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Unterschiedliche Baumsaaten werden in Händen gehalten, darunter Zapfen und Bucheckern
© Bernd Degen
Unterschiedliche Baumsaaten werden in Händen gehalten, darunter Zapfen und Bucheckern
Institut für

FG Forstgenetik

Dr. Hans Hönicka

Institut für Forstgenetik

Sieker Landstraße 2
22927 Großhansdorf
+49 (0) 4102 - 696 160
+49 (0) 4102 - 696 200

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Arbeitsbereich Resistenzforschung


Seit 2008:  Thünen Institut für Forstgenetik (Thünen-Großhansdorf)

2002-2006:  Institut für Forstgenetik und Forstpflanzenzüchtung (BFH-Großhansdorf)


Promotion: Universität Hamburg, Abschluss: Doktor der Naturwissenschaften (Dr. rer. nat.)

Studium: University Simón Bolívar und Universität Hamburg, Abschluss: Diplombiologe


Mikrobiomtherapie (FNR): "Mikrobiom-Übertragung von resistenten auf anfällige Baumarten als neue Methode zur Bekämpfung phytopathogener Pilze in der Forstwirtschaft"
Laufzeit: 2023-2026

Prägung/Priming (FNR): "Prägung: ein alternativer Ansatz zur schnellen Entwicklung von Resistenzen bei Forstbäumen"
Laufzeit: 2017-2023

Activation tagging II (DFG): "Aktivierungs-Markierung mit Hilfe eines induzierbaren Zweikomponenten Ac/Ds-Enhancer-Element Systems II"
Laufzeit: 2014-2017

Flowercrop (DFG): "Entwicklung eine Systems zur frühen Blüte für die Pappelzüchtung und Biosicherheitsforschung"
Laufzeit: 2011-2014

SpeedBreed (BMELV/BLE): "Induktion eines Frühblühsystems in Pappel und Apfel zur Beschleunigung der Züchtung auf Krankheitsresistenz"
Laufzeit: 2011-2014

Biosicherheit (BMBF): „Optimierung der biologischen Sicherheit transgener Pflanzen“. Teilprojekt: Überprüfung der Zuverlässigkeit männlicher Sterilitätssysteme in transgenen Zitterpappeln
Laufzeit: 2002-2006 (Phase I und II), 2008-2011 (Phase III)


Exploiting Plant-Microbiomes Networks and Synthetic Communities to improve Crops Fitness (CropBiomes)
EU-COST Action CA22158, Laufzeit: 2023-2027

Epigenetische Mechanismen für die Anpassung von Pflanzen an Klimaänderungen (EpiCatch)
EU-COST Action CA19125, Laufzeit: 2020-2024

Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Prägung von Bäumen"
Laufzeit: seit 2019

Biosicherheit von transgenen Bäumen: Verbesserung der wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen für sichere Baumentwicklung und die Implementation der EU-Richtlinien
EU-COST Action FP0905, Laufzeit: 2010-2014



  1. 0

    Hönicka H, Ulrich K, Ulrich A, Haffner C, Karaus M, Starczak M, Gackowski D, Bubner B (2024) Epigenom- und Mikrobiom-Therapie - Neue Hoffnung für Ulmen und andere bedrohte Baumarten. In: Liesebach M, Tröber U, Neophytou C (eds) 8. Tagung der Sektion Forstgenetik/Forstpflanzenzüchtung "Wald der Zukunft - Beitrag von Forstgenetik und Forstpflanzenzüchtung" : Freiburg, 11. bis 13. September 2024 ; Abstract-Band und Exkursionsführer. p 40

  2. 1

    Hönicka H, Bein S, Starczak M, Gackowski D (2024) Exploring the interaction between aminobutyric acid and epigenetics in modulating ash dieback response in european ash (Fraxinus excelsior). J Plant Dis Protect: Online First, Sep 2024, DOI:10.1007/s41348-024-00989-9


  3. 2

    Hönicka H (2024) Paradigm shift in forest tree resistance research: embracing epigenetic and microbiome approaches. In: XX International Botanical Congress IBC 2024, Madrid, Spain, July 21st - 27th, 2024 : Book of Abstracts (Posters). Madrid: Fase 20, p 590

