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Stichnothe H, Carrillo Quijano C (2024) Fractional deep tillage of arable soils to reduce harmful environmental and climate impacts in crop production. Braunschweig: Thünen Institute of Agricultural Technology, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2024/17a, DOI:10.3220/PB1717659244000
Schmitt J, Offermann F, Finger R (2024) Risikoreduzierung durch Anbaudiversifizierung und Versicherungen bei Extremwetterereignissen. Braunschweig: Thünen-Institut für Betriebswirtschaft, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2024/16, DOI:10.3220/PB1716531659000
Schmitt J, Offermann F, Finger R (2024) Reducing yield risks of extreme weather events by combining crop diversification and insurances. Braunschweig: Thünen Institute of Farm Economics, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2024/16a, DOI:10.3220/PB1716531974000
Gnilke A, Sanders TGM (2024) Waldbrände und die Rolle militärischer Altlasten auf Wald- und Sukzessionsflächen in Brandenburg. Eberswalde: Thünen-Institut für Waldökosysteme, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2024/01, DOI:10.3220/PB1705315598000
Gnilke A, Sanders TGM (2024) Forest fires and the role of military contaminated sites on forest and succession areas in Brandenburg. Eberswalde: Thünen Institute of Forest Ecosystems, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2024/01a, DOI:10.3220/PB1705316426000
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Hanel R, Gaspare L, Mwakosya C, Kanyairitha C, Kaijage LL, Kammann UKR, Wysujack K (2024) Assessing the biodiversity of eels of Tanzania - Promoting sustainable fisheries through environmental monitoring and capacity building (BIOEELS). Bremerhaven: Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2024/02a, DOI:10.3220/PB1705398344000
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Heukrodt S, Don A (2024) CarboCheck - practical app for soil carbon management in agriculture. Braunschweig: Thünen Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2024/03a, DOI:10.3220/PB1706251873000