Uptake and partitioning of nitrogen in nitrogen-limited barley : dependence of age and genotype
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Variability of molecular nitrogen fixation and its dependence on plant genotype and diazotroph strains
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Accumulation and translocation of nitrogen in cultivars of winter wheat with different demands for nutrition
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Responses to phosphate fertilizers of differing solubilities by white clover cultivars
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Suitability of varieties of winter wheat in low external input systems in West Germany
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Investigations on the nutrient uptake efficiency of different grape root-stock species and cultivars
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Grain yield and quality characters of genotypes in F5 generation under low and high nitrogen input
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Dry weight production and nitrogen efficiency in cultivars of barley and rye
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Performance of winter wheat cultivars under reduced nitrogen conditions
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Scorching of Lolium perenne caused by cattle slurry Animal manure on grassland and fodder crops : Fertilizer or waste?
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