Stransky C, Sabatella E, Hekim Z, Berkenhagen J, Freese M, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Adamidou A, Armesto A, Cervantes Bolanos A, Currie D, Davidjuka I, de Boois IJ, Grati F, Jackson E, Liontakis A, Mugerza E, Nicheva S, Nord J, Reis DCC, et al (2021) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Revision of DCF Work Plan and Annual Report templates and guidelines (STECF-20-18). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 32 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/748868
Ulrich C, Doerner H, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Catchpole T, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Gascuel D, Grati F, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, Knittweis L, Ligas A, Martin P, Motova A, et al (2021) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - 66th Plenary Report (PLEN-21-01). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 239 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/437609
Gascuel D, Druon J-N, Barz K, Döring R, Goti L, Kreiß C, Dorrien C von, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Borges L, Jung A, Villasante S, Absil C, Afonso O, Cozzolino M, Dewals J-F, Di Natale A, Gieseler JS, Grati F, Gomez S, et al (2021) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Criteria and indicators that could contribute to incorporating sustainability aspects in the marketing standards under the Common Market Organisation (STECF-20-05). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 123 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/211065
Study on the main effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the EU fishing and aquaculture sectors : EASME/EMFF/2018/011 Lot 1
Specific Contract No.4 and EASME/EMFF/2018/011 Lot 2 Specific Contract No.5 ; Final Report
Döring R, Edebohls I, Pearce J, Wakeford R, Hintzen N, Abreu S, Alhaija RA, Aranda M, Depeuter S, Deetman B, Frigioiu I, Hammerlund C, Hayes DR, Heyworth S, Kovacs M, Masinovic I, Metz S, Mol A, Mytlewski A, Ottolenghi F, et al (2021) Study on the main effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the EU fishing and aquaculture sectors : EASME/EMFF/2018/011 Lot 1
Specific Contract No.4 and EASME/EMFF/2018/011 Lot 2 Specific Contract No.5 ; Final Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 52 p, DOI:10.2826/634795
Nielsen R, Guillen J, Virtanen J, Lasner T, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Araujo R, Lamprakis A, Avdic Mravlje E, Borges Marques AC, Brogaard M, Cozzolino M, Danatskos C, Davidjuka I, De Peuter S, Delorme A, Dennis J, Ellis T, Fernandez Polanco JM, et al (2021) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - The EU Aquaculture Sector - Economic report 2020 (STECF-20-12). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 387 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/441510
Stransky C, Hekim Z, Berkenhagen J, Freese M, Ulleweit J, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Adamidou A, Armesto A, Avdic Mravlje E, Davidjuka I, Grati F, Ioannou M, Jakovleva I, Kazlauskas E, Koutrakis E, Liontakis A, McCormick H, Nermer T, Nicheva S, et al (2020) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Evaluation of DCF Work Plans 2021 and WP/AR templates & guidance (STECF-20-16). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 43 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/623199
Ulrich C, Dörner H, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Catchpole T, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Gascuel D, Grati F, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, Knittweis L, Ligas A, Martin P, Motova A, et al (2020) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries - 65th Plenary Report (PLEN-20-03). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 151 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/148684
Döring R, Fitzpatrick M, Guillen J, Goti L, Lasner T, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Ballesteros M, Brigaudeau C, Carpenter G, Delany AE, Frangoudes K, Jackson E, Jung A, Kinds A, Kraan M, Malvarosa L, Nicheva S, Pascual-Fernandez JJ, Ribes Moreno I, et al (2020) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Social dimension of the CFP (STECF-20-14). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 101 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/255978
Casey J, Carvalho N, Bernreuther M, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Avdic Mravlje E, Bastardie F, Beukhof E, Davidjuka I, Curtin R, Grati F, Guitton J, Ioannou M, Iriondo A, Jakovleva I, Jung A, Le Grand C, Mihanovic M, O’Hea B, et al (2020) Assessment of balance indicators for key fleet segments and review of national reports on Member States efforts to achieve balance between fleet capacity and fishing opportunities (STECF-20-11). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 275 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/414107
Polet H, Rindorf A, Konrad C, Vasilakopoulos P, Kraak SBM, Stepputtis D, Döring R, Stransky C, Bastardie F, Basterretxea M, De Carlo F, Feekings JP, Glemarec G, Königson S, Miehault S, Moutopoulos D, Reid D, Rihan D, Sala A, Valeiras J, et al (2020) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Review of technical measures (part 1) (STECF-20-02). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 201 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/734593