, Zimmermann C (2014) Report on the German catch quota management trial 2012 & 2013 : December 2014 report. Rostock: Thünen-Institut für Ostseefischerei, 27 p

    39. 38

      Oesterwind D, Kotterba P (2014) Zwischenbericht BONUS Ecosystem Verbundprojekt Bio-C3. 7 p

    40. 39

      Hastie LC, Allcock AL, Jereb P, Lefkaditou E, Moreno A, Oesterwind D, Pierce GJ (2013) Alloteuthis subulata, European common squid, Chapter 4. In: Rosa R, Pierce GJ, O'Dor RK (eds) Advances in squid biology, ecology and fisheries. New York: Nova Science Publishers

    41. 40

      Jakobsen K, Jakobsen J, Oesterwind D (2013) LULA 1000 - the new scientific eye on the Azorean deep sea squids. CIAC Newsl(6):4-6

    42. 41

      Oesterwind D, Psuty I, Pachur M, Dorrien C von, Lejk AM, Casini M, Larson N (2013) Proportion of large fish in the community. In: HELCOM (ed) HELCOM core set of biodiversity and hazardous substances core indicators. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission, Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, pp 196-207

    43. 42

      Oesterwind D, Zimmermann C (2013) Wie können Beifänge von Seevögeln und Meeressäugern in der stillen Fischerei mit ausreichender Genauigkeit erhoben werden? Fischerei Fischmarkt MV(4):34-36

    44. 43

      Arrendal J, Birzaks J, Boedeker D, Brzeska P, Bucas M, Böttcher U, Chernova N, Dorrien C von, Oesterwind D, et al (2012) Checklist of Baltic Sea Macro-species. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission, 203 p, Baltic Sea Environ Proc 130

    45. 44

      Shephard S, Dransfeld L, Greenstreet SPR, Guijarro-Garcia E, Oesterwind D, Officer R, Reid DG (2012) Combining multiple surveys to derive regional-scale assessment of the status of fish communities from subregional-scale datasets. ICES CM Doc 2012/G:01

    46. 45

      Oesterwind D (2012) Lebe schnell, stirb’ jung : Chamäleons der Meere. In: Wefer G, Schmieder F, Neuhoff S von (eds) Tiefsee - Expeditionen zu den Quellen des Lebens. Bremen: MARUM - Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften der Universität Bremen, pp 148-153

    47. 46

      Oesterwind D, Zimmermann C (2012) Preliminary Report on the German Catch Quota Management trial 2012 : Zwischenbericht. 16 p

    48. 47

      Oesterwind D, Psuty I, Pachur M, Dorrien C von, Leijk A (2012) Proportion of large fish in the fish community : HELCOM working document. 3 p

    49. 48

      Oesterwind D (2012) Tintenfische im Nahrungsnetz Nordsee. Jahresber Dt Bundesstiftung Umwelt:52

    50. 49

      Oesterwind D, Krumme U, Zimmermann C (2012) Zwischenbericht 2011: Pilotstudie zur Dokumentation von Seevogel und Meeressäugerbeifängen in der Stellnetzfischerei der Fischereigenossenschaft Freest im Gebiet um Rügen. Rostock: Thünen-Institut für Ostseefischerei

    51. 50

      Oesterwind D (2011) Biology and feeding ecology of major North Sea Cephalopods. ICES WGCEPH Rep 2011:116-117

    52. 51

      Bloor I, Gras M, Keyl F, Oesterwind D, Pierce GJ, Seixas S (2011) Review and report on innovative cephalopod research results in the ICES area, with particular emphasis on (i) studies on paralaval (ELS, ELS) ecology and physiology and (ii) experimental studies on possible effects of climate change. ICES WGCEPH Rep 2011:18-26

    53. 52

      Oesterwind D (2011) Untersuchungen zur Populationsbiologie und Nahrungsökologie von Cephalopoden der Nordsee und ihr Einfluss auf die (Fisch)-Fauna. IV, 245 p, Kiel, Univ, Diss, 2011


      Fiorentino D., Núñez-Riboni I., Oesterwind D., Pierce M.E., Akimova A. (2023). Improving selection of fish habitat models for climate studies. Effect of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans, Bergen Norway, 17.-21.04.2023

      Henseler, C., Oesterwind, D. (2022): Round goby and stickleback distribution at the coast of Schleswig-Holstein (Germany). ICES WKSTARGATE, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2022

