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Ökologischer Betrieb
© BLE, Bonn/Thomas Stephan
Ökologischer Betrieb
Institut für

BW Betriebswirtschaft

Bücher, Berichte, Herausgeberschaften

Arbeitsberichte von Gerald Schwarz

  1. 0

    Schwarz G, Stojacic I, Riedel A, Fosselle S, Bijttebier J, Göldel B, Cavallo D, Couture I, McPhee C, Varga K, Csonka V, Ávila JM, Soto I, Caro D, Thorsøe MH, Berg T, Trkulja I, Haller L, Moeskops B, Monteleone D, et al (2024) Guidance for the implementation plan for a European Network of Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures : ALL-Ready Project Deliverable 4.3. 25 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10728309


  2. 1

    Stojacic I, Schwarz G, Riedel A, Hobeika M, Fosselle S, Bijttebier J, Göldel B, Cavallo D, Couture I, Haller L (2024) Report on the preconditions for the sustainability of the Network and recommendations for its long term success : ALL-Ready Project Deliverable 4.2. 41 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10728338


  3. 2

    Rødel Berg T, Thorsøe MH, Schwarz G (2023) Accelerating agroecology transition using living labs: policy enablers and barriers : Policy brief. Dept Agroecology, Aarhus Univ, 5 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10001865


  4. 3

    Fehér J, McKhann H, Schwarz G, Moeskops B, Haller L (2023) How Living Labs and Research Infrastructures can support the agroecology transition in Europe - Key messages of the final conference : Policy brief. FiBL Europe, INRAE, Thünen Institute, 3 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10063976


  5. 4

    McPhee C, Schwarz G (2023) Living Lab Networks in agriculture: Success factors and policy implications : Policy brief. Ottawa; Braunschweig: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Thünen Institute, 4 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10042097


  6. 5

    Schwarz G, Stojacic I, Fehér J, Monteleone D, Haller L, Moeskops B, Rødel Berg T, Thorsøe MH, Bijttebier J, Fosselle S, Hobeika M, Göldel B, Canio Perez R, Caro D, Ávila JM, Soto I, Riedel A, McPhee C, Cavallo D, Couture I, Varga K (2023) Policy briefs for regional, national and EU-level policy makers : ALL-Ready Project Deliverable 4.4. 7 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10787368


  7. 6

    Vervoort K, Varga C, Fosselle S, Bijttebier J, Haller L, Schwarz G, Göldel B, McKann H, Avila Castuera JM, Rødel Berg T, de Porras M, Mambrini-Doudet M (2023) Report on mapped needs and the key endusers of the capacity building programme : ALL-Ready Project Deliverable 5.1. 42 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.8154348


  8. 7

    Miller D, Schwarz G, Chartier O, Salle E, Zomer B, Arcuri S, Bognar J, Cernic Istenic M, Martino G, Moodie J, Vilcu R, Irvine K, Nijnik M, Wang C (2023) SHERPA D7.4 Second set of recommendations for future research agendas. 46 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10299518


  9. 8

    Chartier O, Irvine K, Martino G, Miller D, Muro M, Pagnon J, Salle E, Schwarz G, Zomer B (2023) SHERPA D7.5 Second set of recommendations for future rural policies. iv, 60 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10119057


  10. 9

    Miller D, Wang C, Lostrangio C, Zomer B, Chartier O, Chmielinski P, Dawson L, Féret S, Gizinska K, Potters J, Salle E, Santos P, Schwarz G, Tudor M (2023) SHERPA D7.6 Synthesis outputs adapted for citizen audiences. vi, 22 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10125617


  11. 10

    Bijttebier J, Fosselle S, Vervoort K, Schwarz G, McKann H, Varga C (2023) Skills and Competencies Framework : ALL-Ready Project Deliverable 5.2. 28 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.8154481


