Evaluation of criteria for the performance and testing of personal protective equipment and pesticide use
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Robotmilking - development of a robot system and first experiments
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A concept for estimating the fate of material inputs in agricultural ecosystems
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Automatic detection of physiological and yield concerning data for computer aided control of dairy cows
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Economic and ecological optimization of farm chemical application by "Computer Aided Farming" (CAF)
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Field experiments on reaction of potatoes, soya, and corn towards irrication methods and water application depth
Schäfer W, Sourell H, Hartmann H (1990) Field experiments on reaction of potatoes, soya, and corn towards irrication methods and water application depth. In: AgEng Berlin '90 : international conference on agricultural engineering ; Berlin 24.-26. October 1990 ; technical papers and posters, abstracts. Berlin, pp 104-105
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Sicherung der Futterkonservierung
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