      Sheerin E., Barnwall L., Abad E., Oesterwind D., Petroni M., Sobrino I., Valeiras J, Power A.M., Allcock L. (2022).  Genetic and morphological assessment of Alloteuthis species in the North East Atlantic. ICES Annual Science Conference, Ireland, September 2022

      Pierce, G.J., Abad, E., Ainsworth, G., Allcock, A.L., Bobowski, B.T.C., Oesterwind, D., et al. (2022): Management for sustainable cephalopod fisheries in Europe: what are the options? ICES Annual Science Conference, Ireland, September 2022

      Oesterwind, D., Matos, F., Abad, E., Carreira, X.A. et al. (2022): Spatial distribution of cephalopods of the European Shelf and their associated oceanographic parameters based on occurrence in standardized demersal fishing trawls. ICES Annual Science Conference, Ireland, September 2022

      Henseler, C., & Oesterwind, D., (2022): Coastal Fish Communities – a Comparison of Fishing Methods. ICES Annual Science Conference, Ireland, September 2022

      Haase S., Kaljuste, O., Plantener N., Sepp E., Velasco A., Oesterwind D., (2022): Impact of offshore windfarms and marine protected areas on ICES coordinated surveys in the Baltic Sea. ICES Annual Science Conference, Ireland, September 2022

      Laptikhovsky, V., Allcock, L., Cooke, G., Lozach, S., Oesterwind, D., Robin, J.-P.,Pierce, G.J.: Spatial and temporal structure of life cycle of Loligo forbesii and Loligo vulgaris in ecoregions of Celtic Seas and Greater North Sea. CIAC, Sesimbra, Portugal, 04. – 08-04.2022.

      Robin, J.-P., Pierce, G.J., Power, A.M., Moreno, A., Oesterwind, D., Laptikhovsky, V., Santurtún, M.: On the importance of fine scale analyses in Cephalopod population studies. CIAC, Sesimbra, Portugal, 04. – 08-04.2022.

      Pierce, G.J., Abad, E., Ainsworth, G., Allcock, L., Bobowski, B.T.C., Gonzalez, A.F., Gras, M., Hendrickson, L.C., Iriondo, A., Laptikhovsky, V., Larivain, A., Lishchenko, F., Longo, K., Macho, G., Matos, F., Monteiro, S., Montero-Castaño, C., Moreno, A., Moustahfid, H., Oesterwind, D., Pita, C.B., Roa-Ureta, R., Robin, J.-P., Roumbedakis, K., Seixas, S., Sobrino, I., Valeiras, J., Villasante, S., Power, A.M.:Management for sustainable cephalopod fisheries in Europe: review and recommendations. CIAC, Sesimbra, Portugal, 04. – 08-04.2022.

      Pierce, G.J., Abad, E., Allcock, L., Badouvas, N., Barrett, C., González-Gómez, R., Hendrickson, L., Lefkaditou, E., Lonsdale, J., Matos, F., Moustahfid, H., Oesterwind, D., Perales-Raya, C., Pita, C., Power, A.M., Roumbedakis, K., Seixas, S., Valeiras, J., Villasante, S., Laptikhovsky, V., Robin, J.-P., Lishchenko, F.: Impacts of anthropogenic activities on cephalopods. CIAC, Sesimbra, Portugal, 04. – 08-04.2022.

      Oesterwind, D., Barrett, C.J., Sell, A.F., Núñez-Riboni, I., Kloppmann, M., Piatkowski, U., Wieland, K., Laptikhovsky, V. (2022): Climate change-related changes in cephalopod biodiversity on the North East Atlantic Shelf. CIAC, Sesimbra, Portugal, 04. – 08-04.2022.

      Pierce, G.J., Oesterwind, D. et al. (2021): Cephalopod Fisheries in European waters: stock assessment, forecasting and management. 4th International Congress on Applied Ichthyology, Oceanography & Aquatic Environment, Virtual, 04. – 06.11.2021

      Paar, M.; Kriegl, M.; Köhler, L.; Oesterwind, D.; von Dorrien, C.; Schubert, H. (2021): Food web organisation of the fish community reflects prey availability in two protected areas of the western Baltic Sea. Baltic Sea Science Conference, Aarhus, Dänemark, 18. – 22.10.2021.

      Oesterwind et al. (2021). How to bring light into the stock identification of squids. ICES annual Science Conference 2021, Kopenhagen (online) 06. - 10.09.2021.