  12. 11

    Bijttebier J, Fosselle S, Liberloo M, Varga C, Herb I, Hobeika M, Mambrini-Doudet M, Rødel Berg T, Vervoort K, Schwarz G, Avila Castuera JM, de Porras M (2023) Stakeholder engagement plan : ALL-Ready Project Deliverable 3.1. 39 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.8153976


  13. 12

    Schwarz G, Stojacic I, Riedel A, Hobeika M, Fosselle S, Bijttebier J, Göldel B, Cavallo D, Couture I, Monteleone D, Haller L (2023) Supporting the sustainable long-term implementation of a European Network of Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures : Policy brief. Thünen Institute, BIOSENSE, Ecologic Institute, ILVO, INRAE, ENoLL, ELO, FiBL Europe, 4 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10033336


  14. 13

    Stojacic I, Schwarz G, Hobeika M, Göldel B, Canio Perez R, Fehér J, Monteleone D, Moeskops B (2023) The benefits of a European Network of Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures : Policy brief. BIOSENSE, Thünen Institute, Ecologic Institute, INRAE, FiBL Europe, ELO, 4 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10001815


  15. 14

    Thorsøe MH, Iversen SV, De Notaris C, Trkulja I, Rødel Berg T, Fosselle S, Bijttebier J, Kohler E, Godel B, Avila Castuera JM, Jonasz G, Krywoszynska A, Schwarz G (2022) Drivers of agroecology transition : ALL-Ready Project Deliverable 2.3 : ALL-Ready - The European Agroecology, Living Lab and Research Infrastructure Network: preparation phase. 111 p

  16. 15

    Schwarz G, Hobeika M, Stojacic I, Göldel B, Perez RC (2022) Report on the added value of the European Network : ALL-Ready Project Deliverable 4.1. : ALL-Ready - The European Agroecology Living Lab and Research Infrastructure Network: preparation phase. 28 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.7105206


  17. 16

    Schwarz G, Hobeika M, Stojacic I, Göldel B, Canio Perez R (2022) The added value of a European network of Agroecology Living Labs and research infrastructures : fact sheet for policy-makers, agroecology organizations and researchers [online]. Braunschweig: Thünen-Institut für Betriebswirtschaft, 2 p, zu finden in <https://zenodo.org/record/7447971> [zitiert am 04.01.2023], DOI:10.5281/zenodo.7447971


  18. 17

    Linares Quero A, Gava O, Povellato A, Schwarz G, Iragui Yoldi U, Astrain Massa C, Galioto F, Vanni F (2020) Deliverable Report 5.3 Participatory analysis of market and policy instruments for agro-ecological transition. UNISECO, 40 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.5578043

  19. 18

    Landert J, Pfeifer C, Carolus JF, Albanito F, Müller A, Baumgart L, Blockeel J, Schwarz G, Weisshaidinger R, Bartel-Kratochvil R, Hollaus A, Hrabalová A, Helin J, Aakkula J, Svels K, Guisepelli E, Fleury P, Vincent A, Smyrniotopoulou A, Sanders J, et al (2019) Deliverable Report D3.1 Report on environmental, economic and social performance of current AEFS, and comparison to conventional baseline. UNISECO, 234 p

  20. 19

    Vanni F, Gava O, Povellato A, Guisepelli E, Fleury P, Vincent A, Prazan J, Schwarz G, Bartel-Kratochvil R, Hollaus A, Weisshaidinger R, Frick R, Hrabalová A, Carolus JF, Iragui Yoldi U, Elía Hurtado S, Pyysiäinen J, Aakkula J, Helin J, Rikkonen P, et al (2019) Deliverable Report D5.2 Governance networks supporting agro-ecological farming systems. UNISECO, 65 p

  21. 20

    Helin J, Schwarz G (2019) Deliverable Report D6.1 Report on the prototype of the spatially explicit interactive online tool and functions. UNISECO, 27 p

  22. 21

    Irvine KN, Miller D, Schwarz G, Smyrniotopoulou A, Vlahos G (2019) Deliverable Report D7.2 A guide to transdisciplinarity for partners. UNISECO, 46 p

