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Verlag: Frankfurt a. M.; DLG-Verl.
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Es wurden 344 Ergebnisse in 2 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 51 bis 60 von 344.
Effects of variation in incubation temperature on feed intake and performance of broilers
Empty body composition of female calves and heifers (German Holstein Breed) as a function of feeding intensity and live weight
Comparative study on body composition of growing cattle assessed by chemical analysis and by Magnetic Resonance Tomography (MRT)
Metabolic programming of calves : effects of postnatal nutrient supply on the peripheral insulin response
Variation of feed intake of dairy cows in consecutive lactations
Content of minerals in organically grown grain legumes and cereals
Evaluation of feed quality of organically grown feedstuffs by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS)
Volkswirtschaftliche Einordnung der Energieerzeugung aus Biomasse
Klimapolitische Aspekte der Energieerzeugung aus Biomasse
Perspektiven der Förderung von Energie aus Biomasse
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