  4. 3

    Hönicka H, Bein S, Starczak M, Graf W, Hanelt D, Gackowski D (2024) ß-Aminobutyric acid promotes stress tolerance, physiological adjustments, as well as broad epigenetic changes at DNA and RNA nucleobases in field elms (Ulmus minor). BMC Plant Biol 24:779, DOI:10.1186/s12870-024-05425-6


  5. 4

    Hönicka H, Starczak M, Bein S, Gackowski D (2024) Towards resilient forests: The interplay of priming, epigenetics, and adaptive responses to abiotic and biotic stresses [epicatch5:555036]. In: 5th Epicatch meeting : Epigenetic responses and memories of plants under environmental stresses ; 10-12 July 2024 Bordeaux (France) [Book of abstracts].


  6. 5

    Hönicka H, Bein S, Starczak M, Gackowski D (2024) Unlocking the potential of epigenetic engineering for sustainable forests. In: XX International Botanical Congress IBC 2024, Madrid, Spain, July 21st - 27th, 2024 : Book of Abstracts (Posters). Madrid: Fase 20, p 102

  7. 6

    Agius DR, Kapazoglou A, Avramidou EV, Baranek M, Carneros E, Caro E, Castiglione S, Cicatelli A, Radanovic A, Ebejer J-P, Gackowski D, Guarino F, Gulyas A, Hidvegi N, Hönicka H, Inacio V, Johannes F, Karalija E, Lieberman-Lazarovich M, Martinelli F, et al (2023) Exploring the crop epigenome: a comparison of DNA methylation profiling techniques. Front Plant Sci 14:1181039, DOI:10.3389/fpls.2023.1181039


  8. 7

    Bein S, Hönicka H, Graf W (2022) Breaking seed dormancy in common ash (Fraxinus excelsior) - methods and seedling performance. In: Plant Sciences for a Sustainable Future : Botanik-Tagung, International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences, 2022 Bonn, 28 August - 01 September ; Programme. Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft, p 150

  9. 8

    Hönicka H, Briones V, Hanelt D, Bein S, Deecke K, Cañas LA, Fladung M (2022) Faster biosafety evaluation of genetic containment in forest tree species using early flowering systems. In: The 20th IUFRO Tree Biotech & The 2nd Forest Tree Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Conference. Harbin: IUFRO, p 154

  10. 9

    Hönicka H, Bein S, Fladung M (2022) Förderung von Resistenzen bei Forstbäumen durch Prägung : [Abstract] [online]. Gülzow: Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe, 1 p, zu finden in <https://www.waldklimafondskongress.de/fileadmin/Projekte/2022/Waldklimafonds/Poster_Baumartenwahl/Hoenicka_Abstract.pdf> [zitiert am 04.01.2023]


  11. 10

    Hönicka H, Briones V, Bein S, Hoffmann P, Heier K, Fladung M (2022) Induction of early flowering in European birch (Betula pendula) through genetic transformation with the FLOWERING LOCUS T gene. In: Plant Sciences for a Sustainable Future : Botanik-Tagung, International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences, 2022 Bonn, 28 August - 01 September ; Programme. Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft, p 160

  12. 11

    Hönicka H, Bein S, Graf W, Hanelt D (2022) Physiological and morphological changes promoted in field elms (Ulmus minor Mill.) by priming with β-aminobutyric acid. In: Plant Sciences for a Sustainable Future : Botanik-Tagung, International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences, 2022 Bonn, 28 August - 01 September ; Programme. Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft, p 159

  13. 12

    Hönicka H, Bein S, Graf W (2022) Priming resistance to ash dieback disease in common ash (Fraxinus excelsior). In: Plant Sciences for a Sustainable Future : Botanik-Tagung, International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences, 2022 Bonn, 28 August - 01 September ; Programme. Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft, p 199

  14. 13

    Mladenov V, Fotopoulos V, Kaiserli E, Karalija E, Maury S, Baranek M, Segal N, Testillano PS, Vassileva V, Pinto G, Nagel M, Hönicka H, Miladinovic D, Gallusci P, Vergata C, Kapazoglou A, Abraham E, Tani E, Gerakari M, Sarri E, et al (2021) Deciphering the epigenetic alphabet involved in transgenerational stress memory in crops. Int J Mol Sci 22(13):7118, DOI:10.3390/ijms22137118