  23. 22

    Budniok M-A, Howe M, Miles B, Vlahos G, Smyrniotopoulou A, Irvine KN, Miller D, Schwarz G (2018) Deliverable 7.1 Guidelines for the selection of Multi-Actor Platform (MAP) Members. UNISECO, 17 p

  24. 23

    Schwarz G, Zilans A, Do T, Tonderski K, Powell N (2018) Policy brief No. 2 : actions for more effective water resource management and policies delivering multiple ecosystem service benefits - lessons learnt for the Baltic Sea Region ; Deliverable 6.4. Bruxelles: European Commission, 4 p

  25. 24

    Powell N, Do T, Osbeck M, Tonderski K, Olsson O, Schwarz G, Tonderski A, Zilans A, Veidemane K (2018) Report on reconciling multiple demands : DELIVERABLE 5.3 . Bruxelles: European Commission, 63 p

  26. 25

    Zilans A, Veidemane K, Schwarz G, Tonderski K, Tonderski A, Powell N, Do T, Walczykiewicz T, Pedersen S, Olsson O (2018) Roadmap for improving water resource management in the Baltic Sea Region: Enhancing the effectiveness of nutrient management and providing multiple ecosystem service benefits : DELIVERABLE 6.5. Bruxelles: European Commission, 6 p

  27. 26

    Schwarz G, Zilans A (2016) Policy brief on factors of success for the implementation of selected innovative governance approaches and instruments : Deliverable D6.2 BONUS MIRACLE project. Bruxelles: European Commission, 5 p

  28. 27

    Zilans A, Schwarz G, Tonderski K, Bruneniece I, Abolina K, Veidemane K, Offermann F (2016) Report on the conceptual framework of the ecosystem services approach for improved policy integration : Deliverable D6.2 BONUS MIRACLE project. Bruxelles: European Commission, 69 p

  29. 28

    Balazs K, Tóth P, Centeri C, Podmaniczky L, Schwarz G, Wolff A, Bergschmidt A, Offermann F, Osterburg B, Aalders I, Miller DC, Morrice J, Gimona A, Vlahos G, Smyrniotopoulou A, Artell J, Aakkula J, Toikkanen H, Povellato A, Longhitano D, et al (2015) ENVIEVAL : Development and application of new methodological frameworks for the evaluation of environmental impacts of rural development programmes in the EU (Project Reference: 313071) : Area 2.1.4: Socioeconomic research and support to policies ; KBBE.2012.1.4-08: Executive summary of case study results (Deliverable D6.3). Bruxelles: European Commission, 27 p

    Bücher von Gerald Schwarz

    1. 0

      Wolff A, Schwarz G, Osterburg B, Offermann F (2016) Report on the cost-effectiveness of the evaluation approaches : Report D7.2 [Bericht zur EU-Kommission, ENVIEVAL project (Grant Agreement No. 312071)]. Bruxelles: European Commission, 99 p

    2. 1

      Aalders I, Morrice J, Miller DC, Schwarz G (2015) ENVIEVAL : Development and application of new methodological frameworks for the evaluation of environmental impacts of rural development programmes in the EU (Project Reference: 312071) ; Area 2.1.4: Socioeconomic research and support to policies ; KBBE,2012.1.4-08 ; Report D 5.3 ; Report on the theoretical and methodological framework at macro level. 31 p

    3. 2

      Schwarz G, Wolff A, Bergschmidt A, Offermann F, Osterburg B, Aalders I, Miller D, Morrice J, Vlahos G, Smyrniotopoulou A, Artell J, Aakkula J, Toikkanen H, Povellato A, Longhitano D, Lasorella V, Morkvenas Z, Navickas K, Gulbinas J, Jefanovas A, et al (2015) Fact sheets of the tested indicators and methods : Report D8.1 [Bericht zur EU-Kommission, ENVIEVAL project (Grant Agreement No. 312071)]. Bruxelles: European Commission, 64 p

