Workshop on the North Sea reopening protocol (WKNSROP)
De Oliveira J, Kempf A, Baudron A, Chen C, Girardin R, Mesquita C, Miethe T, Millar C, Millar S-L, Mosqueira I, Nawri N, Needle CL, Reecht Y, Soevik G, Taylor MH, Ulmestrand M, Walker N, Zimmermann F (2020) Workshop on the North Sea reopening protocol (WKNSROP). Copenhagen: ICES, 74 p, ICES Sci Rep 2(108), DOI:10.17895/
Workshop on EU regulatory area options for VME protection (WKEUVME)
Hopkins P, Kenchington EL, Alibert Deprez C, Allcock AL, Braga-Henriques A, Caillart B, Campbell N, Carteron S, Carvalho G, Centeio A, Espejo J-A, Ferretti J, Gianni M, González Irusta JM, Gruszczynska A, Heck K, Hiddink JG, Holah H, Ivanescu R, Werner K-M, et al (2020) Workshop on EU regulatory area options for VME protection (WKEUVME). Copenhagen: ICES, 237 p, ICES Sci Rep 2(114), DOI:10.17895/
Working Group on Pathology and Diseases of Marine Organisms (WGPDMO)
Carnegie R, Axén C, Cheslett D, Eriksson-Kallio AM, Grade A, Haenen O, Kristmundsson Á, Kvamme BO, Levsen A, Lillehaug A, Madsen L, Medne R, Munro E, Paley R, Pires D, Podolska M, Ramos P, Renault T,, Ruane N, Ruano F, Soares F, Scharsack JP (2020) Working Group on Pathology and Diseases of Marine Organisms (WGPDMO). Copenhagen: ICES, 23 p, ICES Sci Rep 2(53), DOI:10.17895/
ICES Working group on maritime systems (WGMARS)
Clay PM, Ferretti J, Bailey J, Dunkel D, Elegbede I, Fraga A, Fuller J, Goldsborough D, Goti L, Groenevold R, Hamon KG, Kellner J, Martin KS, Pedreschi D, Röckmann C, Santurtun M, Stephenson R, Strehlow HV (2020) ICES Working group on maritime systems (WGMARS). Copenhagen: ICES, 22 p, ICES Sci Rep 2(63), DOI:10.17895/
Working Group on Social and Economic Dimensions of Aquaculture (WGSEDA)
Krause G, Kreiß C, Alexander K, Billing S, Dennis J, Edebohls I, Fanning L, Ferse SC, Filgueira R, Girard S, Grant J, Guillen J, Huber L-M, Johnson T, Kite-Powell H, Lipton D, Marin S, Mikkelsen E, Miller M, Nahuelhual L, et al (2020) Working Group on Social and Economic Dimensions of Aquaculture (WGSEDA). Copenhagen: ICES, 11 p, ICES Sci Rep 2(78), DOI:10.17895/
Working Group on Environmental Interactions of Aquaculture (WGEIA)
Svasand T, Asplin L, Boyd A, Ellis T, Keeley NB, Moberg O, Burgetz I, Engler C, Falconer L, Focken U, Grefsrud ES, Hui L, Jakobsen G, Laksa U, Lock E-J, McKindsey C, Moore A, Morris D, á Nordi G, O'Beirn F, et al (2020) Working Group on Environmental Interactions of Aquaculture (WGEIA). Copenhagen: ICES, 187 p, ICES Sci Rep 2(112), DOI:10.17895/
ICES Report on Ocean Climate 2019
González-Pola C, Larsen KMH, Fratantoni P, Beszczynska-Möller A, Albretsen J, von Appen W-J, Berx B, Chafik L, Cisewski B, Cusack C, Cyr F, Danielsen M, Desbruyères D, Dye SR, Fontán A, Galbraith P, Hatun H, Hebert D, Hindson J, Holliday NP, et al (2020) ICES Report on Ocean Climate 2019. Copenhagen: ICES, 136 p, ICES Coop Res Rep 350, DOI:10.17895/
Working Group on Biological Parameters (WGBIOP)
Carbonara P, Coad Davies J, Damme CJG van, Aanestad Godiksen J, Allegaert W, Beier U, Bekaert K, Canha A, Farias I, Follesa MC, Gault M, Gillespie-Mules R, Haase S, Hilvarsson A, Hüssy K, Korta M, Krüger-Johnsen M, Krumme U, Stransky C, Ulleweit J, et al (2020) Working Group on Biological Parameters (WGBIOP). Copenhagen: ICES, 150 p, ICES Sci Rep 2(117), DOI:10.17895/
Working Group on Recreational Fisheries Surveys (WGRFS)
Ferter K, Hyder K, Ahvonen A, Baudrier J, Colella S, de Groote A, Dedeu Dunton AL, Diogo HM, Ezquerra AG, Grati F, Hartill BW, Hinriksson J, Alvarado DJ, Kagervall A, Kairyte L, Karachle P, Karlsson M, Laporta M, Lejk AM, Weltersbach MS, et al (2020) Working Group on Recreational Fisheries Surveys (WGRFS). Copenhagen: ICES, 57 p, ICES Sci Rep 2(102), DOI:10.17895/
Working Group on Widely Distributed Stocks (WGWIDE)
Campbell A, Brunel T, Campbell N, Carrera P, Catarino R, Chetyrkin A, Costas G, Dubroca L, Duncan R, Eliasen S, Goncalves P, Hojnes A, Holleland S, Homrum E í, Jacobsen JA, Jansen T, Krysov AI, Kühn B, Lambert G, Ulleweit J, et al (2020) Working Group on Widely Distributed Stocks (WGWIDE). Copenhagen: ICES, 1019 p, ICES Sci Rep 2(82), DOI:10.17895/