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© Anja Bunge / Thünen-Institut
Institut für

FI Fischereiökologie

Weitere Publikationen von Dr. Ute Postel

  1. 0

    Postel U, Glemser B, Salazar Alekseyeva K, Eggers SL, Groth M, Glöckner G, John U, Mock T, Klemm K, Valentin K, Beszteri B (2020) Adaptive divergence across Southern Ocean gradients in the pelagic diatom Fragilariopsis kerguelensis. Mol Ecol 29(24):4913-4924, DOI:10.1111/mec.15554


  2. 1

    Postel U, Thompson F, Barker G, Viney M, Morris S (2010) Migration-related changes in gene expression in leg muscle of the Christmas Island red crab Gecarcoidea natalis: seasonal preparation for long-distance walking. J Exp Biol 213(10):1740-1750, DOI:10.1242/jeb.033829

  3. 2

    Morris S, Postel U, Mrinalini LMT, Palmer J, Webster SG (2010) The adaptive significance of crustacean hyperglycaemic hormone (CHH) in daily and seasonal migratory activities of the Christmas Island red crab Gecarcoidea natalis. J Exp Biol 213(17):3062-3073, DOI:10.1242/jeb.045153

  4. 3

    Postel U, Mrinalini M, Palmer J, Turner L, Webster SG, Morris S (2009) The importance of Crustacean Hyperglycaemic Hormone revealed in novel field determinations on a migratory land crab on Christmas Island. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol 153(2, Suppl.):S106, DOI:10.1016/j.cbpa.2009.04.144

  5. 4

    Postel U, Thompson F, Viney M, Barker G, Webster SG, Morris S (2005) Red crabs on the run: Molecular bases of the seasonal migration of Gecarcoida natalis. Integr Comp Biol 45(6):1058

  6. 5

    Luquet CM, Postel U, Halperin J, Urcola MR, Marques R, Siebers D (2002) Transepithelial potential differences and Na+ flux in isolated perfused gills of the crab Chasmagnathus granulatus (Grapsidae) acclimated to hyper- and hypo-salinity. J Exp Biol 205(1):71-77, DOI:10.1242/jeb.205.1.71

  7. 6

    Postel U (2001) Physiologie der Pleopoden mariner Asseln (Crustacea, Isopoda) : osmoregulatorische NaCl-Aufnahme, respiratorische und exkretorische Funktionen. Berlin: VWF, 155 p, Hamburg, Univ, Diss

  8. 7

    Postel U, Becker W, Brandt A, Luck-Kopp S, Riestenpatt S, Weihrauch D, Siebers D (2000) Active osmoregulatory ion uptake across the pleopods of the isopod Idotea baltica (Pallas): electrophysiological measurements on isolated split endo- and exopodites mounted in a micro-ussing chamber. J Exp Biol 203(7):1141-1152, DOI:10.1242/jeb.203.7.1141

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    Weihrauch D, Becker W, Postel U, Luck-Kopp S, Siebers D (1999) Potential of active excretion of ammonia in three different haline species of crabs. J Comp Physiol B 169:25-37

  10. 9

    Weihrauch D, Becker W, Postel U, Riestenpatt S, Siebers D (1998) Active excretion of ammonia across the gills of the shore crab Carcinus maenas and its relation to osmoregulatory ion uptake. J Comp Physiol B 168:364-376

  11. 10

    Postel U, Brandt A, Becker W, Riestenpatt S, Weihrauch D, Franke H-D, Siebers D (1998) Active ion absorption across the pteopods of the marine isopod Idotea baltica: Electrophysiological investigations on isolated pleopod half lamellae. Verhandl Dt Zool Gesellsch 101:66

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    Weihrauch D, Onken H, Riestenpatt S, Postel U, Becker W, Siebers D (1998) High levels of active ammonia excretion across the anterior and posterior gills of the stenohaline crab Cancer pagurus. Verhandl Dt Zool Gesellsch 101:70

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    Postel U, Petrausch G, Riestenpatt S, Weihrauch D, Malykh J, Becker W, Siebers D (1998) Inhibition of Na+ /K+ -ATPase and of active ion-transport functions in the gills of the shore crab Carcinus maenas induced by cadmium. Mar Biol 130:407-416

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    Weihrauch D, Lepier A, Postel U, Becker W, Siebers D (1997) Exocytose, ein möglicher Mechanismus zur aktiven Ammoniak-Exkretion aquatischer Evertebraten. Verhandl Dt Zool Gesellsch 90:154

  15. 14

    Postel U, Riestenpatt S, Weihrauch D, Becker W, Siebers D (1996) Cadmiuminduzierte Hemmung der branchialen Transportfunktionen bei der Strandkrabbe Carcinus maenas. Verhandl Dt Zool Gesellsch 89:173

  16. 15

    Weihrauch D, Riestenpatt S, Postel U, Becker W, Siebers D (1996) Der aktive Ammoniak-Transport über die hinteren Kiemen der Strandkrabbe Carcinus maenas. Verhandl Dt Zool Gesellsch 89:196

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