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Marek's disease in hens from three leghorn lines and their crosses grown under different environmental conditions
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Studies on Immunoglobulin G (IgG) in growing chickens of different leghorn lines infected and uninfected with avian Myeloblastosis and Marek's Disease herpesvirus
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Changes in the stimulatory estrogen feedback action on LH-release during lactational anestrus in the pig
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Type and composition of the air pollutants in the livestock industry and their effects on the local environment
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Results of the use of a 19-nortestosterone derivate in cycle manipulation in sows
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Handhabung von Kälbern in Gruppenhaltung
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Auswirkungen des Stallsystems auf die Herdenführung in der Milchviehhaltung
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Die Berechnung von Luftzustandsgrößen aus psychometrischen Messungen
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Lagebestimmung von Punkten bezüglich eines einfach zusammenhängenden Gebietes
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