Quarantänemaßnahmen gegen die Einschleppung von gebietsfremden Schadorganismen
Unger JG, Müller P (2003) Quarantänemaßnahmen gegen die Einschleppung von gebietsfremden Schadorganismen. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 258:57-58
Kommunikations- und Informationsmedien in der internationalen Kooperation
Bernard M (2003) Kommunikations- und Informationsmedien in der internationalen Kooperation. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 258:65-66
Progression of the mycotoxin and nutrient concentration in wheat after inoculation with Fusarium culmorum
Matthäus K, Dänicke S, Strumpf A, Zieseniß H, Flachowsky G (2003) Progression of the mycotoxin and nutrient concentration in wheat after inoculation with Fusarium culmorum. In: Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft (ed) Workshop A positive list of feedingstuffs as a contribution to feed safety - expectations, concepts and solutions : Braunschweig, 4.-5. September 2003 ; poster presentations and contributions of the Institute of Animal Nutrition of the FAL. Braunschweig: FAL, p 1
Vorkommen von Deoxynivalenol, Zearalenon und Chlormequat in "Nebenproduktion" von Getreidemühlen
Ueberschär K-H, Valenta H, Dänicke S, Wolff J (2003) Vorkommen von Deoxynivalenol, Zearalenon und Chlormequat in Nebenproduktion von Getreidemühlen. In: Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft (ed) Workshop A positive list of feedingstuffs as a contribution to feed safety - expectations, concepts and solutions : Braunschweig, 4.-5. September 2003 ; poster presentations and contributions of the Institute of Animal Nutrition of the FAL. Braunschweig: FAL, p 1
Orientation values for critical concentrations of deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZON) in diets for pigs, chicken and ruminants
Dänicke S, Döll S (2003) Orientation values for critical concentrations of deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZON) in diets for pigs, chicken and ruminants. In: Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft (ed) Workshop A positive list of feedingstuffs as a contribution to feed safety - expectations, concepts and solutions : Braunschweig, 4.-5. September 2003 ; poster presentations and contributions of the Institute of Animal Nutrition of the FAL. Braunschweig: FAL, p 1
Fusarium mycotoxins in forage maize : occurence, risk assessment, minimization
Oldenburg E, Höppner F (2003) Fusarium mycotoxins in forage maize : occurence, risk assessment, minimization. In: Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft (ed) Workshop A positive list of feedingstuffs as a contribution to feed safety - expectations, concepts and solutions : Braunschweig, 4.-5. September 2003 ; poster presentations and contributions of the Institute of Animal Nutrition of the FAL. Braunschweig: FAL, p 1
Vorkommen von Fusarium-Toxinen in Silomais : aktuelle Daten, Bewertung, Minimierung
Oldenburg E, Höppner F (2003) Vorkommen von Fusarium-Toxinen in Silomais : aktuelle Daten, Bewertung, Minimierung. In: Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft (ed) Workshop A positive list of feedingstuffs as a contribution to feed safety - expectations, concepts and solutions : Braunschweig, 4.-5. September 2003 ; poster presentations and contributions of the Institute of Animal Nutrition of the FAL. Braunschweig: FAL, p 1
Development of guidelines for testing detoxifying agents for the decontamination of mycotoxin-contaminated feedstuffs
Dänicke S, Döll S (2003) Development of guidelines for testing detoxifying agents for the decontamination of mycotoxin-contaminated feedstuffs. In: Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft (ed) Workshop A positive list of feedingstuffs as a contribution to feed safety - expectations, concepts and solutions : Braunschweig, 4.-5. September 2003 ; poster presentations and contributions of the Institute of Animal Nutrition of the FAL. Braunschweig: FAL, p 1
Carry-over : Experimente mit Geflügel unter Verwendung von Toxaphen
Ueberschär K-H, Schwind KH, Hecht H (2003) Carry-over : Experimente mit Geflügel unter Verwendung von Toxaphen. In: Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft (ed) Workshop A positive list of feedingstuffs as a contribution to feed safety - expectations, concepts and solutions : Braunschweig, 4.-5. September 2003 ; poster presentations and contributions of the Institute of Animal Nutrition of the FAL. Braunschweig: FAL, p 1
Krentler J-G (2002) The storage of liquid animal waste in containers made of concrete and environmental protection. In: Manuskript zum Vortrag beim 12th World Fertilizer Congress, Peking, China, 3.-9.8.2001. Braunschweig: FAL