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© Anja Bunge / Thünen-Institut
Institut für

FI Fischereiökologie

Publikationen als Thünen-Mitarbeiter

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    Sundin J, Freese M, Otten E, Marohn L, Blancke T, Hanel R (2024) First description of post-flexion larvae of the West Atlantic trumpetfish, Aulostomus maculatus. J Marine Biol Ass UK 104:e101, DOI:10.1017/S002531542400081X


  2. 1

    Sundin J, Freese M, Marohn L, Blancke T, Hanel R (2024) Occurrence of the pugnose pipefish Bryx dunckeri in the Sargasso Sea. J Fish Biol 104(4):1231-1236, DOI:10.1111/jfb.15642


  3. 2

    Höhne L, Briand C, Freese M, Marohn L, Pohlmann J-D, Van der Hammen T, Hanel R (2024) Risks of regionalized stock assessments for widely distributed species like the panmictic European eel. ICES J Mar Sci 81(6):1084-1095, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsae069


  4. 3

    Hanel R, Freese M, Marohn L, Auel H, Blazina M, Claver C, Couret M, Diaz-Pérez J, Ferrer L, Konvicková Z, Major W, Pohlmann J-D, Rommel ACM, Williams J, Wysujack K (2023) Assessing oceanic impacts on arrival and transport of European eel larvae, Cruise No. M185, 29.10.2022 - 26.11.2022, Hamburg (Germany) - Lisbon (Portugal) [online]. Bonn, 52 p, Meteor-Berichte (M185), zu finden in <https://doi.org/10.48433/cr_m185> [zitiert am 31.08.2023], DOI:10.48433/cr_m185

  5. 4

    Marohn L, Höhne L, Freese M, Pohlmann J-D, Hanel R (2023) Blankaalabwanderung in der niedersächsischen Ems. Bremerhaven: Thünen-Institut für Fischereiökologie, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2023/43, DOI:10.3220/PB1697190854000


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