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Verlag: Rome: FAO
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Es wurden 28 Ergebnisse in 3 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 21 bis 28 von 28.
Priorities for international support to agricultural research in developing countries : Position paper Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
Report of the TAC working group on the research needs of the Near East and North Africa
Report of the TAC sub-committe mission in review the research needs for protein production in tropical America
Recommendations on machinery and equipment for field experimental work, for farm scale field experiments and seed multiplication and for seed testing : Mimeographed paper 19972
Marketing of eggs, poultry and other livestock products in Sierra Leone : report to the government of Sierra Leone
Livestock and meat marketing in Asian countries : report of a survey
Commercialisation du bétail et de la viande en Afrique : rapport sur l'étude
Improved methods and equipment for tillage of medium and heavy soil in temperate regions
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