Biodiesel-Aktivitäten in Schweden
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Recent Results from Biodiesel Research at the National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research
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Das CRT-System (Continous Regenerating Trap) im Biodiesel-Einsatz
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RME-OxiKat - Umwandlung der Schadstoffe mit RME-optimiertem Katalysator
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Anpassung eines Schleppermotors an die Anforderungen des Betriebs mit RME
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Exploring possibility of sulphate fertilisation with salt production residues
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Use of SDA-products from coal fired plants as a sulphur source in agriculture
Paulsen HM, Haneklaus S, Schnug E (1997) Use of SDA-products from coal fired plants as a sulphur source in agriculture. In: Schnug E, Szabolcs I (eds) Recycling of plant nutrients from industrial processes : 10th International CIEC Symposium ; 1996, 9-11 December, Braunschweig-Völkenrode, Germany. Braunschweig: FAL, pp 215-223
Irrigation of arable land with waste water of a sugar factory - legal aspects and ecological impact
Paulsen HM, Kücke M, Schnug E (1997) Irrigation of arable land with waste water of a sugar factory - legal aspects and ecological impact. In: Schnug E, Szabolcs I (eds) Recycling of plant nutrients from industrial processes : 10th International CIEC Symposium ; 1996, 9-11 December, Braunschweig-Völkenrode, Germany. Braunschweig: FAL, pp 225-235
Agriculture and the greenhouse effect - influences of soil and crop management on sinks and sources for CO2 [Postersession]
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