  15. 14

    Hönicka H (2021) Resistance priming of forest tree species. In: Epigenetic mechanisms of crop adaptation to climate change : EPICATCH COST CA19125 conference July 12-14th, 2021 ; invited speaker abstract book. COST, p 13

  16. 15

    Müller NA, Kersten B, Leite Montalvao AP, Mähler N, Bernhardsson C, Bräutigam K, Carracedo Lorenzo Z, Hönicka H, Kumar V, Mader M, Pakull B, Robinson KM, Sabatti M, Vettori C, Ingvarsson PK, Cronk Q, Street NR, Fladung M (2020) A single gene underlies the dynamic evolution of poplar sex determination. Nat Plants 6:630-637, DOI:10.1038/s41477-020-0672-9

  17. 16

    Müller NA, Kersten B, Leite Montalvao AP, Hönicka H, Mader M, Pakull B, Fladung M (2020) A single gene underlies the dynamic evolution of poplar sex determination [Datenpublikation] [online]. , zu finden in <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bioproject/PRJNA542603/> [zitiert am 05.08.2020]

  18. 17

    Kersten B, Hönicka H, Fladung M, Nilsson O (2020) Binary vector pK2GW7_HSP_FT, complete sequence [Datenpublikation] [online]. , zu finden in <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/MN379653.1> [zitiert am 05.08.2020]

  19. 18

    Briones MV, Hönicka H, Cañas LA, Beltrán JP, Hanelt D, Sharry S, Fladung M (2020) Efficient evaluation of a gene containment system for poplar through early flowering induction. Plant Cell Rep 39:577-587, DOI:10.1007/s00299-020-02515-1


  20. 19

    Kersten B, Leite Montalvao AP, Hönicka H, Vettori C, Paffetti D, Fladung M (2020) Sequencing of two transgenic early-flowering poplar lines confirmed vector-free single-locus T-DNA integration. Transgenic Res 29:321-337, DOI:10.1007/s11248-020-00203-0


  21. 20

    Kersten B, Leite Montalvao AP, Hönicka H, Fladung M (2020) Sequencing of two transgenic early-flowering poplar lines confirmed vector-free single-locus T-DNA integration [Datenpublikation] [online]. , zu finden in <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bioproject/PRJNA576882/> [zitiert am 05.08.2020]

  22. 21

    Hönicka H, Fladung M (2019) "Prägung": alternative Resistenzen für Baumarten. AFZ Der Wald 74(5):12-15


  23. 22

    Leite Montalvao AP, Müller NA, Kersten B, Schiffthaler B, Bräutigam K-R, Pakull B, Hönicka H, Vettori C, Cronk Q, Ingvarsson P, Sabatti M, Street N, Fladung M (2019) A single gene is underlying the dynamic evolution of sex determination in poplars. In: Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft (ed) Botanikertagung 2019 : international plant science conference ; 15.-19. September, Rostock. Rostock: Univ Rostock, p 98

  24. 23

    Hönicka H, Fladung M, Bein S (2019) Evaluation of alternative methods for resistance induction in tree species. In: Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft (ed) Botanikertagung 2019 : international plant science conference ; 15.-19. September, Rostock. Rostock: Univ Rostock, p 191

  25. 24

    Brenner WG, Mader M, Müller NA, Hönicka H, Schröder H, Zorn I, Fladung M, Kersten B (2019) High level of conservation of mitochondrial RNA editing sites among four Populus species. G3 Genes Genomes Genetics 9:709-717, DOI:10.1534/g3.118.200763


  26. 25

    Brenner WG, Mader M, Müller NA, Hönicka H, Schröder H, Zorn I, Fladung M, Kersten B (2019) High level of conservation of mitochondrial RNA editing sites among four Populus species [Datenpublikation] [online]. , zu finden in <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bioproject/?term=(PRJNA514029)%20AND%20bioproject_sra[filter]%20NOT%20bioproject_gap[filter]> [zitiert am 12.02.2019]