    4. 3

      Morkvenas Z, Navickas K, Gulbinas J, Jefanovas A, Schwarz G, Wolff A, Offermann F, Osterburg B, Aalders I, Miller D, Morrice J, Vlahos G, Smyrniotopoulou A, Artell J, Aakkula J, Toikkanen H, Povellato A, Longhitano D, Lasorella V, Balazs K, et al (2015) Methodological Handbook for the evaluation of environmental impacts of RDPs : Report D9.5 [Bericht zur EU-Kommission, ENVIEVAL project (Grant Agreement No. 312071)]. Bruxelles: European Commission, 152 p

    5. 4

      Schwarz G, Nieberg H, Sanders J (2010) Organic farming support payments in the EU. Korrigierte Fassung. Braunschweig: vTI, 361 p, Landbauforsch SH 339


    Sonstige Monographien von Gerald Schwarz

    1. 0

      Bognar J, Schwarz G (2023) Sustainable & resilient value chains. 33 p SHERPA Position Paper, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.7899941


    2. 1

      Miller D, Irvine K, Nijnik M, Garcia B, Panoutsopoulos H, Martino G, Schwarz G (2022) Climate change and land use. 52 p SHERPA Discussion Paper, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.6671041


    3. 2

      Miller D, Chartier O, Salle E, Zomer B, Irvine KN, Schwarz G (2022) D7.3 First set of recommendations for the development of future rural policies (Version 1). Genève: Zenodo, 31 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.6523970


    4. 3

      Bognar J, Schwarz G (2022) Towards sustainable and resilient value chains. 27 p SHERPA Discussion Paper, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.6778048


    5. 4

      Miller D, Nijnik M, Irvine KN, Chartier O, Martino G, Bourneix J, Schwarz G, Verstand D (2021) Climate change and environmental sustainability. 45 p SHERPA Discussion Paper, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4905655

    6. 5

      Chartier O, Miller D, Panoutsopoulos H, Espejo Garcia B, Schwarz G, Irvine KN, Iadecola F, Bertolozzi D, Al-Ajlani H (2021) First set of recommendations for future research agendas : Deliverable Report D7.2, SHERPA Project. 40 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.5766308

    7. 6

      Carolus JF, Polaschegg M, Schwarz G (2021) Förderung von Wissensnetzwerken für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft in Niedersachsen. UNISECO project, 2 p, Policy Brief, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4766246

    8. 7

      Vanni F, Schwarz G, Miller D, Helin J, Prazan J (2021) Integrated Sustainability Assessment in a Transdisciplinary Perspective : Deliverable Report D6.2. UNISECO project, 28 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.5555090

    9. 8

      Cazacu M, Balazs K, Schwarz G, Miller D (2021) Issue Briefs for Practitioners and Policy-Makers : Deliverable Report D6.5. UNISECO project, 11 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.5557052

    10. 9

      Schwarz G, Strauß R (2021) MAP Position Paper (Germany) - Contribution from 20 Science-Society-Policy Platforms to the Long-Term Vision For Rural Areas. 8 p SHERPA Position Paper, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.5141483

    11. 10

      Carolus JF, Polaschegg M, Schwarz G (2021) Marktimpulse für eine gesteigerte Wertschöpfung durch agrarökologische Praktiken im marktorientierten Ackerbau. UNISECO project, 2 p, Policy Brief, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4803335

    12. 11

      Schwarz G, Carolus JF, Irvine K, Miller D, Smyrniotopoulou A, Vlahos G, Povellato A, Vanni F, Prazan J, Fleury P, Guisepelli E, Vincent A, Landert J, Albanito F, Röös E, Cazacu M, Fratila M (2021) Methodological Briefs : Deliverable Report D6.4. UNISECO project, 56 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.5555079

    13. 12

      Miller D, Smyrniotopoulou A, Irvine K, Vlahos G, Schwarz G, Budniok M-A (2021) Operation of a Multi-Actor Platform in a transdisciplinary project focused on agro-ecological transitions. UNISECO project, 2 p, Policy Brief, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4980160

    14. 13

      Schwarz G, Miller D, Smith P, Balazs K, Ruskute E (2021) Recommendations for future research needs and actions to enhance agro-ecological transitions. UNISECO project, 2 p, Policy Brief, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4964098

    15. 14

      Schwarz G, Prazan J, Landert J, Miller D, Vanni F, Carolus JF, Weisshaidinger R, Bartel-Kratochvil R, Mayer A, Frick R, Hrabalová A, Linares Quero A, Iragui U, Astrain Massa C, Helin J, Huismann D, Guisepelli E, Fleury P, Vincent A, Smyrniotopoulou A, et al (2021) Report on Key Barriers of Agro-ecological Farming Systems in Europe and Co-constructed Strategies : Deliverable Report D3.4. UNISECO project, 126 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.5549542

    16. 15

      Schwarz G, Prazan J, Landert J, Miller D, Vanni F (2021) Supporting advice, education and lifelong learning to promote agroecological transitions. UNISECO project, 2 p, Policy Brief, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.5009012

    17. 16

      Landert J, Schwarz G, Cazacu M, Prazan J, Helin J, Weisshaidinger R, Bartel-Kratochvil R, Mayer A, Hrabalová A, Guisepelli E, Fleury P, Vincent A, Carolus JF, Smyrniotopoulou A, Vlahos G, Balazs K, Szilagyi A, Podmaniczky L, Gava O, Povellato A, et al (2021) Updated Story Maps on Lessons Learnt from each Case Study : Deliverable Report D3.6. UNISECO project, 15 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.5576192

    18. 17

      Albanito F, Landert J, Carolus JF, Smith P, Schwarz G, Pfeifer C, Müller A, Helin J, Huismann D, Guisepelli E, Fleury P, Vincent A, Smyrniotopoulou A, Vlahos G, Iordanidis Y, Szilagyi A, Podmaniczky L, Balazs K, Galioto F, Sanders J, et al (2020) Assessment of sustainability trade-offs and synergies among agro-ecological practices at farm level : Deliverable Report D3.5. UNISECO project, 108 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.5576122

    19. 18

      Bathke M, Grajewski R, Bergschmidt A, Eberhardt W, Ebers H, Fährmann B, Forstner B, Moser A, Pollermann K, Pufahl A, Reiter K, Roggendorf W, Sander A, Schwarz G, Spengler M, Techen A-K (2016) Ex-post Evaluation of the Hamburg Rural Development Plan 2007 to 2013 : Summary. Braunschweig: Thünen-Institut, II,15 p


    20. 19

      Schwarz G (2016) Ex-post-Bewertung der EPLR Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen und Schleswig-Holstein 2007 bis 2013 : Modulbericht 9.5_MB Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Agrarsektors. Braunschweig: Thünen-Institut, VIII,95 p


    21. 20

      Forstner B, Grajewski R, Bathke M, Bergschmidt A, Dickel R, Eberhardt W, Ebers H, Fährmann B, Fengler B, Franz K, Moser A, Pufahl A, Reiter K, Roggendorf W, Sander A, Schnaut G, Schwarz G, Spengler M, Tietz A (2016) Ex-post-Bewertung Entwicklungsplan für den ländlichen Raum des Landes Hessen 2007 bis 2013. Braunschweig: Thünen-Institut, 428 p


    22. 21

      Pollermann K, Grajewski R, Bathke M, Bergschmidt A, Eberhardt W, Ebers H, Fengler B, Fährmann B, Forstner B, Franz K, Moser A, Pufahl A, Reiter K, Roggendorf W, Sander A, Schnaut G, Schwarz G, Spengler M, Tietz A (2016) Ex-post-Bewertung Entwicklungsprogramm für den ländlichen Raum des Landes Schleswig-Holstein 2007 bis 2013. Braunschweig: Thünen-Institut, XX,419 p


