The motivational force of values and attitudes on human behaviour in the quest for happiness, well-being, and satisfaction
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Transmission of values and attitudes through social networks
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Values, attitudes, and the sense of well-being of rural populations in the process of socio-economic and political transition : survey results for Western Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic
Cécora J, Claupein E, Kaleta A (1994) Values, attitudes, and the sense of well-being of rural populations in the process of socio-economic and political transition : survey results for Western Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. SchrR Forschungsgesellsch Agrarpol Agrarsoz 296:
Time-use for gainful activity in farming households in Finistere and Lower Saxony
Cécora J, Günther H-J, Brangeon JL, Jegouzo G (1993) Time-use for gainful activity in farming households in Finistere and Lower Saxony. SchrR Forschungsgesellsch Agrarpol Agrarsoz 295:287-298
Geographical and sectoral aspects of rural household strategies for resource income and allocation in Western Germany
Cécora J (1993) Geographical and sectoral aspects of rural household strategies for resource income and allocation in Western Germany. SchrR Forschungsgesellsch Agrarpol Agrarsoz 295:36-64
Resource income and allocation : a topic for economic and sociological research
Cécora J (1993) Resource income and allocation : a topic for economic and sociological research. SchrR Forschungsgesellsch Agrarpol Agrarsoz 295:1-9
Reform der EG-Strukturfonds und Regionalförderung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Politik zur Entwicklung ländlicher Räume
Schrader H (1991) Reform der EG-Strukturfonds und Regionalförderung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Politik zur Entwicklung ländlicher Räume. SchrR Forschungsgesellsch Agrarpol Agrarsoz 291:29-64
Die Lebenshaltung von Landfamilien
Cécora J (1989) Die Lebenshaltung von Landfamilien. SchrR Forschungsgesellsch Agrarpol Agrarsoz 286:73-81
Perspektiven für die landwirtschaftliche Arbeitsmobilität und den betrieblichen Strukturwandel
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