German herring, fisheries & stock assessment data in the Western Baltic 2009
Gröhsler T (2010) German herring, fisheries & stock assessment data in the Western Baltic 2009. Copenhagen: ICES, Working Doc ICES HAWG 6
Herring in SD 25-29+32 (excl. GOR) : Update Assessment! ; 13.04.2010
Gröhsler T (2010) Herring in SD 25-29+32 (excl. GOR) : Update Assessment! ; 13.04.2010. Copenhagen: ICES
German herring & sprat : fisheries & stock assessment data in the Baltic Sea 2009
Gröhsler T (2010) German herring & sprat : fisheries & stock assessment data in the Baltic Sea 2009. Copenhagen: ICES, 22 p, ICES WGBFAS Report WD X
Estimation of CPUE values in the Russian zone based on the CPUE values of the remaining ares in SD 26
Oeberst R (2010) Estimation of CPUE values in the Russian zone based on the CPUE values of the remaining ares in SD 26. Copenhagen: ICES, 21 p
Status of herring stocks in the Baltic Sea : presentation for the 2nd workshop on an ecological synthesis of Baltic herring interactions with other species, and a description of the ecological impact of the fisheries on Baltic herring, Nordic Council, 15.-18.02.2010, Charlottenlund, Denmark
Gröhsler T (2010) Status of herring stocks in the Baltic Sea : presentation for the 2nd workshop on an ecological synthesis of Baltic herring interactions with other species, and a description of the ecological impact of the fisheries on Baltic herring, Nordic Council, 15.-18.02.2010, Charlottenlund, Denmark. Copenhagen: ICES, 19 p
Inter-calibration experiments between the RV Havfisken and the RV Solea
Velasco A, Thaarup A (2010) Inter-calibration experiments between the RV Havfisken and the RV Solea. Copenhagen: ICES, 4 p
Update of groundfish survey results for the Atlantic Cod Greenland offshore component 1982-2009
Fock HO (2010) Update of groundfish survey results for the Atlantic Cod Greenland offshore component 1982-2009. Copenhagen: ICES, 23 p, Working Doc ICES North Western Working Group 2010/16
Data on German landings and effort for Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), demersal redfish (Sebastes marinus and demersal S. mentella), and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in ICES Div. Va, Vb, VIa and XIV, 1995-2009
Fock HO, Stransky C, Bernreuther M (2010) Data on German landings and effort for Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), demersal redfish (Sebastes marinus and demersal S. mentella), and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in ICES Div. Va, Vb, VIa and XIV, 1995-2009. Copenhagen: ICES, 17 p, Working Doc ICES North Western Working Group 2010/07
Abundance and length composition for Sebastes marinus L., deep sea S. mentella and juvenile redfish (Sebastes spp.) off Greenland based on groundfish surveys 1985-2009
Fock HO, Stransky C, Bernreuther M (2010) Abundance and length composition for Sebastes marinus L., deep sea S. mentella and juvenile redfish (Sebastes spp.) off Greenland based on groundfish surveys 1985-2009. Copenhagen: ICES, 33 p, Working Doc ICES North Western Working Group 2010/14
Spatial resolution of German CPUE for north-east arctic saithe (Pollachius virens L.) in ICES Division IIa from 1995 to 2009
Bernreuther M, Fock HO, Stransky C (2010) Spatial resolution of German CPUE for north-east arctic saithe (Pollachius virens L.) in ICES Division IIa from 1995 to 2009. Copenhagen: ICES, 7 p, Working Doc ICES Arctic Fisheries Working Group 11