Biology, abundance and feeding ecology of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in the eastern German Baltic. Book of Extended Abstracts: ICES Annual Science Conference 2015, 21.09. - 25.09. Copenhagen, Denmark
Henseler C, Bock C, Kotterba P, Winkler H, Oesterwind D (2015) Biology, abundance and feeding ecology of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in the eastern German Baltic. Book of Extended Abstracts: ICES Annual Science Conference 2015, 21.09. – 25.09. Copenhagen, Denmark. Copenhagen: ICES, 2 p
Mixing of western and eastern Baltic cod in SD 24 based on otolith shape : Benchmark on Baltic cod stocks (WKBALCOD) 2–6 March 2015 ; working paper
Oeberst R (2015) Mixing of western and eastern Baltic cod in SD 24 based on otolith shape : Benchmark on Baltic cod stocks (WKBALCOD) 2–6 March 2015 ; working paper. Copenhagen: ICES, 5 p
Distance between centre and outer edge of hyaline zones of western and eastern Baltic cod : Benchmark on Baltic cod stocks (WKBALCOD) 2 – 6 March 2015 ; working paper (2)
Oeberst R (2015) Distance between centre and outer edge of hyaline zones of western and eastern Baltic cod : Benchmark on Baltic cod stocks (WKBALCOD) 2 – 6 March 2015 ; working paper (2). Copenhagen: ICES, 16 p
Distance between otolith centre and outer edge of first hyaline zone used to quantify proportion of western Baltic cod in SD 22, 24 and 25 : Benchmark on Baltic cod stocks (WKBALCOD) 2–6 March 2015 ; working paper (3)
Oeberst R (2015) Distance between otolith centre and outer edge of first hyaline zone used to quantify proportion of western Baltic cod in SD 22, 24 and 25 : Benchmark on Baltic cod stocks (WKBALCOD) 2–6 March 2015 ; working paper (3). Copenhagen: ICES, 8 p
Growth of western Baltic cod - Estimated based length frequency distribution of smaller cod : Benchmark on Baltic cod stocks (WKBALCOD)
2–6 March 2015 ; working paper
Oeberst R, Krumme U, Dulk B, Lorenz T (2015) Growth of western Baltic cod - Estimated based length frequency distribution of smaller cod : Benchmark on Baltic cod stocks (WKBALCOD)
2–6 March 2015 ; working paper. Copenhagen: ICES, 12 p
Evaluation of different methods to assign individual Baltic cod to the Western or Eastern stock : Benchmark on Baltic cod stocks (WKBALCOD)
2–6 March 2015 ; working paper
Oeberst R, Stötera S, Krumme U, Hüssy K, Mosegaard H (2015) Evaluation of different methods to assign individual Baltic cod to the Western or Eastern stock : Benchmark on Baltic cod stocks (WKBALCOD)
2–6 March 2015 ; working paper. Copenhagen: ICES, 8 p
Calibration of acoustic instruments
Demer DA, Berger L, Bernasconi M, Bethke E, Boswell K, Chu D, Domokos R, Dunford A, Fässler SM, Gauthier S, Hufnagle LT, Jech JM, Bouffant N, Lebourges-Dhaussy A, Lurton X, Macaulay GJ, Perrot Y, Ryan T, Parker-Stetter S, Stienessen S, et al (2015) Calibration of acoustic instruments. Copenhagen: ICES, 133 p, ICES Coop Res Rep 326
Stock indices based on acoustic surveys in the Baltic Sea - Alternative application of results of fishing stations : WGBFIS 23-27 March 2015 ; working paper
Oeberst R (2015) Stock indices based on acoustic surveys in the Baltic Sea - Alternative application of results of fishing stations : WGBFIS 23-27 March 2015 ; working paper. Copenhagen: ICES, 17 p
Evaluation and different methods to assign individual Baltic cod to the Western or Eastern stock : working paper ; Benchmark on Baltic cod stocks (WKBALCOD) 2-6 March 2015
Oeberst R, Stötera S, Krumme U, Hüssy K, Mosegaard H (2015) Evaluation and different methods to assign individual Baltic cod to the Western or Eastern stock : working paper ; Benchmark on Baltic cod stocks (WKBALCOD) 2-6 March 2015. Copenhagen: ICES, 8 p
Development of mean age at length of eastern Baltic cod estimated by countries : Benchmark on Baltic cod stocks (WKBALCOD) 2-6 March 2015 ; working paper (4)
Oeberst R (2015) Development of mean age at length of eastern Baltic cod estimated by countries : Benchmark on Baltic cod stocks (WKBALCOD) 2-6 March 2015 ; working paper (4). Copenhagen: ICES, 8 p