Rihan D, Doerner H, Döring R, Goti-Aralucea L, Stransky C, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Coll Monton M, Daskalov G, Drouineau H, Grati F, Hamon K, Ibaibarriaga L, Jardim E, Jung A, Ligas A, Mannini A, Martin P, Motova-Surmava A, et al (2023) Scientific Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - 74th plenary report (STECF-PLEN-23-03). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, ii, 123 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep 136255, DOI:10.2760/230145
Stransky C, Hekim Z, Berkenhagen J, Freese M, Ulleweit J, Döring R, Goti-Aralucea L, Accadia P, Adamidou A, Chassanite A, Davidjuka I, Grati F, Hommik K, Ioannou M, Jakovleva I, Koutrakis E, Kovsars M, Liontakis A, Mannini A, McCormick H, et al (2023) Scientific Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Evaluation of work plans for data collection and data transmission issues (STECF-23-16). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, iii, 37 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep 136208, DOI:10.2760/43137
Casey J, Virtanen J, Bernreuther M, Döring R, Goti-Aralucea L, Stransky C, Avdic Mravlje E, Beukhof E, Brigadeau C, Cano S, Davidjuka I, Ferreira R, Grati F, Guitton J, Iriondo A, Jakovleva I, Jung A, Le Grand C, Mannini A, O'Hea B, et al (2023) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Assessment of balance indicators for key fleet segments and review of national reports on Member States efforts to achieve balance between fleet capacity and fishing opportunities (STECF-22-15). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 214 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep 133303, DOI:10.2760/101043
Thor P, Naddafi R, Nadolna-Altyn K, Oesterwind D, Henseler C, Behrens JW, Erlandsson M, Florin A-B, Jakubowska-Lehrmann M, Jaspers C, Lehtiniemi M, Putnis I, Quirijns F, Rakowski M, Rozenfelde L, Udzups D, Wandzel T, Witalis B, Wozniczka A (2023) Invasive species in the Baltic Sea and their impact on commercial fish stocks. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, xvii, 63 p, DOI:10.2926/175875
Prellezo R, Sabatella E, Virtanen J, Tardy Martorell M, Guillen J, Berkenhagen J, Döring R, Goti-Aralucea L, Stransky C, Avdic Mravlje E, Burmanje J, Cano S, Carpenter G, De Clercq A, Enhol Blomqvist G, Fernández-González R, Ferreira R, Guyader O, Ioannou M, Kazlauskas E, et al (2023) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - The 2023 annual economic report on the EU fishing fleet (STECF 23-07). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, ii, 455 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep 135182, DOI:10.2760/423534
Jackson E, Hekim Z, Berkenhagen J, Freese M, Ulleweit J, Döring R, Goti-Aralucea L, Stransky C, Accadia PR, Adamidou A, Armesto A, Avdic Mravlje E, Brigaudeau C, Davidjuka I, Ioannou M, Isajlovic I, Jakovleva I, Kazlauskas E, Koutrakis E, Kovsars M, et al (2023) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Evaluation of the 2022 Annual Reports for data collection and data transmission issues from 2022 (STECF-23-08). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, iii, 76 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep 134651, DOI:10.2760/449420
Rihan D, Doerner H, Döring R, Goti-Aralucea L, Stransky C, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Coll Monton M, Daskalov G, Drouineau H, Grati F, Hamon K, Ibaibarriaga L, Jardim E, Jung A, Ligas A, Mannini A, Martin P, Moore C, et al (2023) Scientific Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - 73rd plenary report (STECF-PLEN-23-02). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, iv, 123 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep 136363, DOI:10.2760/89951
Casey J, Virtanen J, Bernreuther M, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Catchpole T, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Gascuel D, Grati F, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, Knittweis L, Ligas A, Martin P, Motova A, et al (2022) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Assessment of balance indicators for key fleet segments and review of national reports on Member States efforts to achieve balance between fleet capacity and fishing opportunities (STECF-21-16). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 253 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/565659
Ulrich C, Doerner H, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Catchpole T, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Döring R, Gascuel D, Grati F, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, Knittweis L, Ligas A, Martin P, Motova A, Moutopoulos D, Stransky C, et al (2022) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - 69th Plenary Report (PLEN-22-01). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 136 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/192738
Malvarosa L, Guillen J, Virtanen J, Avdic Mravlje E, Brigaudeau C, Cozzolino M, Danatskos C, Davidjuka I, De Peuter S, Fernandez Polanco JM, Hoekstra G, Huber L-M, Jackson E, Kazlauskas E, Kieliszewska M, Krupska J, Lees J, Llorente Garcia I, Mongruel R, Nicheva S, et al (2022) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Economic report on the fish processing industry (STECF-21-14). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 229 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep