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Alle Publikationen von Franziska Junker

  1. 0

    Banse M, Janzen N, Junker F, Kreins P, Offermann F, Salamon P, Weimar H (2016) Modelling the bioeconomy: linkages between agricultural, wood and energy markets : paper prepared for the 19th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis "Analytical Foundations for Cooperation in a Multipolar World" Washington DC, June 15-17, 2016 [online]. Washington DC: Purdue University, 19 p, zu finden in <https://www.gtap.agecon.purdue.edu/resources/download/8295.pdf> [zitiert am 13.07.2016]


  2. 1

    Junker F, Gocht A, Marquardt S, Osterburg B, Stichnothe H (2015) Biofuel sustainability requirements - the case of rapeseed biodiesel [online]. German J Agric Econ 64(4):274-285, zu finden in <http://www.gjae-online.de/inhaltsverzeichnisse/pages/protected/show.prl?params=recent%3D1%26type%3D2&id=820&currPage=&type=2> [zitiert am 01.12.2015]

  3. 2

    Junker F, Wolf V, Marquardt S, Ledebur O von (2015) Changes to EU Biofuel Policy - Turmoil on feedstock markets? : 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economics ; 29th, Milan, Italy 2015. IAAE, 26 p

  4. 3

    Smeets EM, van Leeuwen M, Valin H, Tsiropoulos Y, Moiseyev A, O'Brien M, Schütz H, Schouten M, Verburg PH, Verhagen W, Junker F, Msangi S (2014) Annotated bibliography on qualitative and quantitative models for analysing the bioeconomy : SAT-BBE Consortium Deliverable 2.3 [online]. Wageningen: LEI, 38 p, zu finden in <http://www3.lei.wur.nl/satbbe/PublicationDetail.aspx?id=10> [zitiert am 02.09.2014]

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    Verburg PH, Schouten M, van Leeuwen M, Smeets EM, Meijl H van, Bringezu S, O'Brien M, Böttcher H, Valin H, Tsiropoulos Y, Patel M, Hetemäki L, Lindner M, Moiseyev A, Junker F, Döring R, Msangi S (2014) Data requirements for evaluating and monitoring the evolution of the bioeconomy : SAT-BBE Consortium Deliverable 2.1 [online]. Wageningen: LEI, zu finden in <http://www3.lei.wur.nl/satbbe/PublicationDetail.aspx?id=7> [zitiert am 01.09.2014]

  6. 5

    Junker F, Wolf V, Banse M (2014) Feed - Food - Fuel: a perspective for Africa : Paper prepared for the 17th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis "New Challenges in Food Policy, Trede and Economic Vulnerability" ; Dakar, Senegal, June 18-20, 2014 [online]. 16 p, zu finden in <https://www.gtap.agecon.purdue.edu/resources/res_display.asp?RecordID=4421> [zitiert am 04.09.2014]


  7. 6

    Lampe M von, Kavallari A, Bartelings H, Meijl H van, Banse M, Ilicic-Komorowska J, Junker F, Tongeren F van (2014) Fertiliser and biofuel policies in the global agricultural markets and farm incomes. Paris: OECD, Directorate for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, 80 p, OECD Food Agric Fisheries Working Paper 69

  8. 7

    Banse M, Junker F, Gerdien Prins A, Stehfest E, Tabeau A, Woltjer G, Meijl H van (2014) Global impact of multinational biofuel mandates on land use, feedstock prices, international trade and land-use greenhouse gas emissions. Landbauforsch Appl Agric Forestry Res 64(2):59-72, DOI:10.3220/LBF_2014_59-72


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    Junker F, Haß M, Hubold G, Kreins P, Salamon P, Seintsch B (2014) Potenziale einer biobasierten Wirtschaft. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 35 p, Thünen Working Paper 22, DOI:10.3220/WP_22_2014


  10. 9

    Kleinhanß W, Junker F (2012) Analyse und Abschätzung des Biomasse-Flächennutzungspotenzials. Braunschweig: vTI, 63 p, Arbeitsber vTI Agrarökonomie 2012/03


  11. 10

    Banse M, Junker F, Gerdien Prins A, Stehfest E, Tabeau A, Woltjer G, Meijl H van (2012) Biofuel do Brasil? : Impact of Multinational Biofuel Mandates on agri-food trade ; selected paper prepared for presentation at the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), Triennial Conference, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil,18-24 August, 2012. IAAE, 22 p

  12. 11

    Junker F, Heckelei T (2012) TRQ-complications: who gets the benefits when the EU liberalizes Mercosur's access to the beef markets? Agric Econ 43(2):215-231, doi:10.1111/j.1574-0862.2011.00578.x

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