Modelling farm structural change : a feasibility study for ex-post modelling utilizing FADN and FSS data in Germany and developing an ex-ante forecast module for the CAPRI farm type layer baseline
Gocht A, Röder N, Neuenfeldt S, Storm H, Heckelei T (2012) Modelling farm structural change : a feasibility study for ex-post modelling utilizing FADN and FSS data in Germany and developing an ex-ante forecast module for the CAPRI farm type layer baseline. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 166 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
Review of Proposed DCF 2014-2020 : Part 1 (STECF-12-07) ; this report was reviewed by the STECF during its’ 39th plenary meeting held from 16 to 20 April 2012 in Brussels, Belgium
Ebeling MW, Natale F, Doerner H (eds) (2012) Review of Proposed DCF 2014-2020 : Part 1 (STECF-12-07) ; this report was reviewed by the STECF during its’ 39th plenary meeting held from 16 to 20 April 2012 in Brussels, Belgium. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 70 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
Sustainability and production costs in the global farming sector: Comparative analysis and methodologies
Langrell S, Ciaian P, Gomez y Paloma S, Cunningham DL, Garnier J-F, Isermeyer F, Mishra AK (2012) Sustainability and production costs in the global farming sector: Comparative analysis and methodologies. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 129 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
Evaluation of multi-annual plans for cod in Irish Sea, Kattegat, North Sea, and West of Scotland (STECF-11-07) : This report was reviewed by the STECF during its 37th plenary meeting held from 11 to 25 July, 2011 in Copenhagen, Denmark
Simmonds J, Kraak SBM, Berkenhagen J, Cardinale M, Cerviño S, Da Rocha Alvarez JM, Curtis H, Döring R, Eero M, Kempf A, Holmes SJ, Gascuel D, Graham N, Gustavsson T, Jennings S, Kenny A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Kuikka S, Stransky C, et al (2011) Evaluation of multi-annual plans for cod in Irish Sea, Kattegat, North Sea, and West of Scotland (STECF-11-07) : This report was reviewed by the STECF during its 37th plenary meeting held from 11 to 25 July, 2011 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 358 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
Evaluation of fishing effort regimes in the Baltic Sea (STECF-11-11)
Casey J, Abella JA, Andersen JL, Bailey N, Bertignac M, Cardinale M, Curtis H, Daskalov G, Delaney A, Döring R, Garcia Rodriguez M, Gascuel D, Graham N, Gustavsson T, Jennings S, Kenny A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Kempf A, Stransky C, et al (2011) Evaluation of fishing effort regimes in the Baltic Sea (STECF-11-11). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 110 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
Evaluation of fishing effort regimes deep sea and Western waters (STECF-11-12)
Casey J, Abella JA, Andersen JL, Bailey N, Bertignac M, Cardinale M, Curtis H, Daskalov G, Delaney A, Döring R, Garcia Rodriguez M, Gascuel D, Graham N, Gustavsson T, Jennings S, Kenny A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Kuikka S, Stransky C, et al (2011) Evaluation of fishing effort regimes deep sea and Western waters (STECF-11-12). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 147 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
Review of scientific advice for 2012 Part 3 (STECF 11-15) : prepared in draft by the STECF-EWG 11-17, Ancona, Italy October 2011
Casey J, Vanhee W, Rätz H-J, Bailey N, Bertignac M, Cardinale M, Curtis H, Daskalov G, Stransky C (2011) Review of scientific advice for 2012 Part 3 (STECF 11-15) : prepared in draft by the STECF-EWG 11-17, Ancona, Italy October 2011. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 248 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
38th Plenary Meeting report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (Plen-11-03) : Plenary Meeting, 7-11 November 2011, Brussels
Casey J, Doerner H, Andersen JL, Bailey N, Bertignac M, Cardinale M, Curtis H, Daskalov G, Döring R, Stransky C, et al (2011) 38th Plenary Meeting report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (Plen-11-03) : Plenary Meeting, 7-11 November 2011, Brussels. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 104 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
Assessment of mediterranean sea stocks - part 2 (STECF-11-14) : this report was reviewed by the STECF during its 38th plenary meeting held from 7 to 11 November, 2011 in Brussels, Belgium
Cardinale M, Rätz H-J, Charef A (eds) (2011) Assessment of mediterranean sea stocks - part 2 (STECF-11-14) : this report was reviewed by the STECF during its 38th plenary meeting held from 7 to 11 November, 2011 in Brussels, Belgium. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 611 p
Opinion by written procedure : Assessment of Black Sea Stocks (STECF-OWP-11-06) November 2011
Daskalov G, Rätz H-J (eds) (2011) Opinion by written procedure : Assessment of Black Sea Stocks (STECF-OWP-11-06) November 2011. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 216 p