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Herausgeber: Hinz, Torsten
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Es wurden 77 Ergebnisse in 12 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 51 bis 60 von 77.
Characterization of organic dust exposure by using a human whole blood assay
Creating an inventory of agricultural PM emissions
Optical flow algorythm to quantify the two dimensional velocity components of a visualised air jet
Mass balances and dust reduction methods in pig houses
Real time portable aerosol particle sizer (counter) from 0,005 to 20 µm
Environmental impact of livestock farming in Europe
Greenhouse gas emissions from animal husbandry
Quantify ammonia emissions from buildings, stores and land application
Emission of airborne particulates from animal production
Pollutants in animal manure ; factors of emission and strategies for reduction
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