Chapter 6.8: Settlements (4.E)
Gensior A, Fuß R, Laggner A, Döring U (2019) Chapter 6.8: Settlements (4.E). Climate Change 2019/24:653-660
Chapter 6.9: Other Land (4.F)
Gensior A, Fuß R, Laggner A, Döring U (2019) Chapter 6.9: Other Land (4.F). Climate Change 2019/24: 661
Chapter 6.11: Other sectors (4.H)
Gensior A, Fuß R, Laggner A, Döring U (2019) Chapter 6.11: Other sectors (4.H). Climate Change 2019/24: 665
Chapter 19, Annex 3: Other detailed methodological descriptions for individual source or sink categories, including KP-LULUCF activities
Haenel H-D, Rösemann C, Fuß R (2019) Chapter 19, Annex 3: Other detailed methodological descriptions for individual source or sink categories, including KP-LULUCF activities. Climate Change 2019/24:829-867
Kapitel 6.10: Holzprodukte (4.G)
Rüter S (2019) Kapitel 6.10: Holzprodukte (4.G). Climate Change 2019/23:668-671
Kapitel 11: Ergänzende Informationen wie nach Artikel 7, Absatz 1 des Kyoto-Protokolls gefordert
Stümer W, Gensior A, Laggner A, Fuß R, Rüter S, Dunger K, Steuk J, Döring U (2019) Kapitel 11: Ergänzende Informationen wie nach Artikel 7, Absatz 1 des Kyoto-Protokolls gefordert. Climate Change 2019/23:751-786
Chapter 6.10: Harvested wood products (4.G)
Rüter S (2019) Chapter 6.10: Harvested wood products (4.G). Climate Change 2019/24:661-665
Chapter 11: Supplementary information as required pursuant to article 7 (1) of the Kyoto Protocol
Stümer W, Gensior A, Laggner A, Fuß R, Rüter S, Dunger K, Steuk J, Döring U (2019) Chapter 11: Supplementary information as required pursuant to article 7 (1) of the Kyoto Protocol. Climate Change 2019/24:744-779