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Verlag: Copenhagen: ICES
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Es wurden 446 Ergebnisse in 5 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 301 bis 310 von 446.
Investigations on quality of Stock Separation Function (SF). Working Document WKPELA4. Benchmark workshop on pelagic stocks (WKPELA): 4-8 February 2013
Applicability of the stock separation function (SF) on the first period of GERAS in 1994-2004. Working Document WKPELA2. Benchmark workshop on pelagic stocks (WKPELA): 4-8 February 2013
Comparison of stock indices based on GERAS estimated with the standard procedure and by the new proposed method : Working document Baltic International Fish Survey Working Group (WGBIFS) 20-25 March 2013
Quality of age determination. Working Document WKPELA7. In Benchmark workshop on pelagic stocks (WKPELA), WBSSH 04-08 February 2013
Stock components and early life cycle ecology of Western Baltic spring spawning herring - prospects of recent research results with potential implication for stock assessment strategy. Working Document WKPELA9. Benchmark workshop on pelagic stocks (WKPELA): 4-8 February 2013
Ruegen herring larvae survey and N20 larval index. Working Document WKPELA. Benchmark workshop on pelagic stocks (WKPELA): 4-8 February 2013
Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in sediment and biota
Measuring the international standard trawl for Baltic demersal surveys (TV3-520 Meshes) : working paper Working group of Baltic International Fish Survey, 26 – 30 March 2012
Results RV Havfisken and RV Solea in ICES SD 22 – 24 during BITS in quarter 1 and 4 : working paper Baltic Fisheries Assessment working group, 12 – 20 March 2012
Indices of sprat and herring based on German acoustic survey in May (BASS) – estimated with different methods for combining the results of fishing stations : working paper Working group of Baltic International Fish Survey, 26 – 30 March 2012
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