Body composition of pigs depending on lysine supply
Berk A, Schulz E (2001) Body composition of pigs depending on lysine supply. Proc Soc Nutr Physiol 10: 73
Effect of harvest date and variety on rumen degradability of ensiled grain maize fed to dairy cows
Ettle T, Lebzien P, Schwarz FJ (2001) Effect of harvest date and variety on rumen degradability of ensiled grain maize fed to dairy cows. Proc Soc Nutr Physiol 10: 44
Influence of different adaptation times to starch-rich diets on ruminal digestibility of nutrients and rumen fermentation in dairy cows
Matthé A, Lebzien P, Flachowsky G (2001) Influence of different adaptation times to starch-rich diets on ruminal digestibility of nutrients and rumen fermentation in dairy cows. Proc Soc Nutr Physiol 10: 30
Evaluation of the physical structure value of different rations for dairy cattle applying measurements on ruminating activity
Spolders M, Meyer U, Gädeken D, Stemme K, Flachowsky G (2001) Evaluation of the physical structure value of different rations for dairy cattle applying measurements on ruminating activity. Proc Soc Nutr Physiol 10: 41
Measurement of in vitro protein synthesis by GC-MS-analysis of d5-phenylalanine in the TCA-precipitable fraction of chick livers
Dänicke S, Schippel K, Halle I (2001) Measurement of in vitro protein synthesis by GC-MS-analysis of d5-phenylalanine in the TCA-precipitable fraction of chick livers. Proc Soc Nutr Physiol 10: 86
Nutritional value of silages from two different maize hybrids for fattening bulls
Langenhoff M, Daenicke R, Gädeken D, Flachowsky G (2001) Nutritional value of silages from two different maize hybrids for fattening bulls. Proc Soc Nutr Physiol 10: 139
Einfluß einer stärkereichen Fütterung auf das Vorkommen von Escherichia coli im Kot von Milchkühen
Gollnisch K, Loose K, Matthes S, Flachowsky G (2000) Einfluß einer stärkereichen Fütterung auf das Vorkommen von Escherichia coli im Kot von Milchkühen. Proc Soc Nutr Physiol 9: 97
Entwicklung der Speichelsekretion in der frühen postnatalen Phase beim Kalb
Breves G, Goll M, Daenicke R, Schröder B (2000) Entwicklung der Speichelsekretion in der frühen postnatalen Phase beim Kalb. Proc Soc Nutr Physiol 9: 160
Duodenally infused conjugated linoleic acid supplement influences the milk-fat synthesis and changes the fatty acid concentrations of milk fat
Kraft J, Lebzien P, Möckel P, Tischendorf F, Flachowsky G, Jahreis G (2000) Duodenally infused conjugated linoleic acid supplement influences the milk-fat synthesis and changes the fatty acid concentrations of milk fat. Proc Soc Nutr Physiol 9: 52
Einfluß verschiedener Fette auf sensorische Merkmale des Fleisches von Schweinen unterschiedlicher genetischer Herkunft
Kratz R, Schulz E, Fischer K, Glodek P (2000) Einfluß verschiedener Fette auf sensorische Merkmale des Fleisches von Schweinen unterschiedlicher genetischer Herkunft. Proc Soc Nutr Physiol 9: 57