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Ein Mitarbeiter sammelt Ameisen auf einer Untersuchungsfläche.
© Thünen-Institut/BD
Ein Mitarbeiter sammelt Ameisen auf einer Untersuchungsfläche.
Institut für

BD Biodiversität

Referierte Publikationen von Sebastian Klimek

  1. 0

    Kasiske T, Dauber J, Dieker P, Harpke A, Klimek S, Kühn E, Levers C, Schwieder M, Settele J, Musche M (2024) Assessing landscape-level effects of permanent grassland management and landscape configuration on open-land butterflies based on national monitoring data. Biodiv Conserv 33(8-9):2381-3404, DOI:10.1007/s10531-024-02861-6


  2. 1

    Frank C, Hertzog LR, Klimek S, Schwieder M, Tetteh GO, Böhner HGS, Röder N, Levers C, Katzenberger J, Kreft H, Kamp J (2024) Woody semi-natural habitats modulate the effects of field size and functional crop diversity on farmland birds. J Appl Ecol 61(5):987-999, DOI:10.1111/1365-2664.14604


  3. 2

    Hertzog LR, Klimek S, Röder N, Frank C, Böhner HGS, Kamp J (2023) Associations between farmland birds and fallow area at large scales: Consistently positive over three periods of the EU Common Agricultural Policy but moderated by landscape complexity. J Appl Ecol 60(6):1077-1088, DOI:10.1111/1365-2664.14400


  4. 3

    Kasiske T, Dauber J, Harpke A, Klimek S, Kühn E, Settele J, Musche M (2023) Livestock density affects species richness and community composition of butterflies: A nationwide study. Ecol Indic 146:109866, DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.109866


  5. 4

    Pérez-Sánchez AJ, Schibalski A, Schröder B, Klimek S, Dauber J (2023) Local and landscape environmental heterogeneity drive ant community structure in temperate seminatural upland grasslands. Ecol Evol 13(3):e9889, DOI:10.1002/ece3.9889


  6. 5

    Sietz D, Klimek S, Dauber J (2022) Tailored pathways toward revived farmland biodiversity can inspire agroecological action and policy to transform agriculture. Comm Earth Environ 3:211, DOI:10.1038/s43247-022-00527-1


  7. 6

    Hertzog LR, Frank C, Klimek S, Röder N, Böhner HGS, Kamp J (2021) Model-based integration of citizen science data from disparate sources increases the precision of bird population trends. Diversity Distrib 27(6):1106-1119, DOI:10.1111/ddi.13259


  8. 7

    Lomba A, Moreira F, Klimek S, Jongman RHG, Sullivan C, Moran J, Poux X, Honrado JP, Pinto-Correia T, Plieninger T, McCracken DI (2020) Back to the future: rethinking socioecological systems underlying high nature value farmlands. Front Ecol Environ 18(1):36-42, DOI:10.1002/fee.2116


  9. 8

    Pérez Sánchez AJ, Schibalski A, Schröder B, Klimek S, Dauber J (2020) Disentangling the effects of host resources, local, and landscape variables on the occurrence pattern of the dusky large blue butterfly (Phengaris nausithous) in upland grasslands. J Insect Conserv 24:327-341, DOI:10.1007/s10841-019-00204-3

  10. 9

    Riecken U, Ammer C, Baur B, Bonn A, Diekötter T, Hotes S, Krüß A, Klimek S, Leyer I, Werk K, Ziegenhagen B, Farwig N (2020) Notwendigkeit eines Brückenschlags zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis im Naturschutz - Chancen und Herausforderungen. Natur Landsch 95(8):364-371, DOI:10.17433/8.2020.50153829.364-371

  11. 10

    Pérez Sánchez AJ, Zopf D, Klimek S, Dauber J (2018) Differential responses of ant assemblages (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) to long-term grassland management in Central Germany. Myrmecol News 27:13-23


  12. 11

    Jerrentrup S, Dauber J, Strohbach MW, Mecke S, Mitschke A, Ludwig JA, Klimek S (2017) Impact of recent changes in agricultural land use on farmland bird trends. Agric Ecosyst Environ 239:334-341, DOI:10.1016/j.agee.2017.01.041

  13. 12

    Lomba A, Strohbach MW, Jerrentrup S, Dauber J, Klimek S, McCracken DI (2017) Making the best of both worlds: Can high resolution agricultural administrative data support the assessment of High Nature Value farmlands across Europe? Ecol Indic 72:118-130

  14. 13

    Jerrentrup S, Klimek S, Marchiori E, Bittante G, Ramanzin M, Sturaro E, Marini L (2016) Impact of dairy farming on butterfly diversity in Alpine summer pastures. Agric Ecosyst Environ 232:38-45, DOI:10.1016/j.agee.2016.07.023

  15. 14

    Dauber J, Klimek S (2015) Biodiversität auf Äckern, Wiesen und Weiden in Deutschland - Die Herausforderung einer Bestandsaufnahme. Natur Landsch 90(6):258-262

  16. 15

    Sutcliffe LME, Batáry P, Kormann U, Báldi A, Dicks LV, Herzon I, Kleijn D, Tryjanowski P, Apostolova I, Arlettaz R, Aunins A, Aviron S, Balezentiene L, Fischer C, Halada L, Hartel T, Helm A,, Hristov I, Jelaska SD, Klimek S, et al (2015) Harnessing the biodiversity value of Central and Eastern European farmland. Diversity Distrib 21(6): 722-730, DOI:10.1111/ddi.12288


  17. 16

    Strohbach MW, Kohler ML, Dauber J, Klimek S (2015) High Nature Value farming: From indication to conservation. Ecol Indic 57:557-563

  18. 17

    Klimek S, Lohß G, Gabriel D (2014) Modelling the spatial distribution of species-rich farmland to identify priority areas for conservation actions. Biol Conserv 174:65-74, DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2014.03.019

  19. 18

    Freese J, Klimek S, Marggraf R (2011) Auktionen und ergebnisorientierte Honorierung bei Agrarumweltmaßnahmen. Natur Landsch 86(4):156-159

  20. 19

    Ulber L, Klimek S, Steinmann HH, Isselstein J, Groth M (2011) Implementing and evaluating the effectiveness of a payment scheme for environmental services from agricultural land. Environ Conserv 38(4):464-472, doi:10.1017/S0376892911000385

  21. 20

    Marini L, Klimek S, Battisti A (2011) Mitigating the impacts of the decline of traditional farming on mountain landscapes and biodiversity: a case study in the European Alps. Environ Sci Pol 14(3):258-267, DOI:10.1016/j.envsci.2010.12.003

  22. 21

    Ulber L, Steinmann HH, Klimek S (2010) Using selective herbicides to manage beneficial and rare weed species in winter wheat. J Plant Dis Protect 117(5):233-239

  23. 22

    Ulber L, Steinmann HH, Klimek S, Isselstein J (2009) An on-farm approach to investigate the impact of diversified crop rotations on weed species richness and composition in winter wheat. Weed Res 49(5):534-543, DOI:10.1111/j.1365-3180.2009.00722.x

  24. 23

    Marini L, Fontana P, Klimek S, Battisti A, Gaston KJ (2009) Impact of farm size and topography on plant and insect diversity of managed grasslands in the Alps. Biol Conserv 142(2):394-403, DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2008.10.034

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