Report of Northeast Arctic cod otholith exchange between Russia, Norway and Germany 2008
Høie H, Bernreuther M, Agotnes P, Beußel F, Koloskova V, Mjanger H, Schröder D, Senneset H, Zuykova N (2009) Report of Northeast Arctic cod otholith exchange between Russia, Norway and Germany 2008. Copenhagen: ICES, 11 p, Working Doc ICES Arctic Fisheries Working Group 2009/06
Update of groundfish survey results for the Atlantic Cod Greenland offshore component 1982-2008
Fock HO (2009) Update of groundfish survey results for the Atlantic Cod Greenland offshore component 1982-2008. Copenhagen: ICES, 25 p, Working Doc ICES North Western Working Group 2009/07
A formal approach to relative ecological risk assessment in relation to fisheries effects on marine ecosystems
Fock HO (2009) A formal approach to relative ecological risk assessment in relation to fisheries effects on marine ecosystems. Copenhagen: ICES, 27 p, ICES WGECO Working Doc HF 2/2009
EcoQO's : spatial variability of the large fish indicator in historical German data ; preliminary results
Fock HO (2009) EcoQO's : spatial variability of the large fish indicator in historical German data ; preliminary results. Copenhagen: ICES, 9 p, ICES WGECO Working Doc HF 1/2009
Die Lage der Fischbestände im Skagerrak/Kattegat und in der Ostsee : Stand: 23.06.2009
Gröhsler T (2009) Die Lage der Fischbestände im Skagerrak/Kattegat und in der Ostsee : Stand: 23.06.2009. Copenhagen: ICES, 20 p, ICES ACOM 2009
Report of the Planning Group on Redfish Surveys (PGRS) : 3 September 2009 ; Bergen, Norway
Bethke E, Drevetnyak K, Kristinsson K, Nedreaas K, Planque B, Reinert J, Stransky C (2009) Report of the Planning Group on Redfish Surveys (PGRS) : 3 September 2009 ; Bergen, Norway. Copenhagen: ICES, 27 p
A simple method for the determination of in situ target strength of Sebastes mentella distributes as single targets : Working Document, ICES Planning Group on Redfish Surveys (PGRS), 26-29 January 2009, Copenhagen
Planque B, Bethke E (2009) A simple method for the determination of in situ target strength of Sebastes mentella distributes as single targets : Working Document, ICES Planning Group on Redfish Surveys (PGRS), 26-29 January 2009, Copenhagen. Copenhagen: ICES, 8 p
Report of the Planning Group on Redfish Surveys (PGRS) : 28-30 July 2009 ; Reykjavík, Iceland
Bethke E, Kristinsson K, Stransky C (2009) Report of the Planning Group on Redfish Surveys (PGRS) : 28-30 July 2009 ; Reykjavík, Iceland. Copenhagen: ICES, 56 p
German herring & sprat : fisheries & stock assessment data in the Baltic Sea 2008
Gröhsler T (2009) German herring & sprat : fisheries & stock assessment data in the Baltic Sea 2008. Copenhagen: ICES, 23 p, ICES WGBFAS 2009 WD 2
Temporal and spatial distribution of Anchovy (Engrulis encrasicolus) in the Western Baltic Area based on the results of the joint German-Danish Acoustic Survey in 1991-2008
Gröhsler T (2009) Temporal and spatial distribution of Anchovy (Engrulis encrasicolus) in the Western Baltic Area based on the results of the joint German-Danish Acoustic Survey in 1991-2008. Copenhagen: ICES, 13 p