  27. 26

    Fladung M, Schildbach M, Hönicka H, Kersten B, Müller NA (2019) Selfing of a single monoecious Populus tremula tree produces viable males, females and "supermales". Trees 33(3):803-816, DOI:10.1007/s00468-019-01817-6

  28. 27

    Fladung M, Hönicka H (2018) Development of an early flowering system for poplar breeding and biosafety research. In: III International PP1530 Symposium: Genetic Variation of Flowering Time Genes and Applications for Crop Improvement : March 14-16, 2018. pp 22-23

  29. 28

    Briones MV, Hönicka H, Fladung M, Garcia ML, Galarco S, Sharry S (2017) Optimización de un sistema de modificación génetica de álamos para la incorporación de genes inductores de floración temprana y androesterilidad. In: Fifth International Congress of Salicaceae, 13.-17.11.2017, Talca, Chile. pp 117-121

  30. 29

    Hönicka H, Lehnhardt D, Briones V, Nilsson O, Fladung M (2016) An early flowering system allows reliable induction of fertile flowers and crossings in juvenile poplar. In: Poplars and other fast-growing trees - renewable resources for future green economies : 25th Session Berlin, Germany, 13 - 16 September 2016 ; Abstracts of submitted papers and posters. Rome: FAO, p 38

  31. 30

    Fladung M, Hönicka H, Kersten B (2016) Baumblüte im ersten Jahr. Forschungsfelder


  32. 31

    Hönicka H (2016) Fast breeding of poplars and other tree species: future prospects and biosafety concerns. In: Poplars and other fast-growing trees - renewable resources for future green economies : 25th Session Berlin, Germany, 13 - 16 September 2016 ; Abstracts of submitted papers and posters. Rome: FAO, p 37

  33. 32

    Fladung M, Hönicka H (2016) Forstpflanzenzüchtung auf der Überholspur. AFZ Der Wald 71(14):21-23


  34. 33

    Hönicka H, Lehnhardt D, Nunna S, Reinhardt R, Jeltsch A, Briones V, Fladung M (2016) Level of tissue differentiation influences the activation of a heat-inducible flower-specific system for genetic containment in poplar (Populus tremulaL.). Plant Cell Rep 35(2):369-384, DOI:10.1007/s00299-015-1890-x

  35. 34

    Hönicka H, Lehnhardt D, Briones V, Nilsson O, Fladung M (2016) Low temperatures are required to induce the development of fertile flowers in transgenic male and female early flowering poplar (Populus tremulaL.). Tree Physiol 36(5):667-677, DOI:10.1093/treephys/tpw015

  36. 35

    Hönicka H, Lehnhardt D, Ebbinghaus D, Fladung M (2015) Strategies for improving the induction of fertile flowers in male and female early flowering poplar. In: Vettori C, Vendramin GG, Paffetti D, Travaglini D (eds) IUFRO Tree Biotechnology 2015 Conference : "Forests: the importance to the planet and society" ; 8-12 June 2015, Florence, Italy ; Proceedings. Florenz: IUFRO, pp 499-503

  37. 36

    Hönicka H, Lehnhardt D, Fladung M (2014) Comparative effect of an early flowering gene construct and interspecific crossings on development of poplar hybrids. In: SPP1530 Symposium : Genetic variation of flowering time genes and applications for crop improvement, March 24-26,2014, Bielefeld. p 34

  38. 37

    Hönicka H, Lehnhardt D, Fladung M (2014) Differentiation level influence activity of an inducible tissue-specific approach for genetic containment in poplar. In: COST Action FP0905 Biosafety of Forest Transgenic Trees, March 4th to 5th, Rome, Italy. pp 1-3

  39. 38

    Hönicka H, Lehnhardt D, Nilsson O, Hanelt D, Fladung M (2014) Successful crossings with early flowering transgenic poplar: interspecific crossings, but not transgenesis, promoted aberrant phenotypes in offspring. Plant Biotechnol J 12(8):1066-1074, DOI:10.1111/pbi.12213