      Shereen, E., Barnwall, L., Abad, E., Larivain, A., Oesterwind, D., Petroni, A., Perales Raya, C., Robin, J.-P., Sobrino, I., Valeiras, J., Pierce, G.J., Allcock, A.L., Power, A.M. (2021) Multi-method approach show stock structure in Loligo forbesii. ICES annual Science Conference 2021, Kopenhagen (online) 06. - 10.09.2021

      Pierce, G.J., Robin, J.-P., Oesterwind, D. et al. (2021). Long-term abundance trends in European cephalopods. Biology and ecology. World Fisheries Congress, Adelaide, Australia, 20. – 24.09.2021.

      Oesterwind et al. (2021). How to bring light into the stock identification of squids. ICES annual Science Conference 2021, Kopenhagen (online) 06. - 10.09.2021.

      Shereen, E., Barnwall, L., Abad, E., Larivain, A., Oesterwind, D., Petroni, A., Perales Raya, C., Robin, J.-P., Sobrino, I., Valeiras, J., Pierce, G.J., Allcock, A.L., Power, A.M. (2021) Multi-method approach show stock structure in Loligo forbesii. ICES annual Science Conference 2021, Kopenhagen (online) 06. - 10.09.2021.

      Oesterwind, D., Laptikhovsky, V., Sell, A. (2019). Changes in North Sea Cephalopod fauna and their commercial landings. ICES Annual Science Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden. 09. – 12.09.20

      Pierce, G.J., Robin, J.-P., Oesterwind, D. et al. (2019). Status and trends of European cephalopod stocks. ICES Annual Science Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden. 09. – 12.09.2019

      Mortensen, L., van Helmond, A., Plet-Hansen, K.S., Ulrich, C., Needle, C.L., Oesterwind, D., Kindt-Larsen, L., Catchpole, T., Mangi, S., Zimmermann, C., Olesen, H.J., Bailey, N., Bergsson, H., Dalskov, J., Elson, J., Hosken, M., Poos, J.J. (2018): European experiences on the use of remote electronic monitoring (REM). ICES Annual Science Conference 2018, Hanburg, Germany. 24-27.09.2018

      Köster, F., Huwer, B., Kraus, G., Diekmann, R., Eero, M., Makarchouk, A., Orey, S., Dierking, J., Margonski, P., Herrmann, J.P., Tomkiewicz, J., Oesterwind, D., Kotterba, P., Teschner, E., Voss, R. (2018): Application of the egg production method to estimate stock trends and spawning stock biomass of Eastern Baltic cod ICES Annual Science Conference 2018, Hanburg, Germany. 24-27.09.2018

      Oesterwind, D., Rau, A., Zaiko, A. (2017): Drivers and Pressures - Untangling the terms commonly used in marine science and policy. BONUS Symposium , Kiel, Germany, 27.06.2017

      Kotterba, P., Polte, P., Moll, D., von Nordheim, L., Hammer, H., Oesterwind, D., Peck, M. A. (2017): Atlantic herring Clupea harengus within the coastal food web of shallow inshore waters. International Symposium Drivers of dynamics of small pelagic fish resources, Victoria, Kanada, 06. -11.03.2017

      Mortensen, L.O., Schreiber Plet-Hansen, K., Bailey, N., Catchpole, T., Dolder, P.J., van Helmond, E., Kempf, A., Needle, C.L., Oesterwind, D., Poos, J.J., Zimmermann, C., Ulrich, C. (2016): Does one glove fit all. A review of Remote Electronic Monitoring as a document tool. IIFET, Aberdeen, UK, 11.07. – 15.07.2016

      Oesterwind, D., Bock, C., Förster, A., Gabel, M., Henseler, C., Kotterba, P., Menge, M., Myts, D., Winkler, H., (2016): Predator and prey; the role of Neogobius melanostomus in the western Baltic. Round Goby Workshop, Tallin. 25.06.2016

      Henseler, C., Bock, C., Kotterba, P., Winkler, H. & Oesterwind, D. (2015): Biology, abundance and feeding ecology of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in the eastern German Baltic. In: ICES Annual Science Conference 2015, 21.09. – 25.09. Copenhagen, Denmark

      Oesterwind, D., Jakobsen, K., Jakobsen, J., (2013): LULA 1000 – The new scientific eye on the Azorean deep sea. In: World Congress of Malacology 2013, 21.07. – 28.07.2013, Ponta Delgada, Azoren, Portugal

      Oesterwind, D. (2012): One question, two answers? A comparison between primary and secondary fish stock indicators to be used within the EU MSFD. In: 2nd ICES/PICES Conference for Early Career Scientists Ocean of Change 2012, 24.04. - 27.04. 2012, Mallorca, Spain.

