Cephalopod biology and fisheries in European waters: species accounts : chapter 13, Alloteuthis subulata, European common squid
Hastie LC, Pierce GJ, Moreno A, Jereb P, Lefkaditou E, Oesterwind D, Tasende MG, Piatkowski U, Allcock AL (2015) Cephalopod biology and fisheries in European waters: species accounts : chapter 13, Alloteuthis subulata, European common squid. ICES Coop Res Rep 325:155-166
Cephalopod biology and fisheries in European waters: species accounts. Chapter 19: Gonatus fabricii, Boreoatlantic armhook squid
Piatkowski U, Zumholz K, Jereb P, Seixas S, Oesterwind D, Lefkaditou E, Allcock AL, Pierce GJ, Katugin O (2015) Cephalopod biology and fisheries in European waters: species accounts. Chapter 19: Gonatus fabricii, Boreoatlantic armhook squid. ICES Coop Res Rep 325:229-238
Cephalopod biology and fisheries in European waters: species accounts. Chapter 16: Todarodes sagittatus, European flying squid
Piatkowski U, Zumholz K, Lefkaditou E, Oesterwind D, Jereb P, Pierce GJ, Allcock AL (2015) Cephalopod biology and fisheries in European waters: species accounts. Chapter 16: Todarodes sagittatus, European flying squid. ICES Coop Res Rep 325:193-205
Calibration of acoustic instruments
Demer DA, Berger L, Bernasconi M, Bethke E, Boswell K, Chu D, Domokos R, Dunford A, Fässler SM, Gauthier S, Hufnagle LT, Jech JM, Bouffant N, Lebourges-Dhaussy A, Lurton X, Macaulay GJ, Perrot Y, Ryan T, Parker-Stetter S, Stienessen S, et al (2015) Calibration of acoustic instruments. Copenhagen: ICES, 133 p, ICES Coop Res Rep 326