  40. 39

    Bentley AR, Jensen EF, Mackey IJ, Hönicka H, Fladung M, Hori K, Yano M, Mullet JE, Armstead IP, Hayes C, Thorogood D, Lovatt A, Morris R, Pullen N, Mutasa-Göttgens ES, Cockram J (2013) Chapter 1 : Flowering time. In: Kole C (ed) Genomics and breeding for climate-resilient crops : Vol. 2 target traits . Berlin: Springer, pp 1-66

  41. 40

    Hönicka H, Fladung M, Lehnhardt D, Ebbinghaus D (2013) Early flowering system based on AtFT allowed development of fertile flowers and first successful crossings in poplar. In: SPP1530 workshop: Floral transition in Arobidopsis, September 16-18,2013, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen. p 34

  42. 41

    Fladung M, Hönicka H, Ahuja MR (2013) Genomic stability and long-term transgene expression in poplar. Transgenic Res 22(6):1167-1178, DOI:10.1007/s11248-013-9719-2

  43. 42

    Hönicka H, Fladung M, Lehnhardt D, Brügmann T (2013) Pleiotropic effects of "flowering" genes in transgenic poplar. In: SPP1530 workshop: Pleiotropic effects of flowering time genes and impact on adaptation and speciation, January 21-23,2013, Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Köln. p 13

  44. 43

    Bustin SA, Benes V, Garson J, Hellemans J, Huggett J, Kubista M, Müller R, Nolan T, Pfaffl MW, Shipley G, Wittwer CT , Schjerling P, Day PJ, Abreu M, Aguado B, Beaulieu J, Beckers A, Bogaert S, Brown JA, Hönicka H, et al (2013) The need for transparency and good practices in the qPCR literature. Nat Methods 10(11):1063-1067

  45. 44

    Hönicka H, Lehnhardt D, Polak O, Fladung M (2012) Early flowering and genetic containment studies in transgenic poplar. iForest 5:138-146, DOI:10.3832/ifor0621-005

  46. 45

    Fladung M, Altosaar I, Bartsch D, Baucher M, Boscaleri F, Gallardo F, Häggman H, Hönicka H, Nielsen K, Paffetti D, Seguin A, Stotzky G, Vettori C (2012) European discussion forum on transgenic tree biosafety. Nature Biotechnol 30(1):37-38, DOI:10.1038/nbt.2078

  47. 46

    Fladung M, Hönicka H (2012) Fifteen years of forest tree biosafety research in Germany. iForest 5:126-130, DOI:10.3832/ifor0619-005

  48. 47

    Hanke MV, Flachowsky H, Hönicka H, Fladung M (2012) Functional genomics of flowering time in trees. In: Priyadarshan PM, Schnell RJ (eds) Genomics of tree crops. New York; Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, pp 39-69, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4614-0920-5_3

  49. 48

    Hönicka H, Lautner S, Klingberg A, Koch G, El-Sherif F, Lehnhardt D, Zhang B, Burgert I, Odermatt J, Melzer S, Fromm J, Fladung M (2012) Influence of over-expression of the FLOWERING PROMOTING FACTOR 1 gene (FPF1) from Arabidopsis on wood formation in hybrid poplar (Populus tremula L. x P. tremuloides Michx.). Planta 235(1):359-373

  50. 49

    Hönicka H, Lehnhardt D, Paulini M, Fladung M (2012) Links between regulons of flowering time control with dormancy, senescence and wood formation in poplar. In: 10th International Congress on Plant Molecular Biology : Book of abstracts, October 21(Sun) - 26(Fri), 2012, ICC, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea. p 274

  51. 50

    Tränkner C, Lehmann S, Hönicka H, Hanke MV, Fladung M, Lenhardt D, Dunemann F, Gau AE, Schlangen K, Malnoy M, Flachowsky H (2011) Note added in proof to: Over-expression of an FT-homologous gene of apple induces early flowering in annual and perennial plants. Planta 233(1):217-218, DOI:10.1007/s00425-010-1317-4

  52. 51

    Hönicka H, Lehnhardt D, Fladung M (2010) Biosafety research on genetic containment of forest trees. In: 11th International Symposium on the biosafety of genetically modified organisms : the role of biosafety research in the decision-making process, organized by the international society for biosafety research (ISBR), Monday 15 November - Saturday 20 November. pp 173-174