      Oesterwind, D. & Piatkowski, U. (2011): Squid in the North Sea: a new effective top predator with potential impact on fish recruitment and ecosystem shift. In: ICES Annual Science Conference 2011, 19.-23.09.2011, Gdansk, Poland.

      Oesterwind, D. & von Dorrien, C. (2011): The application of MSFD indicators in the Baltic Sea: How good are they? Large Fish Indicator in the western Baltic. In: ICES Annual Science Conference 2011, 19.-23.09.2011, Gdansk, Poland.

      Oesterwind, D. (2010). Faszination Tintenfisch. Internationales Maritimes Museum Hamburg, Germany

      Oesterwind, D. (2010). Die faszinierende Welt der Tintenfische. Meeresmuseum Stralsund, Germany

      Oesterwind, D.,  Brendelberger, H., Piatkowski, U. (2009): On the distribution and feeding ecology of major North Sea squids. In: Cephalopod International Advisory Council Symposium, 08.09.2009, Vigo, Spain


      Vladimir Laptikhovsky, Gavan Cooke, Christopher Barrett, Sophie Lozach, Eleanor MacLeod, Daniel Oesterwind, Edel Sheerin, Michael Petroni, Leigh Barnwall, Jean-Paul Robin, Louise Allcock Anne Marie Power: Identification of demersal egg masses and spawning grounds in commercial squid in the Northwest European waters: Loligo vulgaris vs L. forbesii. Association for Cephalopod Research 2020 Virtual Event, September 16-21, 2020

      Pierce, G.J., Robin, J.-P., Oesterwind, D. et al., (2019) Assessment of cephalopods in European waters: state of the art and way forward. ICES Annual Science Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden. 09. – 12.09.2019

      Laptikhovsky, V., Barret, C., Oesterwind, D. (2018): Summer-spawning Loligo vulgaris in the North Sea: the story of a disappeared stock or changed reproductive patterns? Cephalopod International Advisory Council Conference, St. Petersburg, USA. 12 – 16.11.2018

      Kotterba, P., Moll., D., von Nordheim, L., Hammer, C., Peck, M.A., Oesterwind, D., Polte, P. (2016): Predator impact on inshore Baltic herring (Clupea harengus) larvae: Lions, tigers and bears – but where?  European Marine Biology Symposium  2016, 26.09. – 30.09. Rhodes, Greece

      Winkler, H., Kotterba, P. & Oesterwind, D. (2015): Round Goby: A story of invasion success in the Baltic. In: ICES Annual Science Conference 2015, 21.09. – 25.09. Copenhagen, Denmark

      Oesterwind, D., Voskamp, J., Götze, C., Michelsen, H. & Zimmermann, C. (2015): Das Anlandegebot – und nun? In: Deutscher Fischereitag 2015, 25.08. –27.08.2015, Rostock, Deutschland

      Gröger, J., Zimmermann, C., Hanel, R., Kraus, G., Cisewski, B., Dammerau, M., Götz, S., Hamann, S., Hielscher, N., Illig, B., Krau, F., Oesterwind, D., Reiser, S. (2014): AutoMat: Innnovative, nicht-invasive Monitoringsysteme und Auswerteverfahren für die Fischereiforschung. Innovationstage Bonn 2014

      Oesterwind, D. & Zimmermann, C. (2013): Big brother is sampling -  rare seabird and mammal bycatch in Baltic Sea passive fisheries – automated data acquisition to inform MSFD indicators. ICES Annual Science Conference 2013, 23.09. - 27.09.2013, Reykjavik, Island

      Oesterwind, D., & Piatkowski, U. (2012). Overlooked consumers? Long-finned squid are important predators in the North Sea. Cephalopod International Advisory Council Symposium, 27.10. - 02.11.2012, Florianópolis, Brazil

      Probst, W. N. & Oesterwind, D. (2012). The usefulness of secondary fish stock indicators regarding the MSFD descriptor 3. ICES Annual Science Conference 2012, 17.09. - 21.09.2012, Bergen, Norway

      Oesterwind, D. & Brendelberger, H. (2008). Wachstum von juvenilen Großmuscheln im Freiland und unter künstlichen Bedingungen. DGL-Symposium, Konstanz, Germany

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