Influence of nitrogen fertilization on yield and quality of sugar beets
Haneklaus S, Kohrs K, Schmidt G, Schnug E (1998) Influence of nitrogen fertilization on yield and quality of sugar beets. In: Indian Agricultural Research Institute (ed) Proceedings of the 11th International World Fertilizer Congress held at Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Universiteit Gent on 7 - 13 September 1997 in Gent, Belgium : [Vol. 1]. Braunschweig: FAL, pp 203-207
Status and uptake of N, P, and S by alfalfa (Medicago sative) grown on different soils of the humid pampa in Argentina
Rivero E, Lueters A, Fleckenstein J, Schnug E (1998) Status and uptake of N, P, and S by alfalfa (Medicago sative) grown on different soils of the humid pampa in Argentina. In: Indian Agricultural Research Institute (ed) Proceedings of the 11th International World Fertilizer Congress held at Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Universiteit Gent on 7 - 13 September 1997 in Gent, Belgium : [Vol. 1]. Braunschweig: FAL, pp 508-514
Influence of cropping systems on available nitrogen and phosphorus in an Indian soil
Gupta AK, Rai RK, Paulsen HM, Schnug E (1998) Influence of cropping systems on available nitrogen and phosphorus in an Indian soil. In: Indian Agricultural Research Institute (ed) Proceedings of the 11th International World Fertilizer Congress held at Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Universiteit Gent on 7 - 13 September 1997 in Gent, Belgium : [Vol. 2]. Braunschweig: FAL, pp 120-125
Geostatistical investigations on soil and crop fertility parameters in Northern Germany
Rühling I, Haneklaus S, Schnug E (1998) Geostatistical investigations on soil and crop fertility parameters in Northern Germany. In: Proceedings of the 11th International World Fertilizer Congress held at Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Universiteit Gent on 7 - 13 September 1997 in Gent, Belgium : [Vol. 3]. Braunschweig: FAL, pp 178-188
Nitrogen requirements of some selected crops grown in Indian tank-bed soils
Gupta AK, Dahama AK, Schnug E, Paulsen HM (1998) Nitrogen requirements of some selected crops grown in Indian tank-bed soils. In: Proceedings of the 11th International World Fertilizer Congress held at Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Universiteit Gent on 7 - 13 September 1997 in Gent, Belgium : [Vol. 3]. Braunschweig: FAL, pp 309-313
Vorwort (zur Fachtagung Biodiesel 1998)
Munack A, Krahl J (1998) Vorwort (zur Fachtagung Biodiesel 1998). Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 190:I-II
Heinemeyer O, Kücke M, Kohrs K, Schnug E, Munch JC, Kaiser E-A (1998) Lachgasemissionen beim Rapsanbau. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 190:173-181
Akute Beschwerden und Lungenfunktion bei beruflicher Exposition gegenüber Biodiesel-Emissionen
Hasford B, Höppe P, Wimbauer M, Weyermann M (1998) Akute Beschwerden und Lungenfunktion bei beruflicher Exposition gegenüber Biodiesel-Emissionen. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 190:157-160
Vergleichende Untersuchung zum Emissions- und Betriebsverhalten verschiedener PKW- und Nutzfahrzeugmotoren bei Betrieb mit Pflanzenölmethylester
Hattingen U, Adt HU (1998) Vergleichende Untersuchung zum Emissions- und Betriebsverhalten verschiedener PKW- und Nutzfahrzeugmotoren bei Betrieb mit Pflanzenölmethylester. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 190:127-133
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