Institut für
BW Betriebswirtschaft
Bücher, Berichte, Herausgeberschaften
Arbeitsberichte von Sebastian Neuenfeldt
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Storm H, Aladesuru DT, Kuhn T, CechuraL, Zakova Kroupova Z, Curtiss J, Sckokai P, Tiboldo G, Castellari E, Moro D, Podmaniczky L, Balazs K, Neuenfeldt S, Bouamra-Mechemache Z, Feenstra N, Gehrke E, Ferrer Pérez H (2024) Deliverable D3.1 (D5): Preliminary report on the impact on technology, structural change and demand side processes. BrightSpace Horizon Europe project. 68 p
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Neuenfeldt S, Gocht A, Renhart A, Sebbesen A, Mittenzwei K (2023) D3.1 Report on stocktake of requirements and technical specifications for the LUM policy database. vi, 52 p
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Neuenfeldt S, Gocht A, Mittenzwei K (2023) MIND STEP Deliverable D 4.2: Report on modelling structural change and farm interaction on land markets and interfaces with the MIND STEP model toolbox (M36+4). 93 p
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Löw P, Osterburg B, Garming H, Neuenfeldt S, Schultheiß U (2021) Bericht über die Auswirkungen der verbindlichen Stoffstrombilanzierung. Berlin: Deutscher Bundestag, 193 p, Drucks Dt Bundestag 20/411
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Gocht A, Neuenfeldt S (2021) MIND STEP Deliverable D 2.1: Summary of required data from WP 3/4/5. 19 p
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Gocht A, Neuenfeldt S, Yang X, Müller M, Helming JF, Roerink G, Sander J, Oudendag D, Kremmydas D, Brouwer A (2021) MIND STEP Deliverable D 2.2: A guide/handbook to build an interface for accessing the data in the project required by partners WP 2-6. 117 p
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Gocht A, Neuenfeldt S (2021) MIND STEP Deliverable D 2.4: Prototype for interfaces. 27 p
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Gocht A, Neuenfeldt S (2021) MIND STEP Deliverable D 2.5: Final version for interfaces. 57 p
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Neuenfeldt S, Gocht A (2019) MIND STEP Deliverable D 7.3: List of data storage and processing capacities required by partners WP 2-6. 11 p
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Neuenfeldt S, Gocht A, Osterburg B (2019) What explains dairy pasture farming in Germany : paper prepared for presentation at the 172nd EAAE Seminar "Agricultural Policy for the Environment or Environmental Policy for Agriculture?" ; May 28-29, 2019, Brussels. 12 p
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Bergschmidt A, Lindena T, Neuenfeldt S, Tergast HT (2018) Folgenabschätzung eines Verbots der ganzjährigen Anbindehaltung von Milchkühen. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 59, 1 p, Thünen Working Paper 111, DOI:10.3220/WP1543569256000
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Forstner B, Duden C, Ellßel R, Gocht A, Hansen H, Neuenfeldt S, Offermann F, Witte T de (2018) Wirkungen von Direktzahlungen in der Landwirtschaft - ausgewählte Aspekte mit Bezug zum Strukturwandel. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 42 p, Thünen Working Paper 96, DOI:10.3220/WP1524561399000
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Neuenfeldt S, Gocht A (2014) A handbook on the use of FADN database in programming models. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 75 p, Thünen Working Paper 35, DOI:10.3220/WP_35_2014
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Neuenfeldt S, Kirschke D, Franke C (2012) Was sagt der Human Development Index über Entwicklung aus? : Kritik und Erweiterung auf der Grundlage eines faktoranalytischen Ansatzes. Berlin: Humboldt-Univ, 19 p, Working Paper Univ Berlin Wirtschafts Sozialwiss Landwirtschaftl Gärtn Fak 91
Bücher von Sebastian Neuenfeldt
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Gocht A, Röder N, Neuenfeldt S, Storm H, Heckelei T (2012) Modelling farm structural change : a feasibility study for ex-post modelling utilizing FADN and FSS data in Germany and developing an ex-ante forecast module for the CAPRI farm type layer baseline. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 166 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
Sonstige Monographien von Sebastian Neuenfeldt
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Neuenfeldt S, Rieger J, Heckelei T, Gocht A, Ciaian P, Tetteh GO (2018) A multiplicative competitive interaction model to explain structural change along farm specialisation, size and exit/entry using Norwegian farm census data [online]. IAAE, 20 p, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 16.10.2018]
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Neuenfeldt S, Gocht A, Ciaian P, Heckelei T (2017) Structural change in European agriculture : paper for XVEAAE Congress 2017, Parma, August 28th - September 1st 2017. Parma: EAAE, 13 p, DOI:10.22004/ag.econ.261141
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Jansson T, Heckelei T, Gocht A, Basnet SK, Zhang Y, Neuenfeldt S (2014) Analysing impacts of changing price variability with estinated farm risk-programming models : paper prepared for presentation at the EAAE 2014 Congress "Agri-Food and Rural Innovations for Healthier Societies" ; August 26 to 29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia [online]. Ljubljana: EAAE, 13 p, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 22.09.2014]
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Neuenfeldt S, Röder N, Gocht A, Espinosa M, Gomez y Paloma S (2014) Using market share and multiplicative competitive interaction models to explain structural change in the German agricultural sector : poster paper prepared for presentation at the EAAE 2014 Congress "Agri-Food and Rural Innovations for Healthier Societies" ; August 26 to 29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia [online]. Ljubljana: EAAE, 6 p, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 22.09.2014]