Validation approaches of a geolocation framework to reconstruct movements of demersal fish equipped with data storage tags in a stratified environment
Haase S, Krumme U, Gräwe U, Braun CD, Temming A (2021) Validation approaches of a geolocation framework to reconstruct movements of demersal fish equipped with data storage tags in a stratified environment. Fish Res 237:105884, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2021.105884
A review of recent studies on the life history and ecology of European cephalopods with emphasis on species with the greatest commercial fishery and culture potential
Lishchenko F, Perales-Raya C, Barrett C, Oesterwind D, Power AM, Larivain A, Laptikhovsky V, Karatza A, Badouvas N, Lishchenko A, Pierce GJ (2021) A review of recent studies on the life history and ecology of European cephalopods with emphasis on species with the greatest commercial fishery and culture potential. Fish Res 236:105847, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105847
Small steps high leaps: Bio-economical effects of changing codend mesh size in the North Sea Brown shrimp fishery
Günther C, Temming A, Santos J, Berkenhagen J, Stepputtis D, Schultz S, Neudecker T, Kraus G, Bethke E, Hufnagl M (2021) Small steps high leaps: Bio-economical effects of changing codend mesh size in the North Sea Brown shrimp fishery. Fish Res 234:105797, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105797
Short-term tagging mortality of Baltic cod (Gadus morhua)
Haase S, McQueen K, Mion M, Andersson M, Hilvarsson A, Olesen HJ, Svenson A, Casini M, Hüssy K, Radtke K, Krumme U (2021) Short-term tagging mortality of Baltic cod (Gadus morhua). Fish Res 234:105804, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105804
Using acoustically visible gillnets to reduce bycatch of a small cetacean: first pilot trials in a commercial fishery
Kratzer I, Brooks ME, Bilgin S, Ozdemir S, Kindt-Larsen L, Larsen F, Stepputtis D (2021) Using acoustically visible gillnets to reduce bycatch of a small cetacean: first pilot trials in a commercial fishery. Fish Res 243:106088, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2021.106088
First evidence of a new spawning stock of Illex coindetii in the North Sea (NE-Atlantic)
Oesterwind D, Bobowski BTC, Brunsch A, Laptikhovsky V, Hal R van, Sell AF, Pierce GJ (2020) First evidence of a new spawning stock of Illex coindetii in the North Sea (NE-Atlantic). Fish Res 221:105384, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2019.105384
Historical growth of Eastern Baltic cod (Gadus morhua): Setting a baseline with international tagging data
Mion M, Hilvarsson A, Hüssy K, Krumme U, Krüger-Johnsen M, McQueen K, Mohamed E, Motyka R, Orio A, Plikshs M, Radtke K, Casini M (2020) Historical growth of Eastern Baltic cod (Gadus morhua): Setting a baseline with international tagging data. Fish Res 223:105442, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2019.105442
Synthetic harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) communication signals emitted by acoustic alerting device (Porpoise ALert, PAL) significantly reduce their bycatch in western Baltic gillnet fisheries
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Egg production methods applied to Eastern Baltic cod provide indices of spawning stock dynamics
Köster F-W, Huwer B, Kraus G, Diekmann R, Eero M, Makarchouk A, Örey S, Dierking J, Margonski P, Herrmann JP, Tomkiewicz J, Oesterwind D, Kotterba P, Haslob H, Voss R, Reusch TBH (2020) Egg production methods applied to Eastern Baltic cod provide indices of spawning stock dynamics. Fish Res 227:105553, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105553
Effect of lure and bait type on catch, size, hooking location, injury and bycatch in the western Baltic Sea recreational cod fishery
Weltersbach MS, Lewin W-C, Gröger JP, Strehlow HV (2019) Effect of lure and bait type on catch, size, hooking location, injury and bycatch in the western Baltic Sea recreational cod fishery. Fish Res 210:121-130, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2018.10.002