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© Thünen-Institut
Institut für

AT Agrartechnologie

Dr. rer. nat. Andre Peters

Institut für Agrartechnologie

Bundesallee 47
38116 Braunschweig
+49 531 2570 1052 / +49 531 596 4493
+49 531 596 4199


  1. 0

    Peters A, Germer K, Naseri M, Rolfes L, Lorenz M (2025) Modeling compaction effects on hydraulic properties of soils using limited information. Soil Tillage Res 246:106349, DOI:10.1016/j.still.2024.106349


  2. 1

    Bosse J, Durner W, Peters A (2024) Effect of salt concentration on osmotic potential in drying soils - Measurement and models. Eur J Soil Sci 75(5):e70001, DOI:10.1111/ejss.70001


  3. 2

    Dittmann D, Seelig AH, Thalmann M, Wilkes T, Junghans V, Zahn D, Klitzke S, Peters A, Haberkamp J, Ruhl AS (2024) Potential and risks of water reuse in Brandenburg (Germany) - an interdisciplinary case study. Water Reuse 14(1):1-15, DOI:10.2166/wrd.2024.081


  4. 3

    Peters A, Durner W, Iden SC (2024) The PDI model system for parameterizing soil hydraulic properties. Vadose Zone J 23(4):e20338, DOI:10.1002/vzj2.20338


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    Peters A, Iden SC, Durner W (2023) Prediction of absolute unsaturated hydraulic conductivity - comparison of four different capillary bundle models. Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 27(24):4579-4593, DOI:10.5194/hess-27-4579-2023


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    Hohenbrink TL, Jackisch C, Durner W, Germer K, Iden SC, Kreiselmeier J, Leuther F, Metzger JC, Naseri M, Peters A (2023) Soil water retention and hydraulic conductivity measured in a wide saturation range. Earth Syst Sci Data 15(10):4417-4432, DOI:10.5194/essd-15-4417-2023


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    Peters A, Groh J, Schrader F, Durner W, Vereecken H, Pütz T (2017) Towards an unbiased filter routine to determine precipitation and evapotranspiration from high precision lysimeter measurements. J Hydrol 549:731-740, DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.04.015

  8. 7

    Peters A, Bierschenk F (1991) Zur Herkunft und ursprünglichen Lebensweise der Moschusenten. Schweizer Geflügel Zeitg 54(11):11-13

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    Peters A, Bierschenk F (1990) Zur Herkunft und ursprünglichen Lebensweise der Moschusenten. DGS 42(51-52):1499-1500

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