    23. 22

      Peter H, Grajewski R, Bathke M, Bergschmidt A, Dickel R, Eberhardt W, Ebers H, Fährmann B, Fengler B, Forstner B, Franz K, Moser A, Pollermann K, Pufahl A, Reiter K, Roggendorf W, Sander A, Schnaut G, Schwarz G, Spengler M (2016) Ex-post-Bewertung Entwicklungsprogramm für den ländlichen Raum Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 2007 bis 2013. Braunschweig: Thünen-Institut, XXIV,493 p


    24. 23

      Moser A, Grajewski R, Bathke M, Bergschmidt A, Dickel R, Eberhardt W, Ebers H, Fährmann B, Fengler B, Forstner B, Franz K, Peter H, Pufahl A, Reiter K, Roggendorf W, Sander A, Schnaut G, Schwarz G, Spengler M, Tietz A (2016) Ex-post-Bewertung NRW-Programm Ländlicher Raum 2007 bis 2013. Braunschweig: Thünen-Institut, XIX,394 p


    25. 24

      Bathke M, Grajewski R, Bergschmidt A, Eberhardt W, Ebers H, Fährmann B, Forstner B, Moser A, Pollermann K, Pufahl A, Reiter K, Roggendorf W, Sander A, Schwarz G, Spengler M, Techen A-K (2016) Ex-post-Bewertung Plan der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg zur Entwicklung des ländlichen Raumes 2007 bis 2013. Braunschweig: Thünen-Institut, XII,151 p


    26. 25

      Bathke M, Grajewski R, Bergschmidt A, Eberhardt W, Ebers H, Fährmann B, Forstner B, Moser A, Pollermann K, Pufahl A, Reiter K, Roggendorf W, Sander A, Schwarz G, Spengler M, Techen A-K (2016) Ex-post-Bewertung Plan der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg zur Entwicklung des ländlichen Raumes 2007 bis 2013 : Zusammenfassung. Braunschweig: Thünen-Institut, II,15 p


    27. 26

      Tietz A, Grajewski R, Anter J, Bathke M, Bergschmidt A, Dickel R, Eberhardt W, Ebers H, Fährmann B, Fengler B, Forstner B, Franz K, Moser A, Pufahl A, Raue P, Reiter K, Roggendorf W, Sander A, Schwarz G, Spengler M (2016) Ex-post-Bewertung PROFIL - Programm zur Förderung im ländlichen Raum Niedersachsen und Bremen 2007 bis 2013. Braunschweig: Thünen-Institut, XX,436 p


    28. 27

      Schwarz G, Wolff A, Offermann F, Osterburg B, Aalders I, Miller DC, Morrice J, Vlahos G, Smyrniotopoulou A, Artell J, Aakkula J, Toikkanen H, Povellato A, Longhitano D, Lasorella V, Forino G, Morkvenas Z, Navickas K, Malmiga G, Balazs K, et al (2014) ENVIEVAL : Development and application of new methodological frameworks for the evaluation of environmental impacts of EU rural development programmes ; Poster paper prepared for presentation at the EAAE 2014 Congress "Agri-Food and Rural Innovations for Healthier Societies" August 26 to 29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 6 p

    29. 28

      Schwarz G, Aalders I, Miller DC, Morrice J (2014) Report on monitoring and data requirements for macro level methods [online]. 65 p, zu finden in <http://www.envieval.eu/fileadmin/redaktion/Dissemination/Deliverables/D5.2_website.pdf> [zitiert am 03.12.2014]

    30. 29

      Osbeck M, Schwarz G, Morkvenas Z (2013) Dialogue on ecosystem services, payments and outcome based approaches : background brief [online]. Stockholm: Stockholm Environment Institute, 16 p, Baltic Compass, zu finden in <http://www.sei-international.org/mediamanager/documents/Publications/Air-land-water-resources/BC-2013-PES-Background-Brief.pdf> [zitiert am 10.10.2013]