  53. 52

    Tränkner C, Lehmann S, Hönicka H, Hanke MV, Fladung M, Lenhardt D, Dunemann F, Gau AE, Schlangen K, Malnoy M, Flachowsky H (2010) Over-expression of an FT-homologous gene of apple induces early flowering in annual and perennial plants. Planta 232(6):1309-1324, doi:10.1007/s00425-010-1254-2

  54. 53

    Hönicka H, Lehnhardt D, Flachowsky H, Hanke MV, Fladung M (2010) Over-expression of an FT-homologous gene of apple induces early flowering in poplar. In: Pflanzenbiotechnologie in Deutschland - Wo stehen wir? : Gemeinsame Tagung des Arbeitskreises Deutsche-In-vitro-Kulturen (ADIVK) und der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbiotechnologie e.V. ; 13. - 15.09.2010, Leibniz Universität Hannover. p 36

  55. 54

    Hönicka H, Lehnhardt D, Fladung M (2010) The combination of induced early flowering and transgene elimination opens new possibilities for faster tree breeding. In: 10. GPZ Haupttagung, Freising-Weihenstephan, 15. - 17. März 2010 "Innovations in breeding methodology"; Book of abstracts. Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung, p 34

  56. 55

    Hönicka H (2009) Evaluation of gene containment strategies under greenhouse conditions using early flowering poplar. In: 2009 IUFRO tree biotechnology, June 28 - July 2, 2009, Whistler, British Columbia. p 52

  57. 56

    Fladung M, Kaufmann H, Markussen T, Hönicka H (2008) Construction of a Populus tremuloides Michx. BAC library. Silvae Genetica 57(2):65-69


  58. 57

    Hönicka H, Nowitzki O, Hanelt D, Fladung M (2008) Heterologous overexpression of the birch FRUITFULL-like MADS-box gene BpMADS4 prevents normal senescence and winter dormancy in Populus tremula L.. Planta 227(5):1001-1011, DOI:10.1007/s00425-007-0674-0

  59. 58

    Hönicka H, Fladung M (2006) Biosafety in Populus spp. and other forest trees: from non-native species to taxa derived from traditional breeding and genetic engineering. Trees 20(2):131-144, DOI:10.1007/s00468-005-0023-5

  60. 59

    Hönicka H, Nowitzki O, Debener T, Fladung M (2006) Faster evaluation of induced floral sterility in transgenic early flowering poplar. Silvae Genetica 55(6):285-291


  61. 60

    Hönicka H, Fladung M (2006) Genome instability in woody plants derived from genetic engineering. In: Fladung M, Ewald D (eds) Tree transgenesis : recent developments. Berlin: Springer, pp 301-321

  62. 61

    Fladung M, Hönicka H (2006) Mit sterilen Pappeln die Auskreuzung in forstliche Ökosysteme verhindern. Forschungsreport Ernähr Landwirtsch Verbrauchersch(1):17-20


  63. 62

    Fladung M, Nowitzki O, Kumar S, Hönicka H (2005) The site-specific recombination systems CRE-LOX and FLP-FRT are functionally active in poplar. Forest Genetics 12(2):121-130

  64. 63

    Fladung M, Hönicka H (2004) Erzeugung transgener steriler Zitterpappeln zur Verhinderung eines vertikalen Gentransfers in forstliche Ökosysteme. Gesunde Pflanzen 56(7-8):195-200, DOI:10.1007/s10343-004-0044-9

  65. 64

    Fladung M, Deutsch F, Hönicka H, Kumar S (2004) T-DNA and transposon tagging in aspen. Plant Biol 6(1):5-11, doi:10.1055/s-2003-44745

  66. 65

    Hönicka H, Fladung M (2003) Evaluation of strategies for avoiding vertical gene transfer from transgenic trees. In: Tree biotechnology 2003, June 7-12 2003, Umea, Sweden.

  67. 66

    Hönicka H, Fladung M (2002) Evaluation of strategies for avoiding vertical gene transfer from transgenic trees. In: International Congress "Sustainable Forestry Wood Products and Biotechnology" (Biofor-02), Vitoria-Gasteiz, November, 11 to 14, 2002 : [proceedings]. pp 221-226

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