EU-Living Labs in agricultural settings: enabling transformations in agriculture towards sustainable land use and food systems
Nürnberger F, Busse M, Richter A (2021) EU-Living Labs in agricultural settings: enabling transformations in agriculture towards sustainable land use and food systems. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 298
Importance of soil primary particles for shaping the diversity and activity of soil microbial communities - Results of a meta-analysis
Hemkemeyer M, Tebbe CC (2021) Importance of soil primary particles for shaping the diversity and activity of soil microbial communities - Results of a meta-analysis. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 128
Fine-scale temporal monitoring of soil microbial communities at an agricultural field site
Yang J, Wang H, Samad MS, Tebbe CC (2021) Fine-scale temporal monitoring of soil microbial communities at an agricultural field site. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 133
Soil prokaryote richness follows classic Species-Area relationships across scales with consequences for large-scale composite sampling
Finn D, Szoboszlay M, Nicol G, Hazard C, Tebbe CC (2021) Soil prokaryote richness follows classic Species-Area relationships across scales with consequences for large-scale composite sampling. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 129
What are we talking about? Patterns in the implementation of wildflower strips and fallows by German farmers
Baum S, Böhner HGS, Röder N (2021) What are we talking about? Patterns in the implementation of wildflower strips and fallows by German farmers. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 314
Recent and future forest mortality in Germany - what will come after the spruce age?
Bolte A, Sanders TGM, Wellbrock N (2021) Recent and future forest mortality in Germany - what will come after the spruce age? Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 117
Simulation of resistance to dispersal of arthropods and plants in an agricultural landscape
Klinkowström L von, Thiele J, Schröder B (2021) Simulation of resistance to dispersal of arthropods and plants in an agricultural landscape. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 19
FInAL - Facilitating insects in agricultural landscapes
Nürnberger F, Dauber J, Golla B, Kretzschmar N, Rottstock T, Stachow U (2019) FInAL - Facilitating insects in agricultural landscapes. In: GfÖ 2019 : Science meets practice ; 49th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland ; University of Münster, 9 - 13 September 2019 ; book of abstracts. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Ökologie, p 311
Das Aktionsprogramm Insektenschutz aus Sicht der agrarökologischen Forschung
Dauber J, Dieker P, Nürnberger F (2019) Das Aktionsprogramm Insektenschutz aus Sicht der agrarökologischen Forschung. In: GfÖ 2019 : Science meets practice ; 49th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland ; University of Münster, 9 - 13 September 2019 ; book of abstracts. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Ökologie, p 182
Introducing the VESBO Project - Impact assessment of vascular plant encroachment on water and carbon cycling in a Sphagnum dominated bog
Piayda A, Dubbert M, Tiemeyer B, Dettmann U, Beuster T, Launiainen S, Kieloaho A-J, Haahti K (2019) Introducing the VESBO Project - Impact assessment of vascular plant encroachment on water and carbon cycling in a Sphagnum dominated bog. In: GfÖ 2019 : Science meets practice ; 49th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland ; University of Münster, 9 - 13 September 2019 ; book of abstracts. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Ökologie, p 232