An economic perspective on land use decisions in agricultural landscapes: Insights from the TEEB Germany Study
Albert C, Schröter-Schlaack C, Hansjürgens B, Dehnhardt A, Döring R, Job H, Köppel J, Krätzig S, Matzdorf B, Reutter M, Schaltegger S, Scholz M, Siegmund-Schultze M, Wiggering H, Woltering M, Haaren C von (2017) An economic perspective on land use decisions in agricultural landscapes: Insights from the TEEB Germany Study. Ecosyst Services 25:69-78, DOI:10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.03.020
Synergies and trade-offs between nature conservation and climate policy: insights from the "Natural Capital Germany - TEEB DE" study
Wüstemann H, Bonn A, Albert C, Bertram C, Biber-Freudenberger L, Dehnhardt A, Döring R, Elsasser P, Hartje V, Mehl D, Kantelhardt J, Rehdanz K, Schaller L, Scholz M, Thrän D, Witing F, Hansjürgens B (2017) Synergies and trade-offs between nature conservation and climate policy: insights from the Natural Capital Germany - TEEB DE study. Ecosyst Services 24:187-199, DOI:10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.02.008