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Paulsen HM, Warnecke S, Rahmann G (2014) Options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from enteric fermentation and manure handling in dairy farming – An analysis based on farm network data. Thünen Rep 20, Vol. 2:441-444
Zipp KA, Barth K, Knierim U (2014) Agitation behaviour and heart rate of dairy cows with and without
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Bender S, Ude G, Rahmann G, Weißmann F, Aulrich K, Georg H (2014) Fatty acid composition of organic goat kid meat from dairy goat and crossbred meat goat kids. Thünen Rep 20, Vol. 2:523-526
Volkmann A, Rahmann G, Knaus W (2014) Fatty acid composition of goat milk produced under different feeding regimens and the impact on Goat Cheese. Thünen Rep 20, Vol. 2:551-554
Ivemeyer S, Bell N, Brinkmann J, Cimer K, Gratzer E, Leeb C, March S, Mejdell CM, Roderick S, Smolders G, Walkenhorst M, Winckler C, Vaarst M (2014) Farmers taking responsibility for herd health development - stable schools as a tool for dairy health and welfare planning in Europe. Thünen Rep 20, Vol. 2:363-365
Gronle A, Böhm H (2014) The effect of intercropping winter peas and non-legumes on the weed suppressive ability in deep and short-term shallow ploughed soils. Thünen Rep 20, Vol. 2:367-370
Feucht Y, Zander K (2014) Consumers’ knowledge and information needs on organic aquaculture. Thünen Rep 20, Vol. 2:375-378
Dirksmeyer W, Garming H, Ludwig-Ohm S (2013) Situation des Gartenbaus in Deutschland sowie Möglichkeiten und Hemmnisse für seine zukünftige Entwicklung: Ergebnisse einer Befragung von Beratern und Berufsstand. Thünen Working Paper 6:9-45
Hülsbergen KJ, Rahmann G, Schmid H, Plagge J, Kempkens K (2013) Problemstellung und Forschungsbedarf. Thünen Rep 8:3-9