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Verlag: Copenhagen: ICES
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Es wurden 445 Ergebnisse in 5 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 351 bis 360 von 445.
Fisheries-benthos interactions in the German EEZ in the North Sea : preliminary results
Abundance and length composition for Sebastes marinus L., deep sea S. mentella and juvenile redfish (Sebastes spp.) off Greenland based on groundfish surveys 1985-2007
Report of the herring larvae surveys in the North Sea in 2007/2008
On the analysis of interventions and structural breaks in time series preferably using iterative methods
Demography of antarctic krill and other Euphausiacea in the Lazarev Sea - LAKRIS the German contribution to CCAMLR-IPY in summer 2008
Hyperpigmentation in North Sea dab (Limanda limanda) : spatial and temporal patterns, host effects and possible causes
The Fish Disease Index : a method to assess wild fish disease data in the context of marine environmental monitoring
German herring & sprat : fisheries & stock assessment data in the Baltic Sea 2007
Die Lage der Fischbestände im Skagerrak/Kattegat und in der Ostsee : Stand: 25.06.2008
Distribution pattern of cod and flounder in the Baltic Sea based on international coordinated trawl surveys
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