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LV Lebensverhältnisse in ländlichen Räumen
Alle weiteren Publikationen von Yi-Chen Pao
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Desouky AF, Hanafy Ahmed AH, Stützel H, Jacobsen H-J, Pao Y-C, Hanafy MS (2021) Enhanced abiotic stress tolerance of Vicia faba L. plants heterologously expressing the PR10a gene from potato. Plants 10(1):173, DOI:10.3390/plants10010173
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Pao Y-C, Kahlen K, Chen T-W, Wiechers D, Stützel H (2021) How does structure matter? Comparison of canopy photosynthesis using one- and three-dimensional light models: a case study using greenhouse cucumber canopies. in silico Plants 3(2):diab031, DOI:10.1093/insilicoplants/diab031
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Pao Y-C, Chen T-W, Moualeu-Ngangue DP, Stützel H (2020) Experiments for in silico evaluation of optimality of photosynthetic nitrogen distribution and partitioning in the canopy: an example using greenhouse cucumber plants. Bio Protoc 10(6):e3556
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Pao Y-C, Stützel H, Chen T-W (2019) A mechanistic view of the reduction in photosynthetic protein abundance under diurnal light fluctuation. J Exp Bot 70(15):3705-3708, DOI:10.1093/jxb/erz164
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Pao Y-C, Chen T-W, Moualeu-Ngangue DP, Stützel H (2019) Environmental triggers for photosynthetic protein turnover determine the optimal nitrogen distribution and partitioning in the canopy. J Exp Bot 70(9):2419-2433, DOI:10.1093/jxb/ery308