    31. 30

      Aalders I, Morrice J, Hough R, Miller DC, Povellato A, Longhitano D, Schwarz G (2013) Review of macro level methods and scales [online]. 50 p, zu finden in <http://www.envieval.eu/fileadmin/redaktion/Dissemination/Deliverables/D5.1_website.pdf> [zitiert am 03.12.2014]

    32. 31

      Morkvenas Z, Schwarz G (2012) Indicator and monitoring frameworks for the assessment of the effectiveness of agri-environmental measures: Key issues for a practical application in Lithuania : BEF Lithuania Project Report 2012 [online]. Vilnius: Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania, 43 p, Baltic Compass, zu finden in <http://www.balticcompass.org/PDF/Reports/Indicator-and-monitoring-frameworks-for-the-assessment-of-the-effectiveness-of-agri-environmental-measures.pdf> [zitiert am 10.10.2013]


    33. 32

      Carson M, Powell N, Andersson K, Osbeck M, Schwarz G, Hart K, Buckwell A (2012) Long-term CAP reform options in an ecosystems perspective. Stockholm: Stockholm Environment Institute, 155 p

    34. 33

      Sutherland L-A, Holstead KL, Brown C, Schwarz G (2012) On-farm wind energy production in Aberdeenshire [online]. Aberdeen: Hutton, 8 p, zu finden in <http://www.farmpath.eu/sites/www.farmpath.eu/files/FinalFarmPathon-farmrenewablesbrief.pdf> [zitiert am 14.10.2013]

    35. 34

      Powell N, Osbeck M, Kloecker Larsen R, Andersson K, Schwarz G, Davis M (2012) The Common Agricultural Policy post-2013: a Pathway to Regional Cohesion? : lessons learned in implementing agri-environmental measures in the Baltic Sea Region ; SEI Project Report 2012 [online]. Stockholm: Stockholm Environment Institute, 60 p, zu finden in <http://www.balticcompass.org/PDF/Reports/CAP%20RegionalSynthesisReport.pdf> [zitiert am 10.10.2013]

    36. 35

      Barnes AP, Schwarz G, Keenleyside C, Thomson S, Waterhouse A, Polakova J, Stewart S, McCracken D (2011) Alternative payment approaches for non-economic farming systems delivering environmental public goods : final report for Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Countryside Council for Wales and Northern Ireland Environment Agency, May 2011. SAC ; IEEP ; vTI, 98 p


    37. 36

      Witzke H von, Noleppa S, Schwarz G (2010) Decoupled payments to EU farmers, production, and trade: an economic analysis for Germany. Berlin: Humboldt-Univ, 60 p, Working Paper Univ Berlin Wirtschafts Sozialwiss Landwirtschaftl Gärtn Fak 90/2010

    38. 37

      Schwarz G, Morrice J, Buchan K, Matthews KB, Message P, Offermann F, Hecht J, Nieberg H, Vlahos G, Tsakalou E, Hrabalová A, Wollmuthova P, Kapler P, Zemeckis R, Krisciukaitiene I, Galnaityte A, Kuliesis G, Aakkula J, Miettinen A, Kröger L, et al (2009) AGRIGRID: Methodological grids for payment calculations in rural development measures in the EU : FINAL REPORT Period: January 2007 - December 2008. Aberdeen: Macaulay Institute, 82 p

    39. 38

      Schwarz G, Offermann F, Ramirez Harrington D (2007) EU agri-environmental programmes and the WTO: exploring new methods of payment calculations in a transatlantic context : Paper presented at the conference 'Agricultural policy changes: Canada, EU and the World Trade Organisation', University of Victoria, Victoria B.C. Canada, 13-15 September 2007. 29 p

      Nach oben