Determination of backscatter and fluorescence cross-sections of biological aerosols
Weichert R (2002) Determination of backscatter and fluorescence cross-sections of biological aerosols. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 235:83-87
Size segregated particle mass concentration and chemical composition in an agrarian region in Saxony
Spindler G, Müller K, Brüggemann E, Herrmann H (2002) Size segregated particle mass concentration and chemical composition in an agrarian region in Saxony. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 235:113-118
Concentrations of airborne dust in different farrowing systems
Snell HGJ, Kamphues B, Weghe H van den (2002) Concentrations of airborne dust in different farrowing systems. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 235:169-173
Characterization of organic dust exposure by using a human whole blood assay
Zucker B, Linsel G, Fennrich S, Kindlinger I, Hartung T, Müller W (2002) Characterization of organic dust exposure by using a human whole blood assay. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 235:125-128
Ordolff D (2002) Variation of foremilk colour during lactation. In: Institut für Technologie und Biosystemtechnik (ed) Second workshop on smart technologies in livestock-monitoring : 26th and 27th March 2002, FAL, Germany ; agenda - abstracts - notebook. Braunschweig: FAL, p 1
Creating an inventory of agricultural PM emissions
Phillips R, Brush S, Sneath R, Simon HA, Wathes CM (2002) Creating an inventory of agricultural PM emissions. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 235:21-28
Optical flow algorythm to quantify the two dimensional velocity components of a visualised air jet
van Brecht A, Janssens K, Vranken E, Berckmans D (2002) Optical flow algorythm to quantify the two dimensional velocity components of a visualised air jet. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 235:103-108
Mass balances and dust reduction methods in pig houses
Gustafsson G (2002) Mass balances and dust reduction methods in pig houses. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 235:155-161
Real time portable aerosol particle sizer (counter) from 0,005 to 20 µm
Golz U (2002) Real time portable aerosol particle sizer (counter) from 0,005 to 20 µm. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 235:73-76
Environmental impact of livestock farming in Europe
Hartung J, Wathes CM (2001) Environmental impact of livestock farming in Europe. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 226:1-3