RTI ("Real-Time-Incentives") outperforms traditional management in a simulated mixed fishery and cases incorporating protection of vulnerable species and areas
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Species selectivity in different sized topless trawl designs: Does size matter?
Krag LA, Herrmann B, Karlsen J, Mieske B (2015) Species selectivity in different sized topless trawl designs: Does size matter? Fish Res 172:243-249, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2015.07.010
Impact assessment of a fisheries closure with effort and landings spatial analyses: a case study in the Western Baltic Sea
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A comparative analysis of legislated and modified Baltic Sea trawl codends for simultaneously improving the size selection of cod (Gadus morhua) and plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)
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Estimating historical trawling effort in the German Bight from 1924 to 1938
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Seasonal variability of fecundity and spawning dynamics of Baltic sprat
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The influence of twine thickness, twine number and netting orientation on codend selectivity
Herrmann B, Wienbeck H, Moderhak W, Stepputtis D, Krag LA (2013) The influence of twine thickness, twine number and netting orientation on codend selectivity. Fish Res 145:22-36, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2013.03.002
Application of the daily egg production method to Baltic sprat
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Robustness of egg production methods as a fishery independent alternative to assess the Eastern Baltic cod stock (Gadus morhua callarias L.)
Kraus G, Hinrichsen HH, Voss R, Teschner E, Tomkiewicz J, Köster F-W (2012) Robustness of egg production methods as a fishery independent alternative to assess the Eastern Baltic cod stock (Gadus morhua callarias L.). Fish Res 117-118:75-85
Spatial and interannual variability in Baltic sprat batch fecundity
Haslob H, Tomkiewicz J, Hinrichsen HH, Kraus G (2011) Spatial and interannual variability in Baltic sprat batch fecundity. Fish Res 110(2):289-297, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2011.04.018