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Windhorst HW, Dijkhuizen AA (eds) (2002) Product safety and quality assurance : proceedings of workshop 3 on sustainable animal production, organized by the Institute for Spatial Analysis and Planning in Areas of Intensive Agriculture (ISPA), University of Vechta, held at Hannover, June 22, 2000. Braunschweig: FAL, 69 p, Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 225
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The importance of quality assurance and food safety in modern food production systems
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Food safety and quality assurance : insights from the UK beef industry
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Cell immobilisation by electrostatic droplet generation
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Use of vibration technology dor jet break-up for encapsulation of cells, microbes and liquids in monodisperse microcapsules
Heinzen C, Marison I, Berger A, Stockar U von (2002) Use of vibration technology dor jet break-up for encapsulation of cells, microbes and liquids in monodisperse microcapsules. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 241:19-25
Beads from natural hydrogels as encapsulation matrices for cofactor-dependent enzymes in organic solvents
Ansorge-Schumacher MB, Pleß G, Metrangolo D, Hartmeier W (2002) Beads from natural hydrogels as encapsulation matrices for cofactor-dependent enzymes in organic solvents. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 241:99-102