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Verlag: Copenhagen: ICES
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Es wurden 433 Ergebnisse in 4 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 391 bis 400 von 433.
Estimates of conversion factors between the new standard trawls and the former used national trawls based on the mean horizontal net opening
Use of otolith for parameters and total length for supporting the ageing process for Baltic cod
What does the year-classes 1995 and 2001 of Baltic cod tell us?
Precision of length-at-age and weight-at-age based on data from commercial landings - according to requirement of EU No. 1639/2001
Biological effects of contaminants: use of liver pathology of the European flatfish dab (Limanda limanda L.) and flounder (Plathichthys flesus L.) for monitoring
A new approach towards an optimal control of fisheries on Georges Bank: the SMAST Groundfish Optimization Simulation Model, Vigo, Spain, Sep 22-25
Report of the herring larvae surveys in the North Sea in 2003/2004
German herring fisheries & stock assessment data in the Western Baltic in 2003
Die Lage der Fischbestände im Skagerrak/Kattegat und in der Ostsee : Stand: 09.09.2004
German herring fisheries & stock assessment data in the Western Baltic in 2002
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