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Verlag: Copenhagen: ICES
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Es wurden 445 Ergebnisse in 8 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 301 bis 310 von 445.
Comparison of stock indices based on BASS estimated with standard procedure and new proposed method. Working Document WKPELA. Benchmark workshop on pelagic stocks (WKPELA): 4-8 February 2013
Investigations on quality of Stock Separation Function (SF). Working Document WKPELA4. Benchmark workshop on pelagic stocks (WKPELA): 4-8 February 2013
Applicability of the stock separation function (SF) on the first period of GERAS in 1994-2004. Working Document WKPELA2. Benchmark workshop on pelagic stocks (WKPELA): 4-8 February 2013
Comparison of stock indices based on GERAS estimated with the standard procedure and by the new proposed method : Working document Baltic International Fish Survey Working Group (WGBIFS) 20-25 March 2013
Quality of age determination. Working Document WKPELA7. In Benchmark workshop on pelagic stocks (WKPELA), WBSSH 04-08 February 2013
2013 International mackerel and horse mackerel egg survey : preliminary results ; Working Document / Survey Report, ICES WGWIDE 2013
Measuring the international standard trawl for Baltic demersal surveys (TV3-520 Meshes) : working paper Working group of Baltic International Fish Survey, 26 – 30 March 2012
Results RV Havfisken and RV Solea in ICES SD 22 – 24 during BITS in quarter 1 and 4 : working paper Baltic Fisheries Assessment working group, 12 – 20 March 2012
Indices of sprat and herring based on German acoustic survey in May (BASS) – estimated with different methods for combining the results of fishing stations : working paper Working group of Baltic International Fish Survey, 26 – 30 March 2012
Die Lage der Fischbestände im Skagerrak/Kattegat und in der Ostsee : Stand: 29.06.2011
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