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Zeitschrift: Climate change
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Es wurden 105 Ergebnisse in 8 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 61 bis 70 von 105.
Chapter 6.9: Other Land (4.F)
Chapter 6.11: Other sectors (4.H)
Chapter 5: Agriculture (CRF Sector 3)
Chapter 19.3.1: Calculation of the emissions for additional animal categories
Holzprodukte (4.G)
Chapter 6.1: Overview (CRF Sector 4)
Chapter 6.2: Land-use definitions and land-use classification systems, and their reflection in the LULUCF categories
Chapter 6.4: Forest land (4.A)
Chapter 6.5: Cropland (4.B)
Chapter 6.10: Harvested wood products (4.G)
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