Institut für
SF Seefischerei
Publikationen, referiert
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Borja A, Elliott M, Teixeira H, Stelzenmüller V, Katsanevakis S, Coll M, Galparsoro I, Fraschetti S, Papadopoulou N, Lynam CP, Berg T, Andersen JH, Carstensen J, Leal MC, Uyarra MC (2024) Addressing the cumulative impacts of multiple human pressures in marine systems, for the sustainable use of the seas. Front Ocean Sustain 1:1308125, DOI:10.3389/focsu.2023.1308125
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Petza D, Amorim E, Ben Lamine E, Colloca F, Dominguez Crisóstomo E, Fabbrizzi E, Fraschetti S, Galparsoro I, Giakoumi S, Kruse M, Stelzenmüller V, Katsanevakis S (2024) Assessing the potential of Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) for contributing to conservation targets: A global scoping review protocol [version 3; peer review: 2 approved, 1 approved with reservations]. Open Res Europe 3:118, DOI:10.12688/openreseurope.16116.3
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Bonsu PO, Letschert J, Yates KL, Svendsen JC, Berkenhagen J, Rozemeijer MJC, Kerkhove TRH, Rehren J, Stelzenmüller V (2024) Co-location of fisheries and offshore wind farms: Current practices and enabling conditions in the North Sea. Mar Policy 159:105941, DOI:10.1016/j.marpol.2023.105941
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Stelzenmüller V, Letschert J, Blanz B, Blöcker AM, Claudet J, Cormier R, Gee K, Held H, Kannen A, Kruse M, Rambo H, Schaper J, Sguotti C, Stollberg N, Quiroga S, Möllmann C (2024) Exploring the adaptive capacity of a fisheries social-ecological system to global change. Ocean Coastal Manag 258:107391, DOI:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2024.107391
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Stelzenmüller V, Rehren J, Örey S, Lemmen C, Krishna S, Hasenbein M, Püts M, Probst WN, Diekmann R, Scheffran J, Bos OG, Wirtz K (2024) Framing future trajectories of human activities in the German North Sea to inform cumulative effects assessments and marine spatial planning. J Environ Manag 349:119507, DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119507
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Werner K-M, Haslob H, Reichel AF, Gimpel A, Stelzenmüller V (2024) Offshore wind farm foundations as artificial reefs: The devil is in the detail. Fish Res 272:106937, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2024.106937
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Kruse M, Letschert J, Cormier R, Rambo H, Gee K, Kannen A, Schaper J, Möllmann C, Stelzenmüller V (2024) Operationalizing a fisheries social-ecological system through a Bayesian belief network reveals hotspots for its adaptive capacity in the southern North Sea. J Environ Manag 357:120685, DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.120685
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Kraan C, Haslob H, Probst WN, Stelzenmüller V, Rehren J, Neumann H (2024) Thresholds of seascape fauna composition along gradients of human pressures and natural conditions to inform marine spatial planning. Sci Total Environ 914:169940, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.169940
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Kraan C, Haslob H, Probst WN, Stelzenmüller V, Rehren J, Neumann H (2024) Thresholds of seascape fauna composition along gradients of human pressures and natural conditions to inform marine spatial planning. Sci Total Environ 914:169940, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.169940
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Ma C, Stelzenmüller V, Rehren J, Yu J, Zhang Z, Zheng H, Lin L, Yang H-C, Jin Y (2023) A risk-based approach to cumulative effects assessment for large marine ecosystems to support transboundary marine spatial planning: A case study of the Yellow Sea. J Environ Manag 342:118165, DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118165