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© Kay Panten
Institut für

SF Seefischerei

Dr. Dario Fiorentino

Institut für Seefischerei, Institut für Ostseefischerei

Herwigstraße 31
27572 Bremerhaven
+49 471 94460 114


  • Räumliche Analysen
  • Maschinelles Lernen
  • Artenverteilungsmodelle
  • Alternative marine Managementstrategien für den Naturschutz
  • Entwicklung von Strategien für die Meeresrenaturierung
  • Entwicklung von GIS-Werkzeugen in R
  • Open Science


Entwicklung räumlicher Modelle von kommerziell relevanten Fischarten in Bezug auf Klimawandel- und Meeresnutzungsszenarien.


Beteiligt an

laufende Projekte

abgeschlossene Projekte

Wissenschaftliche Ausbildung und Werdegang

  • seit 2022: Wissenschaftler am Thünen-Institut für Seefischerei, Bremerhaven, Deutschland.
  • 2017 - 2021: Postdoc am Helmholtz-Institut für Funktionelle Marine Biodiversität an der Universität Oldenburg (HIFMB), Deutschland.
  • 2014 – 2017: Postdoc am Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung (AWI), Sylt, Deutschland.
  • 2012 – 2014: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter bei Bioconsult Schuchardt & Scholle GbR, Bremen, Deutschland.
  • 2010 – 2012: Gastwissenschaftler an der Universität Hamburg, Deutschland.
  • 2008 – 2010: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Salento, Lecce, Italien.
  • 2005 – 2008: Promotion in Ökologie an der Universität Salento, Lecce, Italien.
  • 2004: Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft an der Universität Salento, Lecce Italien.
  • 1999 – 2003: Diploma in Naturwissenschaft, Universität Siena, Siena, Italien.

Referierte Publikationen (nicht Thünen-Institut)

  • Fraschetti S, C Mcowen, L Papa, N Papadopoulou, B Meri, C Boström, P Capdevila, M Carreiro-Silva, L Carugati, E Cebrian, M Coll, T Dailianis, R Danovaro, F De Leo, D Fiorentino, K Gagnon, C Gambi, J Garrabou, V Gerovasileiou, B Hereu, S Kipson, J Kotta, J Ledoux, C Linares, M Jiulette, A Medrano, I Montero-Serra, T Morato, A Pusceddu, C Sevastou, C Smith, J Jana, G Guarnieri. Where Is More Important Than How in Coastal and Marine Ecosystems Restoration. Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 1431 (2021).
  • Gogina M, ML Zettler, J Vanaverbeke, J Dannheim, G Van Hoey, N Desroy, A Wrede, H Reiss, S Degraer, V Van Lancker, A Foveau, U Braeckman, D Fiorentino, J Holstein, SNR Birchenough. Interregional comparison of benthic ecosystem functioning: Community bioturbation potential in four regions along the NE Atlantic shelf. Ecological Indicators 110, 105945 (2020).
  • Dreujou E, C Carrier-Belleau, J Goldsmit, D Fiorentino, R Ben-Hamadou, H Said, JH Muelbert, JA Godbold, RM Daigle, D Beauchesne. Holistic Environmental Approaches and Aichi Biodiversity Targets: accomplishments and perspectives for marine ecosystems. PeerJ 8, e8171 (2020).
  • Bekkby T, N Papadopoulou, D Fiorentino, C J. McOwen, E Rinde, C Boström, M Carreiro-Silva, C Linares, G Sogn Andersen, EG Tunka Bengil, M Bilan, E Cebrian, C Cerrano, R Danovaro, CW Fagerli, S Fraschetti, K Gagnon, C Gambi, H Gundersen, S Kipson, J Kotta, T Morato, H Ojaveer, E Ramirez-Llodra, CJ Smith. Habitat Features and Their Influence on the Restoration Potential of Marine Habitats in Europe. Frontiers in Marine Science 7, (2020).
  • Kågesten G, D Fiorentino, F Baumgartner, L Zillén. How Do Continuous High-Resolution Models of Patchy Seabed Habitats Enhance Classification Schemes? Geosciences 9, 237 (2019).
  • Gerovasileiou V, C Smith, K Sevastou, N Papadopoulou, T Dailianis, T Bekkby, D Fiorentino, C McOwen, T Amaro, E Grace, T Bengil, M. Bilan, C Boström, M Carreiro-Silva, E Cebrian, C Cerrano, R Danovaro, S Fraschetti, K Gagnon, C Gambi, A Grehan, B Hereu, S Kipson, J Kotta, C Linares, T Morato, H Ojaveer, H Orav-Kotta, A Sarà, R Scrimgeour. Habitat mapping in the European Seas - is it fit for purpose in the marine restoration agenda? Marine Policy 106, 103521 (2019).
  • Fiorentino D, V Lecours, T Brey. On the Art of Classification in Spatial Ecology: Fuzziness as an Alternative for Mapping Uncertainty. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6, (2018).
  • Hass CH, F Mielck, D Fiorentino, S Papenmeier. Seafloor monitoring west of Helgoland (German Bight, North Sea) using the acoustic ground discrimination system RoxAnn. Geo-Marine Letters 37, 125–136 (2017).
  • Fiorentino D, R Pesch, C-P Günther , L Gutow, J Holstein, J Dannheim, B Ebbe, T Bildstein, W Schroeder, B Schuchardt, T Brey, KH Wiltshire. A ‘fuzzy clustering’ approach to conceptual confusion: how to classify natural ecological associations. Marine Ecology Progress Series 584, 17–30 (2017).
  • Lokmer, A, A Goedknegt, D Thieltges, S Kuenzel, D Fiorentino, J Baines, KM Wegner. Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Pacific Oyster Hemolymph Microbiota across Multiple Scales. Front. Microbiol. 7, (2016).
  • Schnurr S, A Brandt, S Brix, D Fiorentino, M Malyutina, J Svavarsson. Composition and distribution of selected munnopsid genera (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellota) in Icelandic waters. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 84, 142–155 (2014).
  • Meißner K, D Fiorentino, J Svavarson, P Martinez Arbizu, F Huettmann, S Schnurr, S Brix, S Holst. Distribution of benthic marine invertebrates at northern latitudes ― An evaluation applying multi-algorithm species distribution models. Journal of Sea Research 85, 241–254 (2014).
  • Fiorentino D, T Caruso, A Terlizzi. Spatial autocorrelation in the response of soft-bottom marine benthos to gas extraction activities: The case of amphipods in the Ionian Sea. Marine Environmental Research 79, 79–85 (2012).
  • Thrush SF, M Chiantore, V Asnaghi, J Hewitt, D Fiorentino, R Cattaneo-Vietti. Habitat–diversity relationships in rocky shore algal turf infaunal communities. Marine Ecology Progress Series 424, 119–132 (2011).
  • Terlizzi A, G De Falco, S Felline, D Fiorentino, MC Gambi, G Cancemi. Effects of marine cage aquaculture on macrofauna assemblages associated with Posidonia oceanica meadows. Italian Journal of Zoology 77, 1–10 (2010).
  • Terlizzi A, S Bevilacqua, D Scuderi, D Fiorentino, G Guarnieri, A Giangrande, M Licciano, S Felline, S Fraschetti. Effects of offshore platforms on soft-bottom macro-benthic assemblages: A case study in a Mediterranean gas field. Marine Pollution Bulletin 56, 1303–1309 (2008).
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