The experience of the evaluation of farm investment support in Greece
Lianos D, Giotopoulou T (2006) The experience of the evaluation of farm investment support in Greece. Working Paper Agric Econ 2006/03:121-132
The analysis of chenges in fram investment support polica in Poland after joining the European Union
Ziolkowsky J, Nargiello J, Klimkowski C (2006) The analysis of chenges in fram investment support polica in Poland after joining the European Union. Working Paper Agric Econ 2006/03:159-173
Impact analysis of investment support for agricultural buildings in Switzerland
Pfefferli S (2006) Impact analysis of investment support for agricultural buildings in Switzerland. Working Paper Agric Econ 2006/03:147-157
Improving processing and marketing of agricultural products - organisation, problems and results of evaluation in Austria
Neuwirth J, Pistrich K (2006) Improving processing and marketing of agricultural products - organisation, problems and results of evaluation in Austria. Working Paper Agric Econ 2006/03:195-200
Support to processing and marketing of agricultural products in Portugal
Serrano P (2006) Support to processing and marketing of agricultural products in Portugal. Working Paper Agric Econ 2006/03:205-214
improving of processing and marketing of agricultural products - assessment of projects
Grabner A (2006) improving of processing and marketing of agricultural products - assessment of projects. Working Paper Agric Econ 2006/03:201-204
Glawatz H, Nürnberg G, Kjær JB, Heil G, Schrader L, Reinsch N (2006) Konzept und Versuchsplanung für eine zukünftige koordinierte Feldprüfung von Legehennenherkünften auf ihre Eignung für den ökologischen Landbau. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 298: 135
Two approaches to evaluation - the case of the processing and marketing grant in England
Temple M (2006) Two approaches to evaluation - the case of the processing and marketing grant in England. Working Paper Agric Econ 2006/03:215-225
Synthesis of the RDP mid-term evaluation in Germany (16 Länder) and EC 15 in 2005 - methodologies, possibilities, pitfalls and some selected results
Pölking A (2006) Synthesis of the RDP mid-term evaluation in Germany (16 Länder) and EC 15 in 2005 - methodologies, possibilities, pitfalls and some selected results. Working Paper Agric Econ 2006/03:187-194
Effectiveness and impacts of farm investment support in Spain - the experience of the updated med-term evaluation (2000-2006)
Collado Cueto LA (2006) Effectiveness and impacts of farm investment support in Spain - the experience of the updated med-term evaluation (2000-2006). Working Paper Agric Econ 2006/03:105-120